Super Monk

Chapter 3367

"Hoo The seven star sword cuts a huge wound directly on the giant clam of the water demon king. But at this time, the water demon king opens his mouth fiercely. It seems that a huge black hole appears in his mouth and swallows the seven star sword directly. At this moment, Zhao Fugui feels that his connection with the seven star sword has been completely cut off. Zhao Fugui frowned, it seems that the water demon king's swallowing power is really not simple. At this time, Zhao Fugui's power to control the Liuli gold body and Luo Jinxian was cut off from the connection with the seven star sword. I'm afraid that the water demon king could create a special space with his magic power. The seven star sword should be suppressed in that unique space. "Zhao Fugui, without this immortal sword, I'll see how you fight with me. I'll show you my real strength now!" The water demon king swallows the seven star sword, and one of its body shapes appears on the giant clam. He stares at Zhao Fugui with ferocity. Then he reaches down and grabs it fiercely, and the light on the big array in Tongtianhe suddenly darkens.

"Boom!" The terrible loud noise rang out fiercely, then the array under the water demon king in Tongtian River burst fiercely, and the whole array exploded in an instant.

"Richness, stop it Chen Yihan immediately saw that it was not right, and quickly cried out to Zhao Fugui worried. "You don't care!" As soon as Zhao Fugui reaches out his hand, he immediately pulls Chen Yihan, who subconsciously wants to rush past. Instead of letting Chen Yihan get close, he pulls Chen Yihan back further. Zhao Fugui also has consciousness in his main body, which is a divine idea of Zhao Fugui, or a sub consciousness.

But it's too late for Zhao Fugui to stop him. It's impossible for Zhao Fugui to stop him. "Run, run In Tongtianhe, those demon soldiers and demon generals suddenly feel that the shackles of the big array have disappeared. Although these demon soldiers and demon generals have been almost exhausted, their demon bodies are not affected too much at this time. Aware of the disappearance of the shackles of the big array in Tongtian River, these demons will wriggle one by one and flee to the distance.

But at this time, the water area in Tongtian River seems to be suddenly suppressed by some kind of invisible great power. Just for a moment, the Baili river area in Tongtian River is suddenly quiet, and then the body of the demon clan suddenly explodes under this terrible great power.

The terrified expression was fixed on the faces of the demons. The demons of thousands of demons were smashed in an instant. It felt like the bodies of the demons were put on the heavy hydraulic press in an instant and were crushed by the hydraulic press. The body of thousands of demons exploded directly into blood fog, followed by the body of the remaining demons, and the body of thousands of demons exploded into blood fog in an instant. The rich and incomparable smell of blood rose in this instant, and the black and blue Tongtian River was all dyed red in this instant. There was a fierce silence in the river area, which connected to the Tianhe river. One hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals had died in this instant.

At this time, the giant clam of the water demon king opened his mouth and sucked fiercely into the river under him. The blood mist burst from the flesh of the 100000 demon soldiers was instantly stripped out of the blue and black water of the Tongtian River, and immediately fell to the giant clam of the water demon king. The flesh of the ten thousand demon soldiers and demon generals burst, forming a huge amount of blood. If one hundred thousand people die, the blood will be almost everywhere, and the real body of the demon clan, even the smallest one, is at least ten times larger than the human body. The biggest demon clan in the ten thousand demon soldiers and demon generals is even the size of a hill,

the demon blood in the body is even massive.

The blood produced by the burst of the real body of the ten thousand demon clan almost instantly dyed the river area of the hundred Li Tongtian River red. As soon as the real body of the giant clam of the water demon king opened its mouth, a blood column appeared from the Tongtian River, and the blood column fell directly into the real body of the giant clam. The giant Mussel's real body swallowed a large amount of blood. The water demon king originally only absorbed the evil spirit of the ten thousand demon soldiers, but now the giant Mussel's real body directly swallowed all the essence and evil power of the ten thousand demon soldiers. After swallowing the massive blood essence of the demon clan, the breath of the water demon king suddenly began to soar.

Even the huge wound on the back of the water demon king began to heal quickly. The breath of the water demon king suddenly reached the level of the early stage of the great Luo Jinxian. Then the breath continued to soar until the middle stage of the great Luo Jinxian.

For most creatures in heaven, unless they are in charge of one of the three thousand avenues, it is absolutely impossible for them to possess the power of the great Luo Jinxian. However, for some creatures with alien blood, it is not necessary to be in charge of the avenues. For example, in ancient times, the most famous three clans, ZuLong clan, Fenghuang clan and Qilin clan, were able to have or even far surpass the power of Daluo Jinxian without mastering the road. Whether they were in charge of one of the three thousand roads had no limit to them.

In addition to the three inborn groups, even the alien groups such as xuangui have such ability. Their inborn blood can make them ignore the limit of three thousand avenues. The water demon king is an ancient demon clan. It is definitely not one of the three inborn clans, and there should be no xuangui blood. However, the water demon king must have blood of other alien clans. This blood allows the water demon king to use the secret method to continuously improve his strength to the realm of Daluo Jinxian, if notWith this blood, even if the water demon king uses the secret method, he can only improve his strength to the peak of the golden immortal, and it is impossible to break through the golden immortal realm. This curtain fell in Zhao Fugui's eyes, which made him feel that the water demon king was, after all, an ancient demon family, and also a strong one in the demon family. In addition, during the period of the ancient heaven, when hundreds of families lived together, even the demon family's body was likely to have other alien blood. After all, in ancient times, many demons had huge bodies. The huge bodies of demons were naturally more suitable to combine with those alien races and spread their blood. At this point, the Terran couldn't do it. Only the ancient giants could be related to those alien races and spread their blood. The normal

human race could not be like this at all.

The water demon king is not only a demon family, but also has other blood. This is the reason why the water demon king can rely on the secret array to send his strength to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. "Zhao Fugui, I want to see what qualifications you have to fight with me!" The water demon king urged the secret method and said, looking at Zhao Fugui with a grim smile.

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