Super Monk

Chapter 3349

Zuoqing, one of the four great military strategists in Tongtian water mansion, a fish, a shrimp, a crab, and a man, heard the voice of the water demon king and immediately withdrew without hesitation. He was half a step behind the other three military strategists. When he saw that Zhao Fugui's sword was strong, he slowed down a bit, and this retreat directly made him hide to the side


But the other three military strategists, fish demon, shrimp demon and crab demon, didn't react as fast as Zuo Qing. They wanted to retreat, but they were too slow in front of the bright light of the seven star sword.

In mid air, a carp with huge bone spines on its back separated and leaped, trying to escape from the range of the sword, but in the blink of an eye, the sword devoured the huge carp. A huge shower of blood fell from the sky, and the body of the giant fish was instantly divided into two parts. The shrimp demon and the crab demon's face showed a look of panic. At this moment, the shrimp demon shrank its tail and blocked its head with huge pliers. The crab demon turned and ran to escape from the sword light, but Zhao Fugui's sword light was like water and cut off the shrimp demon and the crab demon's body without sound.

The corpses of prawn and demon soldiers are fixed in silence. They are completely engulfed by sword light before they can even use their magic power. Zhao Fugui's sword swept the prime ministers and the three major military strategists in Tongtian water mansion, and then he continued to chop the water demon king. This sword cut five demons in succession. Originally, the sword should be weaker and weaker, but after this sword cut five demons, the sword burst out fiercely. In an instant, the bright sword awn quickly elongated. The seven star sword directly turned into a thousand Zhang sword awn, one Zhang three meters, thousand Zhang is three thousand meters. A three Gong sword awn was standing in the air in this moment. This sword was like a bright sword river, and it cut to the water demon king fiercely. The great sword Daoism is the ultimate of the world. Only one person can master the great sword Daoism completely. However, in theory, every swordsman has a chance to reach the ultimate. How many people can practice the great sword Daoism since ancient times? Which of them

is not a person with amazing talent and great chance. It is the first time in their life that they have seen this great sword skill, whether they are Terrans or demons, both inside and outside the Tongtian water mansion.

In the Grand River of kendo, the virtual shadow of a sword immortal appears. They all practice their own Kendo in the river of kendo, and all kinds of Kendo secret methods come to the same end by different ways, and they all belong to the final big sword Daoism.

Inside and outside the Tongtian water mansion, all the human friars are staring at this magnificent river of swordsmanship. Even Jinxian may not be able to master the great sword Taoism, but Zhao Fugui has mastered the great sword Taoism. What's more, Zhao Fugui's strength is far more than Tianxian's great success? "Such a sword, such a sword, is he the reincarnation of the ancient sword God?" He Xiangu looked at Zhao Fugui's sword and said unbelievably. In ancient times, there was no such deity as the sword God, but there was such a strong one as the sword God, only the sword God was just an immortal, and there was no clergy. But he Xiangu once saw that man's sword. In the whole heaven, the sword of the God of sword can be ranked second among all the strong swordsmen. His sword is second only to Zhenwu emperor, the first swordsman in heaven. He Xiangu has never seen the sword of emperor Zhenwu, but it is generally acknowledged that emperor Zhenwu is the first person in the whole heaven.

It's like the star king in the demon family's heaven, the taboo character, and the strongest existence of Tianting kendo. In the second generation of heaven, no one's sword will be stronger than Zhenwu emperor.

"Damn it The king of water demon roared angrily. The strength of Zhao Fugui's sword has completely reached the middle stage of Jinxian. No, it should be the later stage of Jinxian. How can such a sword be displayed by a powerful man with a perfect celestial being. Tianxian dayuanman can fight Jinxian later. If this boy proves Jinxian's rank, can he fight Daluo Jinxian? The water demon king is full of a sense of crisis in his heart at the moment. Today's World War I has completely offended Zhao Fugui. If Zhao Fugui is not solved today, Zhao Fugui will definitely become a serious trouble in Tianhe water mansion, and Zhao Fugui must die today.

The majestic Kendo river cuts to the water demon king in an instant. At this moment, the water demon king spits out a black light. The black awn appeared from the giant clam Dharma phase behind the water demon king. The black awn was like a black lightning, stabbing hard against the Kendo river.

The black awn is a magic weapon, and the magic weapon is a three pointed steel fork. A large amount of evil spirit is injected into this magic weapon. The black magic weapon seems to be a black meteor, which smashes into the river of kendo.

"Hum!" A slight beep sounded at this moment. Black Shenbao and kendo River collided with each other. There was no loud sound, but just a slight beep. However, countless demons and Terran friars changed their faces in an instant.

"No, go back!" He Xiangu exclaimed in surprise. She did not hesitate to show her flower basket and turned to flee. The friars outside the Tongtian water mansion also did not hesitate to turn into spiritual lights and fled to the Tongtian water mansion.

Not only the Terran friars, but also the big demons in the level of earthly immortals and celestial immortals ran away in panic, and they didn't dare to stay near Tongtian water mansion. The black evil spirit and the sword continue to annihilate each other. It seems that the dark evil spirit is constantly devouring the dazzling sword in the mid air, but the sword is disappearing, and the terrible evil spirit of Jinxian level is also decreasing. After a few breaths, the three pointed steel fork and the seven star sword collided silently. "Boom!" At that moment, the terrible explosion finally appeared, and the scattered sword and evil spirit spread wildly. It's like a powerful terror bomb explodes in mid air at this moment, and the circular wave sweeps out. The Tongtian River below is set off a huge wave at this moment, and all the demons and creatures in this area are completely torn up at this moment.

The evil spirit on the steel fork of the three swords twinkled and was directly cut back by the seven star sword. But in the end, it still blocked the seven star sword, and the long river of Kendo gradually disappeared at this moment.

Those Terran friars and monsters who fled to the distance in a panic looked back at the scene in horror, but they immediately found that this was just the beginning. The seven star sword is blocked by the three pointed steel fork. In the dark, the time knife and soul chopping knife have been cut down soundlessly. Zhao Fugui's Kendo is the strongest, but time Dao and soul chopping Dao are also sacred treasures that can't be ignored. Especially under the impetus of Zhao Fugui's massive star Yuanye, Zhao Fugui has been closed for nearly half a year. Now his strength has changed.

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