Super Monk

Chapter 3354

Those Terran fairies guess that the water demon king must have a Tianhe stele in his hand. The water demon king has a Tianhe stele in his hand. When he sees the Tianhe stele in the hands of Wujiang ancestors, he will be so calm. If there is no Tianhe stele in the hands of the water demon king, the water demon king can never be such a performance. When the real immortals of the human race saw the Tianhe stele in the hands of Wujiang ancestors, they immediately raised all kinds of thoughts, but Wujiang ancestors didn't care about it at all. Today, as long as Zhao Fugui and Li Wei are killed, no one will dare to challenge the status of Wujiang ancestors and water demon king within three thousand li. At that time, it doesn't matter that these forces know that Wujiang ancestors have Tianhe stele in their hands. Wujiang ancestors have the strength to keep Tianhe stele.

Needless to say, as long as Zhao Fugui is suppressed, Lingwu faction is destroyed, and the origin of Yujing is seized, Wujiang ancestors can greatly speed up the refining of Tianhe stele. As long as the Tianhe stele is thoroughly refined, no one can take away the Tianhe stele as long as Wujiang ancestors stay in Tongtian River. Jinxian can not have the slightest chance to take away the Tianhe stele. If it is in the Tongtian River, even the ordinary Daluo Jinxian may not be able to take away the Tianhe stele. As long as the Tongtian stele is refined and enough incense is collected, Wujiang ancestors can become a small river god and control the six or seven thousand li River area. By

time, the six or seven thousand li River area is the God area of Wujiang ancestors, even the great Luo Jinxian can not easily suppress Wujiang ancestors in this God area.

Now, if Wujiang is not able to master the order of heaven and earth in one or two years, it will not be able to make use of it.

"Zhao Fugui, today I'll show you the power of this God's Tianhe stele!" The ancestor of Wujiang directly sacrificed the Tianhe stele. It threw the Tianhe stele into the sky. At this moment, the Tongtian River within a thousand miles seemed to be suddenly quiet, and then a loud noise sounded in the Tongtian River.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, Tongtianhe entered into a state of extreme motion from a very quiet moment. The Taotao River surged up into the sky, just like a fast flowing river converging to the Tianhe monument. This water is not ordinary river water, but the spirit of water that connects Tianhe river. The ancestors of Wujiang River have not yet refined the Tianhe stele thoroughly, so they can only use the Tianhe stele to control the Qianli river area. If they can refine the Tianhe stele, they can control the river area of 6000-7000 Li immediately. There is a big gap between them. For the Wujiang ancestors, every time they are in charge of a thousand li River area, their strength can be nearly doubled. If they can completely control the Tianhe stele, their strength can be more than ten times increased. "Tianhe stele?" Zhao Fugui looked at the Tongtian stele, which started to gather the power of thousands of miles to connect the Tianhe river. There was a glimmer in his eyes. He recalled the origin of the Tongtian stele as soon as he recalled it. The great marshal of Tianhe, once the leader of Tongtianhe, was also a powerful role. When Beiluo was sweeping the sky with one sword, the great marshal of Tianhe was the disciple of the first of the four imperial emperors, Lagerstroemia indica. He was more than five years old and had the strength of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. The whole power of Tianhe is in the charge of the Grand Marshal of Tianhe. Officially, because the Grand Marshal of Tianhe is in charge of Tianhe and defends the demons, the heavenly court doesn't have to worry about the attack of the demons. You should know that there is another heaven of six desires beyond thirty-three days. According to the current saying, it is in the depth of the universe, where even Sanqing can't control, and it is the birthplace of extraterritorial demons. No one knows how many extraterritorial demons there are, but there seems to be endless demons. Even once, the army of demons invaded the heaven, and the Tianhe water army was established in that situation. Marshal Tianhe is not only responsible for inspecting Tianhe and preventing the invasion of extraterritorial demons, but also the army of Tianhe

patrolling outside Tianhe and destroying those extraterritorial demons everywhere.

Marshal Tianhe is really a character, so Beiluo has an impression of it, so he also knows about Tianhe stele. Tianhe stele is really a very good artifact. "Boom!" However, just in the blink of an eye, Tianhe stele has gathered the power of connecting Tianhe with thousands of miles. The ancestor of Wujiang stretched out his hand and pressed it, and a huge amount of Jinxian aura poured into Tianhe stele. In the twinkling of an eye, Tianhe stele began to change. It turned into a virtual shadow of a surging river, which stretched for tens of miles and swept across the Kendo river. "Let's go!" He Xiangu's face changed greatly. She exclaimed, turned around and fled to a farther direction. They had never thought that there would be Tianhe stele in the hands of Wujiang ancestors before. Now Wujiang ancestors have taken out Tianhe stele. At this moment, Wujiang ancestors are almost equal to the Lord of Tianhe. With the power of the heavenly river, and the power of the strong in the middle of Jinxian period, the power of Wujiang ancestors was promoted to the extreme at this moment. All Terran fairies feel that Tongtianhe is boiling at this moment, and the power of Tongtianhe is soaring at this moment. The water spirit of Tongtian River gathered by the ancestors of Wujiang River

and the Kendo river of Zhao Fugui are too terrible. If they don't escape, if they wait until the water spirit of Tongtian River collides with the Kendo River, they don't know how many human friars they will kill.

"Go, go, go!" The real immortals of the Terran race fled one by one. Originally they had been hiding ten miles away, but now the distance is not enough. At least they have to hide a hundred miles away.

In the blink of an eye, those lights scattered and ran away, far away to a hundred miles away. Only when they were a hundred miles away, did they look back in the direction of Zhao Fugui and the ancestor of water demon Wang Wujiang."The ancestor of Wujiang has refined the Tianhe stele to such an extent that he can play the power of connecting the Tianhe river for thousands of miles. It seems that it is not a few days later than I got the Tianhe stele!" The water demon king's eyes twinkled when he saw the mighty power of Tianhe in the air above his head. The water demon king got the Tianhe stele a little earlier than the Wujiang ancestors, and he also got some fish crystals to refine the Tianhe stele. Now the water demon king has almost refined half of the Tianhe stele, which can play the power of connecting the Tianhe river for three thousand miles. However, there is no fish crystal in the hands of Wujiang ancestors, so the speed of sacrificing Tianhe stele is not as fast as the water demon king.

"It seems that Wujiang ancestor has only such strength!" The water demon king's eyes twinkled. Originally, he was about to kill Zhao Fugui together. But after a little hesitation, the water demon king quietly stopped and didn't start. He wanted to see if all the cards of Wujiang ancestors were just these. If these are the only cards of the Wujiang ancestors, or if they don't exceed their expectations, then the water demon king is going to suppress Zhao Fugui's connection with the Wujiang ancestors and snatch two Tianhe steles this evening.

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