Super Monk

Chapter 3365

Zhao Fugui's incarnation is certainly different from that of the Tathagata. Even if Jin chanzi, the incarnation of the Tathagata, becomes a completely independent individual, he fails to break away from the control of the Tathagata. Zhao Fugui's incarnation, let alone becoming an independent individual, did not even form an independent consciousness. In this case, although the external incarnation is the realm of great Luo Jinxian, how much power it can play completely depends on Zhao Fugui. The stronger Zhao Fugui is, the stronger the external incarnation can play. Now it can almost be said that this incarnation is integrated with Zhao Fugui, and liulijin has no power of its own.

The water demon king can also see this, so he doesn't understand that Zhao Fugui can constantly urge the glass body to attack. If he changes the water demon king, he can't do it. "Water demon king, there are too many things you can't understand. You shouldn't have provoked or killed my Lingwu sect. I'm a mean person. If you kill my people, I'll destroy your family! " Zhao Fugui said faintly, then the glass gold body stretched out a hand to lead, and the sword rolled when it was mangdun, and the awn of the sword twined around the water demon king like a whip.

Ten thousand Zhang sword Qi smashes everything, aura, void, heaven and earth seem to be smashed under this sword. The sword turned the sword into a tornado and rolled to the water demon king. The tail of the tornado turned from the sword was facing the water demon king.

"Zhao Fugui, you dare to deceive me!" The water demon king roared, and suddenly there were lights in the Tongtian River under him. The lights were all the lights of the big array. At this moment, the big array hidden in the Tongtian River by the water demon king lit up.

Since the great change of heaven and earth, the water demon king has been hiding in the Tongtian River, occupying the flesh of the mussel in the river. Then the water demon king has been practicing in the Tongtian River. It took the water demon king two years to build the formation. The reason why the water demon king built the Tongtian water mansion here is that there is a water eye connecting the Tianhe River, which can help the water demon king build the formation. But even so, it took the water demon king two years to build the formation.

This array is the foundation of the water demon king to protect his life, and it is the biggest card of the water demon king. This array needs the blood of the water demon king to activate, and it is also the biggest reliance of the water demon king to seal the river god. Now, in order to deal with Zhao Fugui, this array is completely exposed. As soon as the big array in Tongtianhe lights up, the evil spirit of the 100000 demon soldiers weakens at the speed visible to the naked eye. The massive evil spirit, which is full-bodied to the extreme, madly gathers with the power of the water demon king. The water demon king recruited 100000 demon soldiers, and almost all the powerful demons were recruited to his command. This is the purpose of the water demon king.

The water demon king can use this big array to gather the power of 100000 demon soldiers into one, and the power of 100000 demon soldiers can be gathered into the body. Coupled with the power of the water demon king, even the water demon king of Daluo Jinxian can fight on this river of heaven. The water demon king roared, changed his body, and showed his real body in an instant. The real body of the water demon king is a clam, which is the size of a hill. As soon as the water demon king showed his real body, the mussel's real body and Dharma instantly merged together, and then the mountain like giant mussel fiercely

swallowed up wanzhang's sword in a tornado, and devoured wanzhang's sword in one bite.

The sword storm was swallowed by the water demon king, and then it was crushed by the terrible spirit of the water demon king who gathered 100000 demon soldiers. This sword didn't do much damage to the water demon king.

"My king can swallow the sun, the moon and the stars. Can you kill them easily? Give me death!" The voice of the water demon king came from the mouth of the huge clam. After the storm, the water demon king opened his mouth to Zhao Fugui, trying to swallow Zhao Fugui and Liuli Jinshi.

At this time, Zhao Fugui had already let the main consciousness into the body of glazed gold. If Zhao Fugui wanted to integrate ideas and knowledge, it would take a little time, but if he only used the main consciousness to control the body of glazed gold, it would not take any time at all. Zhao Fugui's idea enters the body of Liuli gold, and his main body directly retreats, leaving the battlefield with Chen Yihan in an instant. Although Zhao Fugui has many secret methods to protect his body and various immortal tools, the water demon king has completely activated the great array in Tongtianhe now. Zhao Fugui is no longer fighting with a strong man in the later stage of a golden immortal, but with a strong man in the later stage of a golden immortal plus 100000 demons. The water demon king combined the power of one hundred thousand demon soldiers and demons, and its strength at this time was no less than that of ordinary Da Luo Jinxian. At this time, the water demon king can give play to the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, and the glass body is also the strength of Da Luo Jinxian. The two statues are almost equivalent to the strong fighting of Da Luo Jinxian. This is not at all that Zhao Fugui's main body can approach the battlefield at will. If it's just a fight between Jinxian and Zhao Fugui, of course, he doesn't have to worry too much about it, but it's a different matter to have a big Luo Jinxian.

In the battle between DA Luo and Jin Xian, Zhao Fugui's main body must be far away. Otherwise, once he is not careful, he will be in trouble if the water demon king finds a chance to attack Zhao Fugui's main body.

The giant mouth swallowing the sky must be the magic power of the water demon king. Otherwise, it can't swallow the sword awn in one gulp, and the storm seems to be intact. Once it is swallowed by the water demon king, I'm afraid there will be no good result. "Sword Zhao Fugui's idea sank into the body of the glazed body, and a terrible force directly tore the body of the glazed body and flew to the mouth of the water demon king. At this moment, Zhao Fugui felt that the space around the glass body was torn and flew to the mouth of the water demon kingIt's because of the strength of the glaze body that it can't hold the body.

Zhao Fugui controls the body of Liuli gold. His eyes are cold. He reaches out his hand and points to the real body of the water demon king. A sword light burst into the sky in this instant, the grand sword light bloomed in the dark, and the seven star sword burst into the sky, directly piercing the giant clam Dharma body of the water demon king. The giant clam of the water demon king can swallow the sword storm cut out of the glass body, but it can't destroy Zhao Fugui's seven star sword. The seven star sword is the treasure of the Supreme Lord. It's a second-class immortal weapon. Although taishanglaojun is only the part of Daozu's moral heaven, not daozun's real body, his strength is absolutely in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Taishanglaojun's personal magic weapon, even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, may not be destroyed, let alone a water demon king.

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