Super Monk

Chapter 3212

Zhao Fugui has been in the cave for a month and never left. After refining the magic weapon, Zhao Fugui has been practicing Xingchen Daoshi day and night, which makes Zhao Fugui's Xingchen Daoshi fast. In one month, he has gathered 20 drops of Xingchen Yuanye. If Zhao Fugui only practiced at night before, he could only condense ten drops of Xingchen Yuanye in one month. That is to say, the Xingchen Yuanye that he could condense in one month was only enough to urge the glass body to make a golden immortal. But if he practiced hard day and night, the Xingchen Yuanye that he condensed could be doubled to 20 drops The number of. "I've accumulated 20 drops of xingxingyuan liquid in this month, plus more than 20 drops of xingxingyuan liquid before. Now I have more than 40 drops of xingxingyuan liquid stored in my body, which is enough for the time being!" Zhao Fugui has been meditating for a whole month, and a thin layer of dust has appeared on the rock under him, but there is no dust on him. The celestial body is already free of dust, and the dust can't fall on Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui took a deep breath, and there was a slight sound in his Dharma body. A burst of power of stars gushed out, and then he entered Zhao Fugui's body again. "It's a pity we have to go back in a hurry, otherwise we should practice more!" Zhao Fugui said to himself, for him, cultivation also does not need to rob. Accumulating a hundred drops of Xingchen Yuanye is a celestial being, and once the realm goes up, it will not come down. One hundred and fifty drops of Xingchen Yuanye is the middle stage of the celestial being, and two hundred drops of Xingchen Yuanye is the later stage of the celestial being. Zhao Fugui doesn't need to survive in order to break through the realm. He can become stronger as long as he keeps practicing. Now Zhao Fugui's seal has been broken, and his training speed will become faster and faster after he gets into the Xingchen DaoTi Jue. The reason why Beiluo can surpass the heavenly power later is that the Xingchen DaoTi Jue has laid a solid foundation for him.

if the cultivation speed of Zhao Xinggui is several times as fast as that of a hundred yuan, the faster the cultivation speed will be.

The Xingchen DaoTi Jue and Tianhe Jianjing are Zhao Fugui's greatest reliance. They are also his reliance for challenging the great powers of heaven in the future. Now Zhao Fugui's cultivation speed is not as fast as those great powers. If he can, it won't be necessary.

"Let's go!" Zhao Fugui stood up and went to the exit of the cave, looked at the stars all over the sky, patted the head of Feitian red tiger and said that Feitian red tiger got up from the ground with a yawn, and then followed Zhao Fugui out of the cave.

Zhao Fugui sits on the flying red tiger. The flying red tiger jumps forward with one wing, and then flies high into the sky, carrying Zhao Fugui to the distance. Before the great change of heaven and earth, the population in the northwest was relatively sparse, but the souther the population, the denser the population. It can be said that there are almost villages everywhere, and cities everywhere. But now there are almost no fire lights or human traces on the ground. There are dense vegetation and all kinds of

monsters running on the ground, and even normal wild animals can't be seen. The aura and aura that can be seen everywhere turn almost all the wild animals into monsters, and the demons who escape from the seal of Kyushu gradually form the climate. When Zhao Fugui flies by, he can see the supernatural aura everywhere, and some of them are even as good as the blood bat ancestor and Huang Zu grandmother. Look

these ancient and medieval demons didn't waste their time, they are real The speed of force recovery is very fast. Zhao Fugui is aware of the breath of these big demons, and those big demons are also aware of the breath of Zhao Fugui and Feitian red tiger. Most of the big demons are afraid of Zhao Fugui and do not interfere with him. Let Zhao Fugui go, and some demon families with low strength rush up and are directly suppressed by Zhao Fugui, and some demon pills become the rations of Feitian red tiger. However, after flying south on the ground, some popularity gradually appeared. Some cities were still guarded by the Terrans, but now there are very few small villages and towns. Those small villages and towns can't even resist the attacks of demons, let alone resist the demons


Only those cities with a large population may have a lot of Shenbao families, which can resist the attack of demons and other demons, and are finally preserved. However, the people of Shenbao family mainly rely on Shenbao to be powerful, but the power of ordinary Shenbao has an upper limit. It's difficult for Xianbao to fully exert its power if he starts to practice from the beginning in just one or two years. If you can't give full play to the power of Xianbao, it's hard to resist the attack of the demon clan in Xiandi fairyland, let alone the demon clan above Tianxian. So the more Shenbao families go to the back, the more difficult it is to ensure the safety of these cities. It is not that there is no genius in this world. It is not that there is no Shenbao family who can exert the power of powerful Xianbao, or even cultivate it by leaps and bounds. However, there are too few such people to have every Shenbao family. At first, these cities could rely on these Shenbao aristocratic families to protect them. But now, I'm afraid these Shenbao aristocratic families are beginning to struggle. I'm afraid they can only survive by cooperating with some Xianmen aristocratic schools or even taking refuge in some Xianmen aristocratic schools. But if you find some old godsSome of them do not want to enter the 29 sects of Xianmen to receive incense offerings in these cities. They can also protect the peace of a place.

However, there has never been a free lunch. If you want to get the protection of these great figures, you have to pay a price, even if you are sheltering from the 29 sects of Xianmen.

Zhao Fugui went on his way in the daytime and practiced at night. Half a month later, Zhao Fugui estimated that the flying red tiger had carried him for nearly 10000 kilometers. If he didn't go the wrong way, Zhao Fugui estimated that the distance was close to the provincial capital. After arriving here, Zhao Fugui let Feitian red tiger slow down. However, he didn't see a place like the provincial capital. Instead, he found a small city with a population of more than 100000. After all, the world has changed a lot, and the landscape has changed a lot.

, which is totally different from before. Even the two largest rivers in China have been widened and changed, which can't be used as a reference. Zhao Fugui doesn't know exactly where they are. When he found this small city, Zhao Fugui directly let Feitian red tiger go down. He had to inquire about the situation of the provincial capital.

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