Super Monk

Chapter 315

"Caiyuan!" Zhao Fugui called out casually, thinking who this guy is at the same time? I haven't heard Jiang Caiyuan mention it before!

"Wealth! What are you doing here? " Jiang Caiyuan saw Zhao Fugui as soon as she heard the voice. She was surprised and came over immediately.

"I'd like to ask an emergency doctor to go back to train our emergency personnel there and buy some commonly used emergency medicine by the way!" Zhao Fugui said, "what are you doing here?"

"Caiyuan, is this your friend? Why don't you introduce it? " Before Jiang Caiyuan answered, the guy who was long enough and dressed in Korean style came after her and asked.

This guy is very fashionable and has a good family. However, although he has a smile on his face, he looks at Zhao Fugui with a look of disdain. He seems to despise Zhao Fugui's identity.

"Zhang Xu, I don't know you that well, do I? Is Caiyuan your name, too? " Jiang Caiyuan said unhappily, and then said to Zhao Fugui, "Fugui, ignore him, let's go in. My little niece doesn't feel well these days. She has been treated in the maternal and child health care hospital, but it doesn't work for several days. Rich and noble, you also know medical skills. Please help me to have a look! "

"Well, then go and have a look!" Zhao Fugui nods and ignores the guy named Zhang Xu. He goes to the hospital with Jiang Caiyuan.

Zhang Xu looked at the intimate relationship between the two, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and his face immediately became gloomy. But in the twinkling of an eye, there was a smile on his face again and he ran after him.

"Caiyuan, you told me earlier about the medical system. I dare not say anything else. I can arrange who you want to see your niece in Chengdu!" Zhang Xu came after him and said with a proud face.

"No, I'm very busy now. If there's nothing wrong, could you please leave?" Jiang Caiyuan said impatiently.

"Caiyuan, I want to help, too. You know what I do in my family. I'm sure I can help you here. It's better than those people who are just local bumpkin farmers! " Zhang Xu's face changed. He glanced at Zhao Fugui and said with disdain.

Zhao Fugui frowned, and Jiang Caiyuan's face changed. There was a trace of anger in her eyes. But before they could talk, a haggard young woman in her twenties came out of the ward.

"Caiyuan, have you come to see Duoduo?" Seeing Jiang Caiyuan, the young woman reluctantly cheered up and asked with a smile.

"Sister in law, how is Duoduo?" Jiang Caiyuan doesn't care to talk to Zhang Xu. She asks quickly.

"Still like that, I cry all night long, and I cry all night long!" The young woman looked gloomy and said anxiously.

"What did the doctor say? Have you found out what the problem is? " Jiang Caiyuan entered the ward and looked at her three-year-old niece and asked anxiously.

Just at this time, a 20-30-year-old man walked into the ward behind a middle-aged doctor. As he walked, the doctor said impatiently, "I've told you many times that your daughter is all right. There's no problem at all. She must be pretending to be ill

"Doctor, can you arrange a general examination for me? My daughter is not pretending to be ill The man in his twenties and thirties whispered.

"I'm a doctor or you're a doctor. Can you tell what's wrong with her? You are so capable that you should leave the hospital and go back to see your daughter. Our hospital bed is very tense, you left, I just arranged for someone else to live The doctor's face sank and said impatiently.

"Why do you talk like that, doctor? What else would you do if we could see a doctor ourselves? My niece has been in the hospital for nearly a week. You can't diagnose anything, and you have the face to say that you are a doctor. Where's your director? Call him Jiang Caiyuan saw that the doctor's attitude was so bad that she quit immediately and said angrily.

"Who are you? What does it have to do with you? If you can't help it, get out of here The middle-aged doctor's face was ugly. He threw the case on the bed and yelled.

"What's your attitude? If you can't diagnose the disease and still have such a bad attitude, call your Dean! " Zhao Fugui was also angered by the doctor's attitude. They all said that the doctor was an angel in white. He was just farting. They were a group of greedy ghosts in white.

"You still want to see the dean? Go to hell! I tell you, I have given you the discharge notice, take your things and pay for it! Hum The middle-aged doctor snorted coldly. Without looking at them, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Doctor, please, let's see again. You know my daughter's condition best. Even if we have to leave hospital, we can't leave hospital until tomorrow when you give us all the examination reports!" The young woman grabbed the doctor's arm and begged.

"Want more cases? If you want a fart, I'll tell you to get out of the hospital, or I'll let the security guard blow people up later! " The middle-aged doctor is about to go out. Just at this time, Ma Xu comes with a doctor who is older. As soon as the middle-aged doctor's face changed, he showed a flattering smile and said, "director, why are you here? The hospital bed will be free for your relatives right away!"

"Well, Doctor Zhang, let's coordinate with others about the bed. This number keeps her in hospital! Mr. Ma, what do you think of this treatment? " Said the director."Of course Ma Xu nodded triumphantly and said to Jiang Caiyuan, "Caiyuan, I said that I must be useful here. How can those local steamed buns who only know how to tell and tell but have no ability compare with me?"

Jiang Caiyuan looks a little ugly, but her cousin's daughter is still hospitalized here. She doesn't want to get Zhang Xu's favor, but she has to consider her little niece.

"Let's leave the hospital. It's no use living here for her illness!" At this time, Zhao Fugui checked the little girl named Duoduo and said.

"Discharged? What kind of person do you dare to let others leave the hospital at will? Can you afford the responsibility when something goes wrong? " Zhang Xu's face sank and said with disdain.

"Caiyuan, who is your friend? Don't let him talk. Pony, I'm so sorry. Don't be angry Jiang Caiyuan's cousin seems to know Ma Xu and says quickly.

"Well, bumpkin, it's ridiculous not to know that the sky is high and the earth is rich. Caiyuan, how do you know such a low-grade friend? I advise you to stay away from him, don't be led bad by him Ma Xu said with a sneer.

"What's the matter? What are you doing around here? " Just as he was talking, a group of white coats accompanied a few people who looked like leaders with their hands behind their backs. An old doctor in his fifties and sixties asked with a bad look on his face. If there is a doctor-patient dispute during the inspection, it's not very good-looking.

"Dean, here you are! It's the bumpkin from the countryside who interferes in our medical treatment. We're dealing with it! " The director quickly showed a flattering smile, trotted over and pointed back at Zhao Fugui.

"This kind of person immediately informs the security guard to drive him out, why are you still in a daze?" The dean said unhappily.

"Yes, yes, we'll call security right away!" The director and the middle-aged doctor nodded, and they were ready to call the security guard to drive Zhao Fugui out.

"You are Zhao Fugui, Mr. Zhao?" At this time, a leader of the inspection team suddenly saw Zhao Fugui. After careful identification, his face was full of smiles. He quickly came over, held Zhao Fugui's hand heavily, and said, "Mr. Zhao, I'm so lucky to see you again today"


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