Super Monk

Chapter 3141

"What? Who else dares to bid? " The people of Ma's business firm couldn't help but look back at the Tianzi box No.1, and their face was ugly. The general Da Pei Yuan Dan can also be exchanged for five or six spirit stones. The quality of Yao Wang Zong's Da Pei Yuan Dan is better, but it is generally worth eleven or twelve spirit stones. The price of 15 spirit stones is quite high. Originally, Ma's business wanted to help their young owners capture this Da Peiyuan Dan, but when they got the high price of 15 spirit stones, they didn't expect that they would even get involved.

"Sixteen, the noble guests in box No.1 of Tianzi came out with sixteen spirit stones. Is there anyone else offering a higher price?" Exclaimed the middle-aged man excitedly.

"Hum, it seems that he's a guy who doesn't have enough information. He doesn't have any origin. If he really has a big origin, he doesn't need to shoot this big Peiyuan pill at all!" Huang Tiandu glanced at the direction of Zhao Fugui's box and said with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Yes, yes, six elder brother is really like a torch. You can see his origin just by looking at the boy bidding for something!" Huang San said flatteringly, but after that, he could not help showing a trace of doubt on his face and said to himself, "but how does this guy's voice sound familiar?"

Huang San didn't expect that a "savage" in his eyes would go to the four seas auction house and sit in box 1, otherwise he would be able to hear Zhao Fugui's voice.

"Seventeen stones, seventeen spirit stones from Ma's firm!" Ma's firm discussed it here, and then he took out a spirit stone and put it into the gold plate in front of him.

"There are seventeen spirit stones in Ma's shop, and ..!” The middle-aged man's words were not finished, and Zhao Fugui's faint voice rang again.

"Eighteen spirit stones!" The gold plate in the window of Tianzi box No.1 jingled again, and two spirit stones were thrown in directly.

Every time the sound of "Ding Dong" rings, those who participate in the auction in the hall will have a violent twitch in their hearts. It's a spirit stone. How can this "rich guest" who is No.1 in Tianzi throw out a few stones? He doesn't take the spirit stone seriously. It's too heroic. "Eighteen spirit stones, eighteen spirit stones. Now the price of Da Pei Yuan Dan has risen to eighteen spirit stones. Ma's firm, can you offer a higher price?" The middle-aged host has been completely excited, and can auction one of the twelve spirit stones to eighteen, which can also show his ability.

"Eighteen pieces, it's too luxurious. Who is willing to take such a valuable pill? Eighteen pieces of spirit stone has been a half year's profit for Ma's firm!" After discussing for a while, the people of Ma's firm shook their heads dejectedly and quickly put away the spirit stone in the gold plate in front of them. "Well, no one will bid any more. The eighteen spirit stones belong to the noble guests in box 1 of Tianzi!" The host nodded with satisfaction and said aloud. Then, with a wave of his hand, a beautiful maid went up to the second floor with a tray in full view of the public, and sent Da Pei Yuan Dan to Zhao Fu.

When the maid brought Da Peiyuan Dan, she straightened her chest and looked at Zhao Fugui. It seemed that as long as Zhao Fu made a gesture at will, the maid would take off her clothes on the spot.

"Reward you!" Zhao Fugui waved his hand, then took out a fire spirit stone and threw it to the maid. The maid's face changed and her whole body trembled with excitement.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The maid's face was flushed with excitement, and her whole body was shaking, as if she could not believe it. She grasped the fire spirit stone. The little guy standing at the door looked at the maid enviously, and his eyes could not move away from the spirit stone on the maid's hand. After that, Zhao Jinggui took the stone and waved it away. The fire spirit stone in the gold plate belongs to the auction, but Zhao Fu's precious fire spirit stone belongs to the maid herself. "Come here, go and buy me all the spirit grass according to the things written on it. I want the best quality spirit grass. If there are any spirit stones left, I will reward you!" Zhao Fugui wrote down the names of some immortal herbs on a piece of paper, then took out ten spirit stones and threw them on the paper, saying to the little guy at the door of the box. "Buy medicine?" The little guy at the door was stunned, and then he looked at the ten fire spirit stones that Zhao Fugui took out. He was stunned. The guest was so proud that he could take out so many fire spirit stones casually. However, he knew the rules and dared not ask the guest about it. He quickly put away the paper and the fire spirit stone and said respectfully, "yes, guest, I'll buy these herbs right away!" Zhao Fugui nodded, and the boy left in a hurry. Zhao Fugui was just reminded by the auction of the great Peiyuan pill. He suddenly thought that he could also refine some pills for auction. Although Zhao Fugui doesn't have a prescription for refining the great Peiyuan pill here, those powerful immortals in the past don't need any great Peiyuan pill to upgrade a small realm. If they want to upgrade the realm or cultivate some special magic power, they can refine all the gold pills.

As the saying goes, if a grain of gold elixir is swallowed, my life is up to me. In the gold elixir, especially the gold elixir refined by taishanglaojun is the most powerful. However, the gold elixir is not easy to refine. The materials used to refine the gold elixir are natural materials and local treasures. It's not so easy to gather them together. Although Zhao Fugui can't refine the golden elixir, he can refine some other elixirs. For example, the magic elixir that Zhao Fugui is preparing to refine now is specially used to restrain the demons. Most of the monks have only demons in their hearts before they can survive. They will not be disturbed by demons. They can survive and become immortalsAfter that, it will attract the attack of demons, and a bad result will immediately lead to the loss of all Taoism. This kind of elixir is effective when crossing a robbery, and it can help to tide over the inner demons. After crossing a robbery, it can also be used to deal with the celestial demons' illusions if it is attacked by the heavenly demons when it is settled. This elixir has no great effect on ordinary monks for the time being, but it is different for some powerful monks.

this elixir can be used to save lives at critical moments.

After all, today's friars have not really seen the demons. Although there are records in the Taoist collection on how to deal with the demons, what they write in the book is one thing, and what they actually encounter is another. Looking at today's situation, Zhao Fugui guessed that there must be good things at the auction today, but the total amount of Huoling stone in his hand is only 50 or 60 yuan, which is not enough to buy enough good things.

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