Super Monk

Chapter 3345

"He Xiangu, do you want to take care of the affairs of Tianhe Shuifu?" The water demon king coldly looked to he Xiangu and asked. He Xiangu's Lotus basket is a strange treasure. It has something to do with Guanzi Bodhisattva, but it can barely resist the strong and extreme evil spirit, but it's only a while. He Xiangu doesn't challenge the power of the water demon king at all, but her presence has some special significance, because she may lead the nearly 100 people friars outside the Tianhe water mansion. If the nearly 100 people friars follow suit, even if the Tianhe water mansion can suppress it, it will be a great loss.

After all, most of the nearly 100 friars are the strong ones in the early stage of the celestial being or the middle and late stage of the earth immortal. If this power comes together, it can be said that it is a terrible power.

Although there are numerous demons gathered outside the Tongtian water mansion, once these Terran friars fight with the demons, the demons will surely suffer heavy losses. "Water demon Wang Daoyou, this Zhao Daoyou has xuanhuang Linglong tower in his hand. Maybe he once worked in heaven. Why should the water demon king fight for such a small matter?" He Xiangu said with a smile. He Xiangu really doesn't have the strength to fight with the water demon king, but if she can unite all the Terran sects and

friars, it's different. Zhao Fugui takes out xuanhuang Linglong tower, which gives she a chance to integrate these Terran friars.

The water demon king wants to become a Taoist and a deity, but he Xiangu is not. Let alone he Xiangu and the water demon king don't have much friendship. Even if they have great friendship, in order to become a Taoist and a deity, he Xiangu should seize all the opportunities. "Even if I dare to fight against the water god, I will fight against him." The water demon king said with a sneer, he Xiangu's abacus naturally knows, but in the face of absolute strength, this calculation is just a joke.

"Those who dare to stop me from taking revenge for the water demon king today are guilty of the same crime as the Lingwu sect!"

The water demon Wang Wei Yan's eyes swept by, and those friars who were ready to move after listening to He Xian Gu's words suddenly changed their faces, and the rising momentum was immediately suppressed. At the same time, those demon families all over the river began to shout.

"All the people of the Lingwu school are guilty of the same crime!"

"Kill, kill all the people of Lingwu sect, skin them, cramp them, eat them!"

Around the prime minister, the four major military advisers, dense demon clan, one demon clan roared, the whole water area is filled with all kinds of monster roar, countless demon clan friars will be surrounded by nearly a hundred people friars, the face of all the people friars can't help changing. These mortal friars, reincarnated Tianguan and Tianbing, of course, do not want to submit to the authority of the water demon king. After all, there are many different ways for human beings and demons. In the past, the demons could be officials in the heaven, but this time it may not be. These reincarnated Tianguan and Tianbing would rather find a human family Tianguan and Tianbing to submit than submit to the demons. Otherwise, once the Sanqing Daozu fought against the demons in the future How can they get along with themselves?

But even if they think so, in the current situation, if they really support he Xiangu and Zhao Fugui, I'm afraid they can't leave here alive. Even if there is any problem in the future, it is the future.

"This matter has nothing to do with us. Don't kill innocent people indiscriminately Some Terran friars saw that the demon clan might attack them at any time, and immediately cried out.

"If you don't fight against Tongtian Shuifu, naturally no demon clan will attack you!" Said the water demon king, looking around with a proud smile on his face.

The water demon king's eyes swept by, and the Terran friars had to bow their heads in shame one by one. They didn't have the courage to fight with Tongtian water mansion, the Manchu River demon clan.

"Boy, don't you kneel down and beg for mercy? Do you want me to kill all the people in your city?" The water demon king showed a proud smile on his face. He didn't even look at he Xiangu. He looked at Zhao Fugui with a sneer and asked.

Although she is one of the Eight Immortals in Shangdong, she has some status. Unfortunately, with the status of he Xiangu, it is impossible for the water demon king to give way. If he Xiangu doesn't know each other any more and wants to intervene in this matter, she will have to die.

"You can't kill the Lingwu sect, you can't kill the people in the provincial capital. Today is the day when your Tianhe water mansion disappears from Tongtianhe!" Zhao Fugui said lightly. "Zhao Fugui, I, the water demon king, was a God in heaven, and I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately. However, you destroyed Fengkuang Dharma system in front of Lingwu sect, and then killed the water demon king of Tianhe water mansion. You are bold and reckless, and you are looking for your own death. In the future, you will be under the command of Tianhe water mansion. Don't worry, neither the water demon king nor Tianhe water mansion will kill innocent people indiscriminately! " The water demon king said majestically. It didn't say this to Zhao Fugui, but to those Terran friars. This is to appease them, lest they might be killed at any time after they are controlled by Tianhe water mansion.

"You killed a disciple of our Lingwu sect, and I killed a black snake king for revenge. Why do you want to take advantage of our Lingwu sect? But you will soon understand that you are looking for the wrong opponent to choose Lingwu sect!" Zhao Fugui said casually.When Zhao Fugui said this, many human friars knew that he was right. You killed a disciple of Lingwu sect, don't you want revenge? There is no such reason in this world, right? "Boy, you Lingwu people dare to be presumptuous in front of our king. Our king is a golden immortal. They are just ants. They dare to be presumptuous in front of our king. Our king killed them but just a little punishment. What's wrong?" The water demon king sneered and said, "I'll ask you one last time, will you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"What if I don't kneel?" Zhao Fugui asked coldly.

Zhao Fugui is also the founder of the school. If he kneels down to the water demon king in full view of the public, the water demon king will certainly gain momentum. Therefore, the water demon king wants to oppress Zhao Fugui and make him kneel down to beg for mercy. Unfortunately, he doesn't know who Zhao Fugui is.

"If you don't kneel down, I'll kill you today. I'll kill you tonight first, and then Xingshui will submerge the big city controlled by your Lingwu sect, so that your Lingwu sect will not stay in the city!" The water demon king said with a grim smile and a ferocious look on his face. Chen Yihan trembles all over. She can't bear to think of the more than two million survivors in the provincial capital. There are more than two million people in her eyes. If there is a big flood, I'm afraid there won't be many survivors in the whole city.

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