Super Monk

Chapter 3303

"What? Yujing was bought by Zuoqing? How dare Zuo Qing fool me The wind crazy hears this news, suddenly the facial expression sinks, in the eye flashed an anger, angry shout a way. Zuoqing and Fengkuang do have some friendship, which is why Zuoqing can take Fengkuang's gold foil ship to the provincial capital, but Zuoqing never said that he went to the provincial capital to take a picture of Yujing. Feng Kuang thought that he was the only one who was determined to win Yu Jing, but he didn't expect that Zuo Qing was also determined to win Yu Jing.

"Grandmaster needs fish crystal, which is of great use, but what does Zuo Qing need fish crystal for? Does their king also need fish crystal? " Jiang Ling said suspiciously.

"The grandmaster and the water king have a good friendship. Does the water king want to destroy the grandmaster when he gets the fish crystal?" The face of the wind crazy also peeps out a doubt to say.

"If it's bad, the grandmaster will have to figure it out." Jiang Ling said in a deep voice. "Zuo Qing and I have some friendship. I'll go to Tongtian Shuifu to inquire about it and see if I can find out anything!" The wind crazy hesitated to say for a while. Fengkuang had his arm cut off, and he was afraid to leave the mountain gate. But if there was no explanation about this, the grandmaster would punish him severely. The grandmaster told him about Yujing, and he had to find out about it.

"I'll go with you. If there's anything we can do together!" Jiang Ling thought and said. Zuoqing's master, water king, and the patriarch of qixuanmen have a lot of friendship. They are all Jinxian and powerful now. But if the water king wants to destroy the good deeds of his grandmaster, then the Tongtian water mansion of the water king is very dangerous. If Fengkuang dies in the Tongtian water mansion, it's definitely Jiang Ling's turn to be responsible for the fish crystal. Jiang Ling doesn't want to be responsible for this mess now.

It's better for him to go directly to Tongtian water mansion with Fengkuang. Once something goes wrong, they will go immediately. If the water king is really doing something big, he may not have the energy to deal with them.

"OK, let's go now!" Fengkuang nodded, he and Jiangling immediately turned light away from the mountain, and flew directly along the Bank of Tongtian River to the front. Tongtian water mansion is deep in Tongtian River. Zuo Qing is not a disciple of Xianmen sect. In fact, his master is a water demon, which is also the reincarnation of the ancient great demon. Zuo Qing was originally a disciple of Xianmen sect, but later he was married by a real immortal who was a proband of Xiandao in the sect because of his childhood. So he rebelled against the sect, and later he took refuge with this great demon, who proved the rank of Tian Xian a few months ago.

In ancient and medieval times, the weakest one who can be called a great demon was Jinxian, and the strongest one was Daluo Jinxian. It's not unusual that this water king was the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian in the early days of ancient times. Like the patriarch of qixuanmen, he later took refuge in the heaven, but the water king is a demon family after all, and his position in the heaven is higher than that of the patriarch of qixuanmen. In the second generation of Tianting, the water king is also a Tianguan. He is responsible for raising fish and flowers in the Tianting, raising some beautiful fish, planting all kinds of strange lotus and water plants, and making some fairies happy.

The water king must not be happy when a grand Luo Jinxian does some fish farming and grass planting. But at that time, the accumulated power of Sanqing was deep, and the majesty of heaven could not be shaken. What is a grand Luo Jinxian? If there is any opposition, he will die in a twinkling of an eye. But now it's different. Now the new heaven has not been established, Sanqing has not recovered to its original strength, and has not been able to grasp the momentum. Now is a good opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Water king doesn't want to be a god of water. It's not impossible for him to submit to Sanqing again, but this time he wants to be a great God.

Water king and the patriarch of qixuanmen have the same idea, so these two Jinxian are doing great things now. And the water king does not want to completely fall to the demon clan, and does not want to completely offend Sanqing, so it has demon clan in the water mansion.

"The water king is really a big demon. The general demon king is only in charge of the river area, but it has already taken charge of the river area, and its power is far above our qixuanmen!" I don't know how long I've been flying, but Jiang Ling sighs as she looks at the monstrous air on the surface of Tongtian River.

"There are countless demons in Tongtianhe. Qixuanmen hopes to preach to their ancestors. It's not convenient for the water king to gather demons. If we seven Xuanmen disciples could be twice as strong, we would never be under the Tongtian water mansion! " Said the wind.

"Come on, let's go into the water!" Jiang Ling nodded, pointed to the river and said, then they fell directly into the water and separated the river with the spirit of fairy.

However, the evil spirit in the river is very heavy. Even the strong celestial beings feel that they can't adapt to it. There is a golden immortal demon here. The evil spirit in the river is too heavy. "Who dares to break into tongtianshui mansion?" Just when Jiang Ling and Feng Kuang just entered this section of Tongtian River, two demon generals with weapons suddenly appeared in front of them, and the demon generals were followed by ten or twenty demon soldiers. The demon will be two crab demons. Their upper body looks like a crab, and their lower body has human shape.

These demons surrounded Fengkuang and Jiangling as soon as they appeared. However, unlike other demons, they didn't directly fight Fengkuang and Jiangling because they were Terrans.

"We are the disciples of qixuanmen. I'm tianxianfengkuang of qixuanmen. He's tianxianjiangling of qixuanmen. We're friends of Zuoqing. We've come here specially to visit. Please let me know!" The wind raised a hand to say madly.The two leading crab demons turned their eyes and retreated quietly. The two immortals couldn't deal with them. If the immortals were angry, they would be killed in a twinkling of an eye. Fortunately, the two powerful immortals didn't seem to want to deal with them.

"It turns out that the two are good friends of commander Zuo. Please wait a moment. We'll report to you right now!" The two crab demons left a group of demon soldiers to watch Fengkuang and Jiangling, but they left immediately. In case of bad intentions, they would not die at the first time. The two crab demons soon returned to the Tongtian water mansion at the bottom of the Tongtian River. Soon they entered the Tongtian water mansion and told Zuo Qing that Zuo Qing was one of the four military commanders of the water king. Under the throne of the water demon, there are the prime ministers and the four heavenly masters, but the only one of them is the Terran. After all, the evil spirit in the Tongtian water mansion is too strong, which is not suitable for the cultivation of the Terran friars. If the weaker Terran friars often stay in the Tongtian water mansion, they will soon be demonized and become non human and non demon. Not long after the two crab demons left, Zuo Qing appeared from Tongtian water mansion.

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