Super Monk

Chapter 338

"Goo Doo!" The sound of swallowing saliva broke the silence in the dark. Taoist brothers and a group of them looked at Zhao Fugui incredulously. After so many years of work, they had never seen any fierce man or beast, but they had never met such a fierce beast as Zhao Fugui.

In particular, the two people beside the van were staring at Zhao Fugui, and their machetes fell to the ground with a "clang" sound. Their faces were covered with blood, and their faces were covered with broken glass stubbles.

Zhao Fugui smoothed out a strong man, slowly straightened up and looked at others with cold and fierce eyes. The way elder brother fiercely hit a shiver reaction to come over, sternly roar a way "Leng do what, kill him!"

Several people this just reaction come over, gnash teeth to wave a machete to Zhao Fugui to rush past. Daoge's reaction was faster. He turned back and slammed the compartment of the truck. He jumped on the truck and set the truck engine on fire. He took a shotgun out of the car and jumped out of the car.

Brother Dao thought, no matter whether you are a master of Wulin or some X-Men, I will shoot you.

"Boy, dare to touch my brother, I will kill you!" A strong man roared fiercely and slashed his machete at Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's face sank and directly raised his foot and kicked it in the strong man's chest. "Ah!" The strong man uttered a shrill scream and was kicked out directly. He rolled several times in seven or eight meters.

Next to the two fierce people can no longer hold on, usually they also dare to fight, there are lives in the hands of fierce people. But now by Zhao Fugui's cold eyes, these two ordinary people are afraid to touch a woman's buttocks in the bus, and no one dares to make a sound. They shake fiercely, and their machetes fall to the ground.

The two guys screamed like women, turned around and ran.

"Boy, you have two sons!" At this time, a strong man with a gun gave a ferocious smile. The muzzle of the shotgun aimed at Zhao Fugui and pulled the trigger. Behind Zhao Fugui, Daoge also aims at Zhao Fugui with a shotgun and is ready to shoot.

"Boom!" The gunshot rang out fiercely, and a white shadow flashed by fiercely. The bullets of the shotgun shot at the White Wolf and blew the white wolf out.

"Xiaobai!" Zhao Fugui's eyes suddenly turned red, and he rushed to the strong man with a roar. The strong man turned around and wanted to run. He was resisted by Zhao fuguimeng and smashed on the car next to him.

The Taoist brother behind him still wants to sneak attack. A wolf pounces on him fiercely and bites him on his arm. Brother Dao fell to the ground, took out a dagger from his waist and stabbed the wolf in the stomach. It was not until the wolf was completely quiet that he pushed the wolf away.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Daoge fled back to the truck with his gun in a panic and drove the truck away.

"Brother Dao, wait for us!" The two strong men jumped into the car in panic, and the lorry sped out askew.

Zhao Fugui knocked out the last guy who wanted to run but didn't run away. He quickly picked up the White Wolf, but the white wolf had lost his voice. Zhao Fugui opened his eyes and saw that among the six wolf corpses on the ground, one wolf soul was slowly dissipating.

Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed and activated the pagoda. The pagoda sent out a golden light and collected all the wolf spirits that were about to dissipate. These wolves died to protect the coral. Zhao Fugui couldn't watch their souls disappear.

"Son of a bitch!" Zhao Fugui looked at the direction of the truck escape, his eyes flashed dangerous light, he jumped on the car in good condition, directly to the truck after the past.

more than ten minutes later, a group of villagers rushed to Zhao Hongqi with their shovel hoes. Just now, when Zhao Fugui heard the howling of wolves and dogs, he rushed out. Chen Yihan immediately went downstairs and called Liu Erjie and Zhao Hongqi, asking them to go to the village and call for help from Zhao Fugui.

"Ah A few timid villagers saw the wolf corpse on the ground and the people who fell on the ground with unknown life and death. They suddenly screamed, and some of them even sat down on the ground.

"Call the police Zhao Hongqi quickly yelled, and then nervously looked around. He didn't find Zhao Fugui. He was a little relieved, and then he raised his heart again. Zhao Fugui is not here. Has he been arrested?

"Brother Tao? Why doesn't the machine move? " At this time, three underwater divers surfaced and cried discontentedly to the shore. After shouting, they found out something was wrong on the shore.

"There are still a few alive, get them!" The villagers immediately found them, and several villagers jumped into the water and shouted and beat with shovel hoes.

At once, some villagers took out their mobile phones to call the police. When they heard that it was the case around Daqingshan again, the Chengdu police reception center did not dare to neglect it and immediately informed the criminal police team.

The criminal police team simply inquired about the case and reported directly to Director Chen. When director Chen heard that Zhao Fugui might have been arrested, his face changed greatly. He called the special police team and the special police team gathered in an emergency. Just ten minutes later, a special police and criminal police team rushed to Xiaowan village under the personal leadership of director Chen.

At the same time, Zhao Fugui drove the broken car closely behind the truck. Zhao Fugui is not familiar with the car. He tried to overtake several times and stopped the truck without success.

"Big brother, the boy is still haunted and is still following. What should I do?" A strong man on the co pilot fired two shots at the back, but the car was too fast and the light was too dark to hit. The strong man thought of Zhao Fugui's inhuman power and said nervously to Taoist brother.Zhao Fugui's inner breathing method, which he learned from Taiping daoshu, has now become a little successful. He is not only powerful, but also stronger and stronger from the inside to the outside. It is no longer comparable to ordinary people.

"There's something wrong with the boy. We can't get him!" Brother Dao's face was ugly. After thinking about it, he looked ferocious and said, "the second master has a spot near Chengdu, which is also a big business. Let's go there and lead the boy there. If he wants to die himself, I will send him on the road! "

"Let's take this boy over. Can the second master let us go?" Referring to the second master, the strong man's eyes flashed a trace of panic and said in fear.

"We can't manage so much, or we can't deal with this boy. If you can't, give the coral to the second master to compensate for the loss. As long as you can kill the boy, we'll go to Heilongtan to get the coral after the storm. There are more than 100 million corals in that area. I'm afraid they can be worth several hundred million! " Brother Dao's face showed a greedy look and said harshly.

Zhao Fugui drives his car closely behind the truck. The truck drives rapidly for a while. Suddenly, Zhao Fugui finds that the surrounding environment is becoming more and more remote and has already left the road.

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