Super Monk

Chapter 3310

After the auction, there were many merchants in the provincial capital. All the monsters within a hundred miles around the provincial capital had been eliminated, and the rest were not so powerful. Those monsters are usually hunted by monster hunters. Although these monsters are also very dangerous to ordinary people, they are not insurmountable. It's relatively safe within one hundred Li. As long as you are careful within two hundred Li, you need to have a larger business team and more escorts. It's not a big problem. There will be some risks within three hundred Li and more risks beyond five hundred Li. As far as the distance is concerned, the demon king level begins to appear.

Other Demons claim to be the king of the mountain. Once a demon wind blows by carelessly, hundreds of people in a caravan may be directly swept away by the demon wind in the blink of an eye. "Elder Huangfu, in the past two days, we found that many people began to contact the fishermen who were picking fish crystals. We gave 100 Jin white rice for a fish crystal, and they gave 150 Jin rice for some fish crystals. We found that some fishermen were secretly trading with them!" Two days later, on the Bank of Tongtian River, a disciple of Lingwu sect was dissatisfied and said, "Laozu killed the four demon kings, and let the demons dare not attack the city. The survivors of the city can still get out of the city. Later, martial Uncle Zhang and martial uncle Ji moved the bones of the king of black carp to suppress them in the Tongtian River, frightening away the demons in the river, so that they could enter the river safely!

"we Lingwu sect protect their safety and let them get the chance to exchange for food. They are not grateful, and they even secretly trade with others. How ridiculous!" The Lingwu sect's disciples are very reasonable. In addition, these days, the Lingwu sect has sent Zhenxian to sit in Tongtian River. Huangfu is invincible. They have come anyway, and they can pick fish crystals by themselves. There is no need for these fishermen to get fish crystals. But Huangfu was invincible, but they didn't, because the Lingwu school didn't lack the food, but the fishermen didn't.

The Lingwu sect is not the Virgin Mary, but it will not cut off the survival of these survivors for the sake of little benefit. However, some fishermen are a little ignorant. "Raise the price of fish crystal to 200 Jin white rice, and exchange 200 Jin white rice for a fish crystal. In addition, tell all the people who pick fish crystals that from today on, if they are found to pick fish crystals and trade with others, they will not be allowed to pick fish crystals from Tianhe in the future! " Huangfu Wudi

frowned, then looked at the Bank of Tongtian River and said faintly.

Lingwu sect is now in charge of the whole provincial capital. Once it says that no one is allowed to come back to Tongtian River, it is impossible for him to come back.

"Yes, elder!" The Lingwu sect disciple felt that this matter only needed the last half sentence, and there was no need to increase the purchase price of Lingwu sect fish crystal. However, he did not dare to refute the elder's order, so he could only nod his head. "It seems that fish crystal is really a very important thing. Many of the people who contact the fishermen are monks. Many of those monks are from famous schools or new schools. We can't move them, we can only drive them away! " When the Lingwu disciple left,

Huangfu said to Zhang youwan with a dignified look.

In fact, the public security in the provincial capital is good. There is a guard team in charge. If there is no huge chaos, the security of the provincial capital is guaranteed, but the monks are very difficult to manage. The strength of those friars is uneven, and it is not difficult to manage the weak friars, but it is difficult to manage the strong friars. There are more than two million people in the provincial capital, so it is impossible to let a few real immortals go out to manage public security. Ordinary disciples also have to practice. Even if they can have a part of them to guard in rotation, the help of the guard can not change much. Many monks are difficult to manage when they enter the city, especially those who deliberately keep a low profile and do not easily fight with others.

"Just drive them away, and we can't make too many enemies!" Zhang youwan said, "as for the monks who have mixed into the provincial capital, as long as they don't make trouble, they don't have to worry about them. Now we can guarantee that most of the fish crystals will fall into our hands!"

"I hope everything goes well when headmaster Chen goes through the earth immortal robbery. Headmaster Zhao hasn't appeared for a long time, and some curfew people have been watching us. If there is no celestial being in charge, the more immortal weapons we have in Lingwu sect, the easier it is for people to spy on us!" Huangfu said invincibly. The Lingwu sect doesn't count Zhao Fugui's immortal utensils, but there are several second-class immortal utensils. Those second-class immortal utensils are what Tianxian and even Jinxian want. If it wasn't for Zhao Fugui's anti command and suppression of the Nine Star Palace a few months ago, which destroyed a middle six sect in the hall, and made some strong people unwilling to take risks easily, maybe Tianxian dayuanman and even Jinxian strong people would have attacked Lingwu sect long ago.

In fact, even if Chen Yihan achieves the celestial realm, he can't scare away all the people who spy on Lingwu sect. But if Chen Yihan sets foot in the celestial realm, he can at least scare away most of the spies. As long as Chen Yihan testifies to the immortals, the strong below Jinxian don't want to take advantage of Lingwu school. "The teacher's mother has accumulated a lot, and she has two pieces of immortal utensils in her hand. If there is no accident, it should be no problem to survive the earth immortal robbery!" Zhang youwan said confidently. Taiping daoshu is the top cultivation skill of the Xianmen sect. Chen Yihan is also a perfect monk of the earth immortals. With the Dragon subduing whip and the sun moon golden wheel, even if she can't activate the wind and thunder ring for the time being, it's enough for her to survive the earth immortals robbery only by the Dragon subduing whip and the sun moon golden wheel."I hope so. I don't know how long this peaceful life will last!" Huangfu invincible looking at the endless Tongtian River, eyes complex said. Since Zhao Fugui killed the four demon kings and strongly suppressed the Nine Star Palace, the provincial capital and Lingwu sect have brought a short period of calm days, which can be regarded as good days in recent months. There is no need to worry about demons or other sects' friars attacking. There is a legendary ancestor of kaipai who has the cultivation of Jinxian. The disciples of Lingwu sect feel like they have a pillar in their home and no longer live in fear every day.

This is true even for many survivors in the provincial capital. After Zhao Fugui's return, the living environment of the survivors in the provincial capital has significantly improved. But this kind of good life may not last long. The surviving friars at the bottom want to be stable, but those with great power will not.

In order to control the heavens, even if there is no killing and looting, those top powers will set off killing and looting. If there is no killing and robbing, the heaven and the earth are stable, and there is no chance for them to establish the demon kingdom of Tianting Buddha kingdom. Even if he was not aware of the subtle changes between heaven and earth, Huangfu Wudi knew very well that such a stable life would not last long.

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