Super Monk

Chapter 333

"In one hour, in one hour, I can build a water platform that can support 50 people moving at the same time. Time is a little tight, no matter how big the t-table is, there's no way! " Liu ideal thought, said quickly.

"Well, fifty people will do!" Zhao Fugui immediately nodded and said. Manager Liu said while looking at the models. Zhao Fugui didn't dare to look at them. He got angry when he saw too much. One by one are big legs, breast thin waist beauty change clothes, it is really unbearable to see.

Jack's side also began to prepare for shooting, models changed into swimsuits, all kinds of sexy and hot swimsuits emerge in an endless stream. After changing their clothes, the models jumped into the water and played in the water.

After arranging the situation here, Zhao Fugui hurried back to the farm stove. After calling a few people from the farm stove, he pulled the cart up the mountain and went to the farm to pull local chickens, ducks, geese and wild boars. If the flow of people soars today, these ingredients will not be enough.

Zhao Fugui is busy preparing for the surge of people flow, and Heilongtan is also busy. The beautiful girls from Beijing have attracted almost all the tourists from Xiaowan village.

Zheng Yue, Xiaolian and Guihua's sister-in-law are too busy to come over. They charge and stamp. They all want to have several arms.

"They don't want money when they go in. Why do we take money and look down on us? What's more, you have to make such an ugly seal. There are a lot of things going on in this place! " A group of the rich second generation who came down from the super run also went to Heilongtan. After the toll booth was stopped, they immediately said dissatisfied.

"Monkey, one hundred yuan for a ticket, do you still yell at beautiful women? Are you ashamed? Come on, beauty, I've paid all the money for us, but I don't like others to stamp on me. Beauty, you can do it for me! " A cynical rich second generation takes out a pile of money and throws it into Zheng Yue's money box, saying to Zheng Yue.

Zheng Yue frowned, but there were still a lot of people waiting in line behind her. She knew that she couldn't make sense with the rich second generation. He picked up Zhangzi and motioned to the rich second generation to raise his arm. He was ready to give the rich second generation a seal.

Just as Zheng Yue was about to seal a seal on the rich second generation, the rich second generation raised his hand fiercely and touched Zheng Yue's face.

"What are you doing?" Zheng Yue had been very alert to the rich second generation for a long time, and immediately stepped back to avoid the hands of the rich second generation.

"Oh, beauty, you have a strong temper!" The rich second generation laughs and sweeps Zheng Yue with aggressive eyes.

"Brother Ming, there are so many big girls in Beijing. You still have the heart to touch a little girl. It's not brother. I say you, brother Ming. Your taste is unique! " A few rich second-generation go straight inside, monkey said to brother Ming.

"Ha ha, I like this kind of lovely little beauties. The better they look, the more successful they feel when they take off their clothes. It's much better than playing with a few models! You wait and see, I'll get this chick before we go back to Beijing! " Mingge said triumphantly.

"Bah, what is it? It's disgusting!" Xiaolian scolds indignantly.

"Don't pay attention to them, they will leave soon anyway!" Zheng Yue shakes her head, but she is not so angry. These rich second generation are self-centered. It's normal for them to do these things. It's a waste of time to be angry with them.

Zhao Fugui doesn't know what happened here in Heilongtan. He looks at the cars on the urban and rural roads and knows that the flow of people in Xiaowan village is bound to soar today. When private cars come from the urban and rural roads, the long traffic flow almost forms a continuous motorcade. People who don't know how to see these cars may even think that this is a long motorcade and what they are going to do.

"Meaning, you arrange some people to Heilongtan to help, and try to arrange as much as possible!" Zhao Fugui quickly knows about Chen Yihan.

"I've already sent someone to take more than a dozen people from the snack street and the small kitchen. Aunt Liu goes to the village to call for people. She can organize as many people as she can! " Chen Yihan said quickly.

In just over an hour, there was no parking space in Xiaowan village. Private cars were blocked by people outside and parked along the urban and rural roads. People were everywhere in Xiaowan village.

"OK, start shooting. The crew and camera are ready!" On the other side of Heilongtan, there are thousands of people in the water, and the shore is full of people. All of them are looking at the hot dressed sexy models in the water.

Swimsuit show soon began, a sexy model wearing a variety of swimsuits appeared along the runway, the scene was immediately detonated by these models.

"The plane sweeps into the crowd, I want this hot scene, give me the lens, give me the lens, take these lenses for me!" Jack screams excitedly. The models walk along the catwalk to the end and then jump into the water.

Sunshine, beautiful women, super large swimming pool, all of them constitute a huge party. What Zhao Fugui saw in the crowd was not the beauties, but the red banknotes. Today must be a good harvest day in Xiaowan village.

Zhao Fugui soon saw Xia Hongyan among the models. Even among a group of top models, Xia Hongyan was also very outstanding. Last time I took a picture in the water, Zhao Fugui didn't see it so clearly. Now, Xia Hongyan's figure can be described as perfect.With long legs, thin waist, golden ratio and a charming face, Xia Hongyan is either an angel or a female devil who pulls people to hell. But Zhao Fugui thinks that Xia Hongyan is a goblin, a real goblin.

The swimsuit show has brought the atmosphere of Heilongtan to a climax. Zhao Fugui estimates that Xiaowan village, with a daily average flow of 5000 people, has at least tens of thousands of people today. Not everyone has the chance to see so many top models. Once they have the chance, everyone doesn't want to let it go.

Almost all the people in Xiaowan village have been mobilized, and they are all busy. The rising popularity makes everyone restless.

The swimsuit show lasted less than an hour and ended. After the show, the models began to play in the water. Most of the built Water Park attracted these models. The hot atmosphere didn't decrease because of the end of the swimsuit show. It's useful for models to jump into the water, and tourists also go into the water. Heilongtan has become a summer resort.

When Zhao Fugui saw that most of the tourists were in the water, he was quietly relieved. He was about to turn around and leave for the farm stove to help. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and his face sank.

"Ha ha! I found it. How about this coral? It's really good, the best red coral! " In Heilongtan, two second-generation rich men picked up a large piece of coral from the bottom of the pool and held it on their heads, shouting excitedly.

No one is allowed to pick up the corals in the black dragon pool. The rich second generation secretly went to the bottom of the pool to pick up the red corals.

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