Super Monk

Chapter 3305

"Decoration?" Wind crazy and Jiang Ling's expression began to change quite ugly, Zuo Qing's statement is too perfunctory. According to the news that the Dixian of qixuanmen brought back, when Zuo Qing bought the top ten groups of fish crystals, each group spent 100 spirit stones. The price of each group of fish crystals began to rise. The first group of fish crystals could still get 100 or 200 pieces of fish crystals. Later, the price of fish crystals became higher and higher. In the end, only the Lingshi could not get fish crystals.

Zuo Qing even took out a dragon tendon and a piece of good quality The water shot some fish crystals again.

Even in this case, Zuo Qing still had two groups of fish crystals that were not photographed, and were taken away by other friars. If it wasn't for the monks, they would auction the Yumo pill. They didn't dare to pay a higher price. They said that there were several groups of Yujing Zuoqing that couldn't be sold. A group of fish crystals cost at least 100 pieces of spirit stone, a total of 20 groups of fish crystals. A few of Zuo Qing spent two or three pieces of spirit stone, and also lost a dragon tendon and a water dividing bead which is almost the rank of celestial being. Even if Tongtian water mansion finds a water system spirit vein, it can extract water spirit stone from it, but the cost is too high.

To decorate the Tongtian water mansion at such a high price, the water demon king has really become a God. How can he decorate the water mansion at such a high price? "Since it's decoration, it's probably not very important. To tell you the truth, our ancestor of qixuanmen needs some fish crystal to do things. Grandmaster and the water demon king have a good relationship. I wonder if younger martial brother Zuo can give up his love and sell those fish crystals to our qixuanmen Feng Kuang's face was a little ugly, but he still asked


Zuoqing is playing them as monkeys, but Fengkuang and Jiangling dare not turn against Zuoqing at all in Tongtian water mansion. They can only follow Zuoqing's words patiently.

"Lingwu sect is rich in fish crystals. We can harvest dozens of fish crystals every day. Why bother me, elder martial brother Feng? Just send someone to Lingwu sect to buy fish crystals!" Zuo Qing said perfunctorily.

"Brother Zuowu, how can you tell me that I'm cheap? It's just a humble fish crystal. I think the water king won't care! " Said the wind.

"Elder martial brother Feng is wrong. The water king loves those fish crystals very much. As soon as I bring them back, the water king takes a fancy to them. Elder martial brother Feng's request is really hard for me!" Zuo Qing said, "how dare I send out what water king likes at will!"

Fengkuang and Jiangling give some advice, but Zuoqing is resolute. It's obvious that Tongtian Shuifu has other arrangements for these fish crystals, so it's impossible to give them to Fengkuang and Jiangling easily.

"Younger martial brother Zuo, we Ming people don't talk in secret. Those fish crystals are of great use to our ancestors. I hope younger martial brother Zuo can give up his love!" The wind is mad to persuade to arrive finally, the facial expression some ugliness of say.

"Elder martial brother Feng, those fish crystal water kings really like it. If your grandmaster really needs it, please come and talk to him in person!" Zuo Qing said directly, "if you have nothing else to do, I still have something to do, then I won't give it away!"

"You?" As soon as Feng Kuang's face sank, he was about to speak. Jiang Ling stopped him and said with a smile to Zuo Qing, "then we won't disturb younger martial brother Zuo!"

"Let's go!" Jiang Ling a pull wind crazy, make a wink to the wind crazy, the wind crazy face is ugly, also know here and left green turn over face absolutely can't have what advantage, can't be willing to follow Jiang Ling to leave.

Seeing Feng Kuang and Jiang Ling leave, Zuo Qing lowers his head and ponders for a while. Then he turns around and goes to the depths of Tongtian water mansion. In a short time, he goes to the deepest part of Tongtian water mansion.

"King, the people from qixuanmen have already left!" Left green into the main hall after the respectful bow salute said. The hall is magnificent and decorated with rare treasures. In the center of the hall stands a stone tablet that looks old and unusual. The stone tablet is dark and looks insignificant. At this time, a middle-aged man with a crown is touching the stone tablet and closing his eyes to meditate. Fish crystals are floating on the stone tablet like beads, emitting bursts of weak light. The light is bright A little bit into the stele, each into a point of light, the stele looks a little mellow. "It seems that the ancestor of Wujiang also got a Tianhe stele. He also wanted to refine the Tianhe stele and seal the water god!" Hearing the left Qing as like as two peas in the middle, the middle-aged man opened his eyes and said slowly that the middle-aged man looked exactly the same as a man, and even the evil spirits on his body were not strong. If not

was to say that it was a water king, I'm afraid few people would think it was a demon clan.

"Your Majesty, the Wujiang ancestors dare to compete with you for the position of God of Tongtian River. Why don't we attack qixuanmen and wipe out Lingwu sect by the way, which can not only stop the Wujiang ancestors, but also capture the origin of Honglian crystal. Isn't it beautiful?" Zuo Qing said. "Do you think there is only one God in the sky? There are 18 Tianhe steles connecting Tianhe, each of which represents a river God granted amnesty by the heavenly court. This link to Tianhe is the result of Tianhe. The 18 river gods are the Grand Marshal of Tianhe. The Grand Marshal of Tianhe is one of the three Grand Marshals in heaven. Although he is not a 365 God, his status is no inferior to that of the five main gods! " Said the water king."Marshal Tianhe?" Is it not Zhu Bajie that marshal zuoqingxindao Tianhe said? It seems that its status is not very high, but Zuo Qing is also very clear that journey to the west this novel two true eight false, when not true. Listen to the water king, I'm afraid the position of Tianhe Grand Marshal is quite high. "There are eighteen river gods under the great marshal of Tianhe, who are in charge of Tianhe. These 18 river gods are also high-ranking heavenly officials, and their status is equivalent to that of several great gods. If I can use this monument to seize a God's throne and collect beliefs along the river, I may not be able to become a great God Said the water king with a trace of light in his eyes.

"It turns out that the Tianhe river is formed by the former Tianhe river. No wonder the river is so vast!" Zuo Qing nodded and said.

The Tongtian River is 120000 Li long, and can be granted a total of 18 river gods. That is to say, each river god can control about 7000 li of the river area. Within the 7000 Li, the magic power of the river god can extend to any place, and even borrow the power of the river in this area. Now the water king can control the three thousand li River area, and can also bully several kings and make them submit. But this is different from being the water god in this river area. If there is a real water god in this section of the river in the future, unless the strength of the water king is higher than that of the water god, it must be the water king himself who will be driven away.

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