Super Monk

Chapter 317

"Caiyuan, is this doctor Zhao really able to treat many diseases?" Several people got into Zhao Fugui's car, Jiang Caiyuan's sister-in-law asked uneasily.

They don't know who Zhao Fugui is at all. Even if they haven't been optimistic about his illness in the hospital, they are still more at ease. Now leaving the hospital for a stranger to treat, Jiang Caiyuan's sister-in-law and cousin are worried.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, wealth will surely cure blossoms!" Jiang Caiyuan didn't know what cancer crisis Zhao Fugui had overcome, but she believed in Zhao Fugui, so she said without hesitation.

Jiang Caiyuan said, then turned to look at Zhao Fugui, some nervous asked "Fugui, how is blossoming? Why can't it be cured in the hospital? "

"This little girl is not ill. The hospital can only treat her, but he can't treat her without her!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "this little girl is scared!"

"Scared? What are you scared of? " Jiang Caiyuan's face changed and asked. When Jiang Caiyuan's sister-in-law and cousin heard Zhao Fugui's words, they looked at each other. They both looked distrustful. They obviously didn't believe what Zhao Fugui said.

"Isn't Caiyuan a liar?" Jiang Caiyuan's cousin thought Zhao Fugui couldn't hear him, so he said to his wife in a low voice.

"Where do they live? Let's go over and talk about it in detail! " Zhao Fugui frowned, ignored Jiang Caiyuan's cousin and said to Jiang Caiyuan directly.

"Well, my cousin lives in Donglin Road community, the former hospital dormitory side!" Jiang Caiyuan said quickly. Zhao Fugui drives Rolls Royce, Jiang Caiyuan shows the way, and Rolls Royce soon drives into an old community.

"My God, it's Rolls Royce. We haven't had such a good car in our community!" As soon as the car entered the old community, someone was surprised and said.

"It's stopped at Lao Jiang's house. Are they rich relatives of Lao Jiang's house?" Said another.

"Since Lao Jiang cheated his cousin a few years ago, hasn't he been with his family any more? Besides his cousin, Lao Jiang's family seems to have no other rich relatives. " There is also an old man who shakes the palm fan in his hand and says strangely.

"Well, I've seen that little girl before. It seems that she is the daughter of cousin Jiang. They are really here. Lao Jiang is immoral and has no asshole. His niece is affectionate and righteous! "

"That is to say, Lao Jiang made a terrible mistake for his cousin. Even one of his cousin's branches was sold to a competitor, which made him lose hundreds of millions. His cousin is still reading some old love, and later the court didn't let him go to jail for house raiding! "

People in the community are talking about it, but others can't hear Zhao Fugui, but they can hear it clearly. I didn't expect that Jiang Caiyuan's family and her cousin's family still have such grudges. I'm afraid Jiang Caiyuan didn't come here to see her cousin's face, but her niece's face.

"Dad, open the door, we're back!" Jiang Caiyuan's cousin clapped hard on the door and yelled.

When the door was opened, a faint Yin Qi floated out. Zhao Fugui frowned and looked inside. His heart sank. It was for this reason.

"Why don't you stay in the hospital? I tell you, I don't have any money. Don't expect me to pay for it. To have a daughter is to lose money. What a trouble A triangle eye appeared at the door. A mean looking man of forty or fifty years old said with an ugly face.

"My cousin, it's the same time to give birth to boys and girls. After all, Duoduo is your granddaughter. It's too much for you to say so! " Jiang Caiyuan said discontentedly.

"It's you again. Your father didn't hurt us badly enough? You dare to come here, get out, get out When the mean man saw Jiang Caiyuan, his face changed and he yelled.

"You know who hurt you. I don't want to argue with you today. I've brought a friend to treat Duoduo. If Duoduo didn't live here, I wouldn't have come if you invited me! " Jiang Caiyuan said coldly.

"Dad, Caiyuan, don't quarrel. Let's see Duoduo first." Jiang Caiyuan's cousin begged.

"Richness, you can show it to Duoduo. What's the matter?" Jiang Caiyuan's face is not very good-looking, turned to Zhao Fugui said.

"In her case, something scares her all the time at night, so she cries in the dark. If you don't sleep well at night after a long time, it's not good for the child's health! " Zhao Fugui said, "I'll go in and have a look at the rest."

Zhao Fugui didn't want to get involved in other people's housework. He was ready to go directly into the house to see the situation and solve the problem. But the mean middle-aged man was blocked at the door.

"If you look at it, even lower class peasants can cure diseases? You little bitch want to harm my family again. Get out of here, get out of here at once The middle-aged man reached out his hand and snatched the flowers. "Bang" slammed the door shut.

"What the hell, it's dead!" Zhao Fugui was kind-hearted to treat the little girl. He was insulted like this. Suddenly, his face sank and he scolded angrily. He turned around and left.

When Jiang Caiyuan's cousin and sister-in-law saw that Zhao Fugui was leaving, they were flustered. Her sister-in-law quickly took Zhao Fugui and begged. Her cousin called at the back.

"Richness, don't be angry. In my face, you can show me many flowers!" Jiang Caiyuan also begged to look at Zhao Fugui said."Caiyuan, it's not that I don't want to help. The problem is that I can't even get in now. How can I treat it?" Zhao Fugui said, "they don't believe me either, but you see later, as long as that little girl enters her bedroom, she will cry! I'll go to the hospital and talk to the hospital about something. If the old man apologizes to me, I'll show it to your niece! "

Zhao Fugui also ignored Jiang Caiyuan's continued persuasion and drove Rolls Royce to the hospital. In order to help Jiang Caiyuan, he didn't do anything of his own, but he didn't expect to encounter these things.

"Wealth is not an ordinary person, and many diseases depend on him. Go and tell your father. If you want to treat Duoduo well, let him apologize to Fugui. I don't care about your family any more! " Jiang Caiyuan turned and left in a huff.

Her cousin and sister-in-law had no idea about it, but at this time, the room suddenly rang out the voice of panic crying.

"Blossoms!" Jiang Caiyuan's cousin "BAM BAM BAM BAM" smashed the door open. As soon as she entered the room, she saw many flowers crying in fear in her bedroom. That's why she believed what Zhao Fugui said.

"Cry, cry, cry a fart, cry, Lao Tzu is not dead, know to cry every day!" The middle-aged man slapped on the face of many flowers and scolded bitterly.

"Old man, if there's something wrong with Duoduo, I'll make a clean break with you. Don't expect me to support you in the future. Besides, this house belongs to my wife's family. Get out of here! " Jiang Caiyuan's cousin pointed to her father and scolded.

The middle-aged man has always been a great talker in this family, but now he's been scolded by his son by the nose, and finally he's a little flustered.

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