Super Monk

Chapter 336

At 10:30 in the evening, Xiaowan village's busyness stops. Chen Yihan and Zheng Yue finally have time to start counting today's business.

"Today, the passenger flow is almost 30000, the farmhouse inns and water restaurants are all full, and the stock of the snack street is almost sold out. I have made a general statistics of the farmhouse inns, and almost all of them are full! " Chen Yihan doesn't even have the strength to stand. He sits on the chair in the office, holding a table that has just been counted.

"Today, the income of small farm stoves has nearly tripled, making a profit of more than one million yuan. The two boats of the water restaurant made a total profit of 1.2 million. The income of the Farmhouse Inn is ominous. The snack street accounts for about 2 million yuan. The face income of the water park is about 2.1 million yuan. The income of the cold drink shop has not been counted yet! " Zheng Yue then said, "generally speaking, the income of happy farm today is about 6 million yuan!"

After earning more than 6 million yuan a day, Zheng Yue couldn't help looking at Zhao Fugui. Who could have imagined that in just a few years, she, a student who had no choice but to drop out of school, had such achievements.

"More than six million, less than expected!" Zhao Fugui originally thought that the flow of 30000 people should bring tens of millions of income, but he did not expect that the number of profits was almost half less than Zhao Fugui expected.

"The consumption of tourists has not been fully mobilized, but there are more than 6 million, which is almost five or six times the normal profit. It's already very good!" Chen Yihan said.

"Well, six million is a lot, so that's it. You should have a rest early, Zheng Yue. Don't go back so late. There are still rooms in our Farmhouse Inn. Go and stay for one night! " Zhao Fugui said.

"All right then!" Zheng Yue hesitated and nodded. It's really a little late now, and Zheng Yue is a little worried about the rich second generation during the day. She decides to stay in Xiaowan village for one night and go back to work tomorrow.

"Let's have a rest early!" Zhao Fugui came down from the office and said to the waiters who had just finished cleaning. Two water restaurants berthed on the shore, the farmer's kitchen closed and the lights went out, the shops in the snack street were closed long ago, and the noisy Xiaowan village slowly recovered.

There are only occasional lights left in the village. Most of the inn rooms in the village are in darkness. Villagers and tourists are slowly falling asleep.

Just at this time, a van, led by two vans and a car, drove to Xiaowan village. All the cars didn't turn on the lights. They passed by Dawan village, went from Dawan village to the back of Xiaowan village, and then drove quietly from the back of Xiaowan village to Heilongtan.

"Let's do it. Let's hurry up and unload the machine first. I have reliable information. There are at least several hundred million red corals under the water. If we get them up, we will be rich! " Said a man quickly in the dark.

"Hundreds of millions of red corals. Who the hell has seen corals grow in fresh water? Let's not be fooled!" Another man opened the van and said as he unloaded things from the compartment.

"I like to be forced even if I have no culture. I will work all my life. Hurry up, hurry up, we must pull the corals away tonight The person who spoke earlier swearing said.

This group of people's action is very fast, it seems to be extremely professional, they not only have diving equipment, but also underwater excavation collection equipment.

Several people operate the equipment, and others patrol around with machetes. These people not only have knives in their hands, but also can be seen in the moonlight. Two of them are also holding sawn shotguns. Obviously, this is a group of people who have been doing dangerous business all the year round.

"The machine is in place. Turn on the generator. If someone doesn't open their eyes, do it to them! " The roar of the generator in the dark.

Although these people have made noise reduction measures for generators, the noise of civil diesel generators is very loud, and they are not able to make noise reduction measures. As soon as the generator rings in the dark, the noise is still far away.

"Brother Ming, I've already got in touch with you. They said we'd start tomorrow night. We'll get at least 50 million or 60 million if we agree to 50 or 50 million!" At the same time, in the best hotel in Chengdu, a few black and blue faced rich second generation gathered together, the monkey said to Mingge with a proud face.

"I've heard that all the people in this business are ruthless, and each one is darker than the other. Monkey, are you familiar with this person? Other people's families have left us and taken things away by themselves. Let's have a good time! " Mingge frowned and said.

"Brother Ming, don't worry. What I'm looking for is old relationship. It's definitely no problem!" Monkey some guilty said, he is looking for acquaintances of acquaintances, this relationship is not reliable. But in Central China, he didn't have such an iron relationship. He didn't want to lose face at this time, so he had to play fat.

"They will do it tomorrow, and you will go with the monkey tomorrow. Besides, there is Zhao Fugui. You must not let him go! This boy has a little background in Chengdu. I let out the wind to try to move him, but no one dare to help him. I was advised to do more than less. Damn, when did I suffer such a big loss? How can I swallow this breath if I don't get revenge? " Mingge said with a gloomy face.

"No one dares to fight in the official face, so we'll find someone on the road. We can't do anything as long as we have money these days. Even if we can't kill Zhao Fugui, we'll at least cut off his hands! " The monkey said viciously."That's it. You go to find someone. Let's stay in Chengdu for a few more days!" Mingge said coldly.

"Brother Ming, don't worry, it's on me!" Said the monkey, patting his chest.

The second generation of the rich are still waiting to start tomorrow night, but the man the monkey is looking for has already started today. The sound of the generator is far from Heilongtan.

However, Heilongtan is too far away from Xiaowan village. In addition, the patrol team has been busy all day. They are very tired and can't notice the faint sound in the wind. But the sound that people can't hear doesn't mean that other creatures can't hear.

"The machine is sinking. Get ready to step down and put on the light! If you want to make a fortune, don't give me a fuss The group of people near the black dragon pool were soon ready. Someone called out and urged them.

The black frogman diving suit of the three men's boat was ready to go into the water immediately.

Circles of ripples reverberate on the calm surface of Heilongtan lake. Three men, wearing professional diving suits and carrying oxygen bottles, go to Heilongtan and jump down. No one noticed that several pairs of green eyes came out of the orchard in the dark and ran to Heilongtan.

The wolf guard in Xiaowan village was startled by the sound of the generator.

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