Super Monk

Chapter 3195

"Boy, these four big flags are called Dingxian chess. As soon as Dingxian chess appears, this space has been blocked. No magic power can be used, even if you have any magic power to protect your life! " Said the black Shinto with a sneer. "Dingxian banner? You old demons really have some magic power, baby! " This area is blocked by Dingxian banner, but Zhao Fugui doesn't worry at all. He still says calmly. However, Feitian red tiger made a series of low growls from his throat and walked around Zhao Fugui irritably

. "Boy, you are so brave. We have three strong men in fairyland here. You can be so calm. I really admire the ancestor of blood bat!" The ancestor of blood bat said displeased that he thought that the appearance of Dingxian flag would make Zhao Fugui lose the possibility of escape. Zhao Fugui would be afraid to beg for mercy, but he didn't think that Zhao Fugui didn't pay attention to them at all.

Even if there are three strong celestial fairyland, plus five other earthly immortals, such strength can not scare Zhao Fugui. "What about the three immortals? You are too self righteous. Even if you want to kill me, you shouldn't do it outside Heishan city. If you are in Heishan City, maybe you still have a little chance! " Zhao Fugui said that if grandma Huang started in Heishan City, their strength and Cihang Taoist priest, even if Zhao Fugui played all his cards, he might not be able to fight out of Heishan city. But this is outside Heishan city. If Cihang Taoist priest doesn't fight with grandma Huang, no one will be able to keep Zhao Fugui in Heishan city.

"Arrogant boy, elder martial brother, don't talk nonsense with this boy, just kill people and grab treasure, so as not to dream too much at night!" Granny Huang snapped. "Do it together, kill him!" As soon as the black Shinto man's face sank, he drank directly. Then he suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a black fog. The black fog turned into a black knife and cut off Zhao Fugui directly. "Boy, try the power of my soul chopping sword. My sword is designed to kill people and spirits, and I promise to kill you all!"

"And my blood demon ring, boy, you don't want to escape this time!" The ancestor of blood bat was seriously injured. He didn't dare to get close at all. Instead, he directly attacked Zhao Fugui from a distance. Soul chopping sword and blood demon ring attack Zhao Fugui at the same time. Both soul chopping sword and blood demon ring are the life treasure of the black god Taoist and the ancestor of blood bat. After the seal of Kyushu was broken, those powerful people who were suppressed in the seal were reincarnated, and their divine treasures were also broken. Many of them fell into the hands of the human race, but many of them were obtained by their original owners. Many heavy treasures have a connection with their owners. Even after ten thousand years, the connection has not completely disappeared. As long as the treasure has not been refined, the connection will not disappear, and it is likely to be recovered by their owners in the end. Soul chopping sword and blood demon ring belong to this


"Run away? It's you who should escape Zhao Fugui's face showed a trace of lethality. When he chopped Sendai and xuanhuang Linglong tower, he flew out. Chopping Sendai directly chopped the blood bat ancestor, while xuanhuang Linglong tower fell directly on the top of the chopping sword. "It's really xuanhuang Linglong tower. Good baby is really good baby. If I can get back the two Qi of heaven and earth, and then refine this xuanhuang Linglong tower into xuanhuang Linglong tower of heaven and earth again, I may not be able to compete for the position of a demon king!" Seeing the xuanhuang Linglong pagoda offered by Zhao Fugui, the Taoist of black god suddenly showed a greedy look in his eyes and said in a ferocious way.

"If you want to get the xuanhuang Linglong tower, you must kill the boy!" Grandmother Huang kept flashing a little gold light in her hand, but she didn't do it at the first time. Instead, she yelled at the black god Taoist.

"Younger generation, don't think my blood bat ancestor is easy to bully!" Chopping Sendai falls directly to the ancestor of the blood bat. The ancestor of the blood bat screams and retreats to the back. At the same time, the blood light on the blood demon ring in his hand flashes and collides with chopping Sendai.

"Dang!" With a loud crash, the blood demon ring smashed into the chopping platform. The chopping platform was slightly shocked, but the blood demon ring was directly bounced out. Then the chopping platform still quickly fell to the blood bat ancestor.

The ancestor of blood bat retreated very fast, but the speed of chopping Sendai was faster. In the blink of an eye, the chopping Sendai appeared in front of the ancestor of blood bat, and a series of black chains formed by the laws of heaven also appeared. These chains wound around the ancestor of blood bat. "Damn boy, it's not so easy for me to kill Laozu!" The old ancestor of the blood bat roared with surprise and anger. With Zhao Fugui's strength, burning Xingchen Yuanye can already give full play to the power of chopping Sendai, and chopping Sendai can give full play to the power of chopping Sendai. It's not too difficult to kill a celestial being.

if the ancestor of blood bat is entangled by those heavenly laws, he will die this time.

"Make it for me!" The ancestor of blood bat was also very clear about this. He knew that he could not escape at all, so he immediately recalled the blood demon ring with a sharp roar, and directly controlled the blood demon ring to fall on the chopping platform.

The blood demon ring became bigger and bigger in the mid air, and the rich evil spirit almost turned into essence. Then the blood demon ring set down on the chopping platform.

The blood demon ring directly covers the chopping Sendai, and the spirit light on the chopping Sendai is flourishing, and it opens the blood demon ring a little bit. Blood demon ring is indeed a powerful God treasure, but it can't be compared with chopping Sendai. After a while, blood demon ring can't carry it."Damn it The ancestor of the blood bat saw that the situation was not right, so he could only inject a lot of evil spirit into the blood demon ring immediately and reluctantly help the blood demon ring fight with the chopping Sendai.

On the other side, xuanhuang Linglong tower also directly covers the chopping sword. A strong suction appears in xuanhuang Linglong tower. It directly sucks the chopping sword into xuanhuang Linglong tower. As long as the chopping sword is sucked in, xuanhuang Linglong tower can directly suppress it. Although xuanhuang Linglong pagoda is not as powerful as before, it is definitely one of the most powerful divine treasures. It is stronger than chopping Sendai. However, Zhao Fugui's current strength can't give full play to all its power. If you want to give full play to all the power of xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, you should at least be Luo Jinxian, or even half Hunyuan Luo Jinxian. As for the xuanhuang Linglong pagoda of heaven and earth, I'm afraid that the real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can't exert all the power. Of course, even if they can't exert all the power, there's no God who can knock it down casually. The first defense treasure of Zhoutian is xuanhuang Linglong pagoda of heaven and earth. "The soul chopping sword, heaven and earth will be destroyed!" The eyes of the black Shinto people see that the spirit chopping Sabre is about to be suppressed by xuanhuang Linglong tower, and his fierce roar urges the magic power.

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