Super Monk

Chapter 3335

"You Taoist friends are very polite. We used to be colleagues in the heaven. Now the fight between gods and demons is only provoked by villains. Wang Gang, the water demon, said that we should treat people the same as demons. This is the right way!" He Xiangu said with a smile and a salute to the friars. None of the nuns who have survived the thunder disaster is ugly. The last one of the nine heavenly thunders in the thunder disaster is to remove the mortal body. The function of Huafan Tianlei is not only to remove the mortal body, but also to reshape the appearance. Therefore, no matter whether it is a male or a female monk, there is no crooked melon in the sky. However, this is not to say that there are no grotesque immortals in the heaven. After all, many immortals are born gods and spirits. They have not survived any thunder disaster. Basically, what they look like is what they look like after transformation. However, she is not included in this list. She looks like a fairy in legend.

"The fairy said it was polite, and the fairy said it was polite. Now the heaven and the earth are just in a mess. I'm afraid that the Taoist ancestors will soon become gods and rebuild the heaven!" The monks who were reincarnated as little heavenly soldiers and heavenly officials suddenly seemed to have the backbone and nodded around he Xiangu one after another.

Many of these little heavenly officials and soldiers were preached by the human friars in the middle ages. There are also some little monsters, gods and fairies. Spirits and monsters are two different things. On the contrary, spirits are more inclined to gods, and they are not the same as monsters.

In addition to the demon clan, the other 100 clans do not want to let the demon clan build the heaven, because there are too many demon clans. Once the demon clan builds the heaven, there will be no chance for other 100 clans to come out, and the position of immortals will almost be occupied by the demon clan, just like in the first generation of heaven. On the contrary, Sanqing, a kind of heaven built by congenital deities, can be widely supported. After all, the number of congenital deities is small, and they can not occupy too many deities, so the rest of the deities will naturally be given to others. What's more, the courtyard built by Sanqing is far more stable than that built by Taiyi and Dijun, and every God can get incense, which is much better than working in the demon family's courtyard.

"Hum, ambition is not small, but strength is too weak!" Prime Minister tortoise saw this scene with a sneer in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. What he Xiangu said is obviously to attract people's support. Unfortunately, her ambition without strength support is just a joke. If he Xiangu is a Jinxian, she can compete with the water demon king. Unfortunately, she is only the perfect cultivation of the celestial being. She is close to the water demon king, and her strength in the later stage of Jinxian is too far behind.

Although she has some status in the second generation of scattered immortals, she is not one of Zhou Tianzheng's gods. This time, she doesn't want to be only a scattered immortal. She also wants to be a God.

The water demon king held the ceremony this time. She saw the opportunity, so she came here. Otherwise, such a person as she used to be a bit famous in the second generation of heaven, she could not easily risk herself and come to Tianhe water mansion.

However, Prime Minister GUI didn't say anything when he Xiangu gathered people's hearts. Some things just depend on words, which is meaningless. In the end, it depends on strength. When the water demon king killed the Lingwu sect, he didn't dare to refuse.

Chen Yihan looks at he Xiangu surrounded by many monks, but none of the Lingwu disciples went there. There are no reincarnated characters in the Lingwu school. They are not the same people as those characters. There is no need to flatter them.

After he Xiangu came, many friars and demons came one after another. Until the moon gradually set, the front of Tianhe water mansion was full of people, and most of them were all kinds of demons. Zuoqing and Luyao, who have never been seen, are also on the road from Tianhe water mansion. Both of them are wearing red wedding clothes. As soon as Zuoqing appears, he greets all kinds of monks and demon kings. Zuoqing is an immortal and a military strategist of Tianhe water mansion. In addition, the water demon king specially held a ceremony for him this time, which made other demon kings feel that the water demon king attached great importance to Zuoqing. Therefore, even if he looked down on the Terran in his heart, he was quite enthusiastic about Zuoqing on the surface. Those Terran friars, not to mention, in order to help Zuo Qing rob women, the water demon king even killed Yao Wang Zong directly and hit Kunlun in the face. How much face this is, how much value it is for Zuo Qing. Naturally, they have to make a good relationship with Zuo Qing. Even when some friars saw that the water demon king valued Zuo Qing so much, their minds became active and they felt that they would not do it if they took refuge in the water demon king.

One of the reasons why the water demon king gives Zuoqing face is to carry out his plan, and the other is to buy horse bones for other Terran friars. Lu Yao is sitting on a lotus flower. Naturally, she can't deal with those demon king friars like Zuo Qing. However, Lu Yao is sitting on the lotus flower, looking for many demon families and friars, and soon sees Chen Yihan and her group. Lu Yao sees Chen Yihan's face with an inexplicable look, and then looks at a mussel in the distance.

The mussel spirit became a monster only after being intensified by the evil spirit. Its IQ is not very high. The mussel spirit has been bought by Lu Yao, and it is slowly swimming to Chen Yihan at this time. "Younger martial brother Zuo, congratulations. Today's beauty is in my heart. Congratulations On the other side, a burst of familiar laughter suddenly came. As soon as Chen Yihan's eyes coagulated, she looked in that direction. As soon as she saw it, she saw Feng Kuang with a broken arm and several disciples of qixuanmen coming from afarHe flew over.

"It's Fengkuang. He's here too!" Huangfu Wudi and Huangfu Qingcheng's face also changed at the same time, looking at the direction of the wind crazy whispered. "Qixuanmen is within three thousand li of Tianhe water mansion, even closer to Tianhe water mansion than Lingwu sect. It's normal for him to come here. Don't worry too much!" Chen Yihan frowned, then relaxed and said. Qixuanmen is also a powerful force near Tianhe Shuifu. It is said that there is a golden immortal in the gate. When Chen Yihan was robbing, the drop of golden blood was suspected by the Lingwu sect that it was the ancestor of qixuanmen. But there is no evidence for this matter. Chen Yihan and his family have no way to take a golden immortal, so this matter is nothing. The influence of qixuanmen is not far away from Tianhe water mansion. If Tianhe water mansion wants to send an invitation, it will not miss qixuanmen. Moreover, it is impossible for a golden immortal to attend the wedding of a celestial immortal in person, so it's no surprise that the founder of qixuanmen didn't come and sent an immortal to come. Fengkuang flies over from a distance, and his eyes fall directly on Chen Yihan. There is a look of hatred in his eyes, and then he gives a sneer.

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