Super Monk

Chapter 3203

Zhao Fugui's face changed slightly. He blocked the five senses for a moment, but he didn't listen to it. However, this voice, like a magic spell, still penetrated into Zhao Fugui's ears. Even if he blocked the five senses, it still couldn't stop the voice from entering Zhao Fugui's mind. The magic power of Cihang Taoist priest was not simple. The black god Taoist is the cultivation of the first level of immortals, but in the case of mind chaos, he was transformed into a Dharma protector by Cihang Taoist in a twinkling, and he can't resist the magic power of Cihang Taoist. No wonder the black god Taoist doesn't want to enter the black mountain city. He must know the details of some Cihang Taoist, and know that Cihang Taoist is not easy to provoke. But Cihang Taoist also ignored one point, that is, Zhao Fugui has no yuan Shen, or his yuan Shen can't be transformed. Without yuan Shen as the foundation, if he transformed yuan Shen, Cihang Taoist can only control Zhao Fugui's body temporarily. Moreover, this is only temporary, and it can't really transform Zhao Fugui like the Taoist of Duhua Black God. "Your magic power is really not simple. I'm sure you must have something to do with Buddhism now. It's a pity that you can't help me!" Zhao Fugui's eyes are full of stars. He reaches out his hand for empty support, and a golden pagoda instantly appears in his hands. Then the pagoda releases thousands of golden lights and directly floats on Zhao Fugui's head. As soon as xuanhuang Linglong tower is suspended above Zhao Fugui's head, the Buddhist voice of Cihang Taoist becomes silent. Xuanhuang Linglong tower is a powerful magic weapon, but its most important is a defensive magic weapon. The xuanhuanglinglong tower is the first defense magic weapon of Zhou Tian. Although the power of xuanhuanglinglong tower has fallen sharply, it is still a powerful defense magic weapon. The xuanhuang Linglong pagoda is not broken by the four swords of killing immortals. The xuanhuang Linglong pagoda is not so terrible, but it is not easy to break the defense. Zhao Fugui used to use xuanhuang Linglong tower as a magic weapon for attack. This is the first time that xuanhuang Linglong tower is used for defense, and defense

is the strongest place of xuanhuang Linglong tower. "Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda is just a pearl in your hand. Why don't we help you to collect this treasure first?" Taoist Cihang also seems to find that Zhao Fugui is not so easy to be transformed, and that xuanhuang Linglong tower is suspended above Zhao Fugui's head. Its origin is not small. Naturally, he knows that xuanhuang Linglong tower is powerful.

with xuanhuang Linglong tower, it is impossible to refine Zhao Fugui easily. "I'll take care of this xuanhuang Linglong tower first!" In the rich Buddha light, a Buddha palm is stretched out, which does not seem to have much power. However, as soon as the Buddha palm is stretched out, the whole area of Buddha light seems to be boiling. The boiling Buddha light is burning like a flame, and the whole Buddha light is sweeping the world like a raging wave

. Jinxian's hand, even if it was a random blow, was no different in the eyes of Zhao Fugui, a powerful man in the early days of the celestial being. The sky broke down and the waves of anger surged. Although the black Shinto people had been transformed, they still trembled under this blow. After being transformed, it's not like losing the consciousness of noumenon, but like being brainwashed by

. Although it has its own consciousness, it listens to whatever the Cihang Taoist says, but it still knows fear.

The power of Jinxian is so terrible. At this stage, although Jinxian is no longer the top combat power in the world, it must be one of the combat power close to the top of the pyramid. Zhao Fugui's eyes are very solemn. He reaches out his hand and the seven star sword appears in his hand. Zhao Fugui puts his hand on the seven star sword and directly erases grandma Huang's divine sense. Grandma Huang is dead, and the divine sense left in the seven star sword can't resist Zhao Fugui, so it is wiped away in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Fugui left his own divine sense in the seven star sword. He had a preliminary grasp of the seven star sword. It's not so easy to completely refine the seven star sword. After all, it's a second grade immortal treasure. It's not so easy to be refined, but it can only be done in a hurry. Zhao Fugui's face is dignified, the star Yuan liquid is burning drop by drop, and a large number of stars are pouring into the seven star sword. The seven star sword instantly lights up, and the stars light up on the seven star sword. In the dark sky, the Big Dipper suddenly lights up, and stars fall from the sky and directly fall into the seven star sword. The light of the seven star sword suddenly flourishes, which is the magic power of the seven star sword.

If this seven star sword is driven by the powerful force of the stars, it can directly activate the power of the Big Dipper in the sky and enhance the power of the seven star sword. However, Zhao Fugui's current state can not fully exert the full power of the second grade immortal weapon.

"Flat demon!" The horror of Tianhe sword filled the whole world. Once the sword was integrated into the seven star sword, the seven star sword suddenly became more powerful and powerful.

The Pingyao sword in the Tianhe sword Sutra originally improved Zhao Fugui's fighting power to a small level. Now, with the power of the seven star sword, the power of Zhao Fugui's sword has reached the level of quasi golden immortal.

In the sky, like the waves of the angry sea, the surging Buddha light is directly cut open by this sword. The bright star sword light is like water. It is directly cut up along the surging Buddha light. The hundred meter Buddha light is cut open by a sword, and then it is cut on the palm of the Buddha stretching out from the Buddha light. "Boom!" The huge buzzer suddenly sounded, which has reached the peak of Zhao Fugui's strongest sword. Suddenly, it left a shallow cut mark on the huge Buddha's palm, and then the cut mark gradually expanded deeper and deeper. Finally, the huge Buddha's palm was directly cut into two sections by this sword, and then the seven star sword beltWith a terrible sword, he continued to cut into the light of the Buddha.

The full-bodied Buddha's light was directly cut open by the sword, leaving a huge channel. When the Buddha's light was cut open, an image of Buddha sitting down in mid air appeared in Zhao Fugui's eyes. The Buddha has a body of ten feet of gold, covered with precious light, and the great power of Buddha constantly appears from the Buddha. The Buddha's face is solemn. His eyes are half open and half closed, showing compassion. He stands on his chest with one hand and bears the seal of fearlessness with the other. Zhao Fugui's severed palm is just the Buddha's thought, not his real arm. Now Zhao Fugui's sword is cutting off the Buddha's head.

Just when the seven star sword was about to be cut on the Buddha's head, the Buddha held out two fingers and suddenly clamped the seven star sword. The terrible power in the seven star sword suddenly broke out, leaving a shallow cut mark between the fingers. However, he was unable to break away from the finger and was directly suppressed by the powerful Buddha power. "Why not pay homage to the Tathagata This huge golden body of Buddha caught the seven star sword with two fingers, then the Buddha's eyes opened slightly, and a huge voice rang out from the golden body of Buddha.

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