Super Monk

Chapter 3188

Zhao Zhenhai didn't expect that Zhao Fugui would be able to hatch the flying red tiger so soon. Before, he didn't expect the role of the life stone. He didn't expect that the role of the life stone was so big.

Zhao Fugui directly opened the door and came out. A white tiger that was more than half human height followed him out. The tiger gave Zhao Zhenhai a light look and licked his paw.

Zhao Zhenhai was shocked. From the white tiger, Zhao Zhenhai felt a palpitating threat. The strength of the tiger was far above him. Zhao Zhenhai secretly begged that if he didn't use his magic weapon, he might not be the opponent of the white tiger.

"Mr. Zhao, is this the flying red tiger?" Zhao Zhenhai subconsciously stepped back and asked in shock. Zhao Zhenhai has seen the egg of Feitian red tiger before. Although the egg is not small, it can't hatch out at once. It's a big tiger.

"Yes, this is the flying red tiger!" Zhao Fugui nodded and touched the flying red tiger's head.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zhao, congratulations to Mr. Zhao, congratulations to Mr. Zhao for getting this ancient beast!" Zhao Zhenhai said quickly.

"Have you arranged for your daughter?" Zhao Fugui asked with a smile.

"I'm still in touch. Don't worry, Mr. Zhao. We should be able to arrange it before sunset!" Zhao Zhenhai heart a tight, for fear that Zhao Fugui hatched flying red tiger will leave, quickly said.

"Well, I won't leave until you've arranged it!" Zhao Fugui nodded slightly, and then followed him back to his room. Now that he had promised Zhao Zhenhai, Zhao Fugui would wait until Zhao Zhenhai had arranged to go.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao. Thank you, Mr. Zhao!" Zhao Zhenhai breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly arranged good wine and food for Zhao Fugui. Then he left in a hurry. During this period, Zhao's family's communication Charms came and went quickly, and Zhao Zhenhai had to arrange a place for Zhao Wan'er to rest assured.

"It's time to give you a name, too!" Zhao Fugui took Feitian red tiger back to the room and said to himself, "since you are Feitian red tiger, just call it Feihu. Xiaobai is not powerful!" "Roar Feitian red tiger roared twice, and seemed very dissatisfied with his being given such a simple name, but he could not retort. Feitian red tiger is a strange animal in ancient times, not a demon clan. The demon clan has a transverse bone in its throat, and it can speak after opening the transverse bone. But Feitian red tiger is different

, it can't speak without transverse bone.

"It seems that you are satisfied with the name, so it's a happy decision!" Zhao Fugui touched the head of flying red tiger and said with a smile. When this flying red tiger made a sound, someone was immortal Xiuwei. After swallowing the whole life stone, the strength of flying red tiger soared directly to earth immortal Xiuwei. If you let other people know this kind of cultivation speed and don't know how to admire it, there is no reason why the human race is weak in ancient times. Compared with the ancient alien race, this kind of cultivation speed is far behind.

Although the human race is born with Tao style, it just looks like Tao style. This doesn't mean that the human race has all the characteristics of the natural Tao style. In other words, most of the human race just have their own style, far from being the real natural Tao style.

For example, the flying red tiger can gain power directly by swallowing the life stone and spirit stone. It doesn't even need to study hard to get powerful power, which is far beyond the human race. "It seems that as long as you continue to feed you all kinds of Lingshi, your strength will continue to be strong. The talent of the ancient hundred tribes can't be compared with that of the human race!" Zhao Fugui looked at the flying tiger and said. However, I'm afraid that it was because it was too easy to gain strength that the ancient hundred tribes gradually declined, while the Terrans gradually gained a place just because it was not easy to survive. They fought with heaven, earth, and the hundred nationalities, and constantly worked hard to survive.

At that time, even without Beiluo's sword, the status of the Terran has been improved. Although it still can't be ranked, at least it's not the bottom.

Later, the sword of Beiluo swept all the sky, which pushed the human race to the flourishing age and became the most powerful race in the world.

Zhao Fugui is still studying the strength and magic power of Feitian red tiger. At the same time, old man blood bat is hiding outside Zhao's mansion and has been monitoring Zhao's mansion. He heard Feitian red tiger's roar just now. "The boy hatched the flying red tiger. The flying red tiger can be ranked in the front among all the ancient tribes, and its strength is very strong. An adult flying red tiger is not even weaker than a later celestial Zhengshen, but this flying red tiger has just been talked about. At most, it is renxianxiu, which is not worth mentioning. When grandma Huang invited his elder martial brother, the boy and his flying red tiger were dead. I have lived for so many years, but I haven't eaten the meat of flying red tiger yet! " The ancestor of blood bat said to himself. The old man, father blood bat, was badly injured yesterday and has not recovered yet. However, father blood bat was afraid that Zhao Fugui would run away and stayed outside Zhao's mansion all night. But I don't know anything about what happened at Zhao's mansion last night. Even at the peak of blood bat, he didn't notice the separation of the golden immortal. "I don't know what happened to grandma Huang? In my opinion, since the boy has hatched the flying red tiger, I'm afraid he will leave soon! " The ancestor of blood bat hid outside Zhao's house and said to himself, if Zhao Fugui wants to leave, he will be afraid to leave by his present situationIt's a dead end if you dare to show your face and block. On the other hand, grandmother Huang has been wrapped in a demon wind and flew to a cave thousands of miles away. Outside the cave, there are all kinds of spirits with weapons. Seeing the demon wind of grandmother Huang, they quickly throw away their weapons and lie on the ground. "Granny Huang is here, Granny Huang is here!" These spirits lie on the ground and yell, almost all of them are not reincarnated by the ancient demons, but are changed by some animals. Now the aura between heaven and earth is extremely abundant, and it's easy for animals to develop wisdom. If they often encounter the aura again,

they can easily become spirits. In the past, it was not easy for spirits to appear, because there was no soil where they could easily appear. The aura was reduced, and it was not easy to form spirits without long-term breath of aura. But now the situation is completely different. Even most of the monsters with half human shape and even horizontal bones can be directly transformed, but their strength is not too strong.

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