Super Monk

Chapter 3332

The platinum ship slowly advanced on the blackened River, and soon entered into the evil fog. The huge platinum ship emits a faint golden light, which means that the protection array of the ship has been activated, and the protection array of the ship, which has been oppressed by the evil spirit, has been activated by itself


As soon as the golden foil boat approaches Tongtian water mansion, it sees that all the demon clans outside Tongtian water mansion turn to look in this direction. Even Chen Yihan jumps at this scene. In the dark water of the river, the head of a giant snake more than ten feet long emerges from under the water, spits out the snake's letter and stares at the direction of the gold foil ship coldly, and the head of a handful of fish in a small hill appears on the water with sharp huge teeth, the giant shrimp and crab like a reef, the giant turtle like an island, and the appearance of hemp is chilling. The whole Tongtian water mansion has appeared on the water at this time. With Tongtian water mansion as the center, there are hundreds of demon clans on the whole river. Some of these demon clans are guests of the water demon king, and some of them are demon soldiers and demon generals under the water demon king. Their strength lies in the human immortals. Hundreds of immortals are looming in the dark river. There are countless demon soldiers and demon generals far away. They are not qualified to participate in today's

ceremony. They can only make Tongtian water mansion strong in the distance. In other places, there are many human friars at the level of immortals, but most of them are reincarnated by the second generation of heavenly officials and soldiers in the heaven. However, the position of these heavenly officials and heavenly soldiers in the second generation of heaven is relatively low, and their strength and status are not as good as the water demon king, who once had

Scripture. Therefore, they have received the invitation from the water demon king, but they have to come.

These Terran friars all over the body released a strong spirit of the spirit, with the spirit of the spirit to resist the rich ink like evil spirit. "Two thousand miles away from the black snake cave, the king of black snake comes to congratulate us. The king of black snake presents a dragon ball!" Just at this time, a black snake suddenly flew into the sky. When it was about to fly to the top of Tianhe water mansion, the huge black snake suddenly changed into a middle-aged man with a cold face. This

middle-aged man is the king of black snake.

In front of Tongtian water mansion, Prime Minister GUI raised his head and counted the gifts. After seeing the gift from the black snake king, he nodded with satisfaction and said in a loud voice.

It's said that the black snake king once ate a dragon. It seems that the rumor is true. Otherwise, it may get a dragon ball that is almost the level of the first celestial being. Jiaolongzhu is similar to Yaodan. It is impossible for people to get jiaolongzhu without Jiaolong dying. The black snake king carelessly fell directly in front of Tianhe water mansion. His cold eyes swept, and the nearby demons quickly gave way to make room for the black snake king. There are several strong men in the river area five or six thousand miles away from the Tianhe river. Although they are not golden immortals, they can be regarded as several powerful characters in the celestial immortals. The black snake king is one of them.

As soon as the king of black snake fell, the water surface of Tongtian River was covered with waves again. A huge carp, which was not much smaller than the Lingwu sect's gold foil boat, swam down the upper reaches of Tongtian River. With this huge carp, there were more than a dozen beautiful banshees who were half human and half fish. "Prime minister tortoise, I'm a little late. Please forgive me The huge carp swam directly over, and many demon families saw it appear and quickly got out of the way. The huge carp swam not far in front of prime minister GUI, and turned into a white fat middle-aged man who seemed to be an ethnic businessman. He arched his hand to Prime Minister GUI and said with a smile.

"Now that the ceremony has not started, how can the king of carp say that he is late? The king of carp is just in time Turtle prime minister also said with a smile. "Prime minister tortoise, Xiaoyao has brought 16 beautiful fish girls to Shuifu this time. In addition, a few days ago, I found a alien lotus from Heyan and brought it with me!" With one move of the carp king, the beautiful fish essence of more than a dozen and a half fish and a half people was immediately sent by a wave

flowers. Then the carp King opened his mouth and spat out, and another lotus seed flew out. The lotus seed fell in the river and immediately began to grow. In a twinkling of an eye, it grew into a lotus, slowly blooming and fragrant.

"Good thing, good thing!" Prime Minister GUI's eyes brightened when he saw the lotus, and he said in a loud voice happily, "the king of carp has sent beauty 16, a lotus of different species!"

Then with a big wave of his hand, Prime Minister GUI collected the alien lotus directly, and then sent it to Tongtian water mansion. It turned out that he sent the lotus directly to Tongtian water mansion. Obviously, the lotus is not an ordinary product.

"Black snake king, long time no see!" The carp king saw that his gift was valued, and a little bit of pride flashed on his face. Then he turned to the black snake king and said hello. "Hum!" The black snake king snorted coldly and stared at the carp King coldly. He didn't talk nonsense with the carp king at all. The king of carp and the king of black snake have the same strength, but the waters controlled by them are connected together again. Usually, there are many conflicts between them, and they have already done several games. If there were no water to suppress them, I'm afraid they would have been fighting each other for a long time.

This is the attitude of the black snake king, and the carp king doesn't like it either. Pangpang's head moves, and he turns his head to look at the real immortal, the friar of the human race. His eyes twinkle, and he doesn't know what he's thinking. "Stop, who are you?" At this time, the golden foil boat slowly came over. Chen Yihan saw so many demons flying directly over. They thought the golden foil boat could go straight ahead, but they didn't expect that the golden foil boat was stopped before it got close to Tongtian Shuifu,A demon with a steel fork will step on a piece of water majestically to block the front of the gold foil ship and shout.

"We are the disciples of Lingwu sect. We are here to give congratulations to the water demon Wang Daoxi!" Huangfu Wudi's face was slightly frozen, but he went to the bow of the boat immediately and said in a loud voice.

These demons seem to have a general attitude towards the Terran friars. The Terran friars and the demons are treated in two ways. I don't know what the water demon king means.

"Lingwu people?" The demon looked strangely on the gold foil ship and then turned back to Prime Minister GUI and yelled, "prime minister, Lingwu people are coming!"

"Ask them to come here!" Prime Minister GUI's face changed slightly. He looked back at the direction of Tongtian Shuifu, and then said aloud. "Go in!" With a wave of his hand, the demon general lowered the wave and let the gold foil ship move on. He drove slowly to the front of Tongtian Shuifu. When he gets close to Tongtian water mansion, Zhao Fugui waves his hand and the gold foil boat is taken away. Chen Yihan and several Lingwu disciples float in mid air and walk to the front of Tongtian water mansion.

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