Super Monk

Chapter 3382

"Rich and noble, is the water demon king dead?" Chen Yihan looks at the water demon king's Dharma body turning into a blood mist, but he still can't believe it. He turns to Zhao Fugui and asks.

"When you die, your body will die, your spirit will die, and you can't die any more!" Zhao Fugui took that page of gold and looked at the blood mist that the water demon king was gradually washed clean.

Chen Yihan can also learn the first form of the Tathagata palm, but her own realm and strength are not strong enough. If she is forced to learn it, she will be transformed into a Buddha. The reason why the water demon king didn't dare to learn by force was that his eyesight and mood couldn't support him to learn by force. If the water demon king is forced to learn, he will be directly crossed into Buddhism, and become a Buddhist guardian of animals and birds. The water demon king doesn't want to enter Lingshan easily. Since ancient times, only people or demons have been crossed into Buddhism, but those who enter Buddhism, even the disciples of Daozu, have never heard of anyone who can come out. When you enter Lingshan mountain, it's common to turn Taoism into Buddhism, but you've never seen it before. No matter whether you don't want to come out or you can't come out, when you enter Lingshan, you haven't seen the Buddha turning into Tao. For many powerful people, Lingshan can't get in or out. The water demon king doesn't want to gamble all his life in Lingshan Buddhism.

If Chen Yihan also forces himself to learn the first form of Buddha's palm, he will surely be transferred to Buddhism. If he enters Lingshan, it will be ten thousand times more serious than brainwashing. At that time, if Chen Yihan becomes a Bodhisattva in Lingshan, then Chen Yihan will disappear completely.

However, the Tathagata palm is really powerful. Zhao Fugui is going to learn the Tathagata palm first, and then teach it to Chen Yihan. In this way, Chen Yihan will have no problem in cultivating the Tathagata palm.

In addition, there will be no problem for Zhao Fugui to cultivate the Tathagata God palm. The Tathagata God palm can't pass Zhao Fugui, let alone the first form of the Tathagata God palm. Even if the Tathagata appears in person, it may not pass Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui is also in the hands of Wen Tian Jing and Xun Hai cha. These two immortal utensils are second-class. After seeing them, Zhao Fugui decides to give them to Chen Yihan. When Chen Yihan achieves the golden immortal realm, he can activate two more immortal utensils. The second-class immortal utensils are just enough for her to use. On the surface of Tongtianhe River, the dilapidated Tianhe water mansion began to sink. Zhao Fugui reached down and grabbed it directly. This Tianhe water mansion is almost half broken, but it's still huge. It can be made into a river god water mansion after trimming. This Tianhe water mansion suppresses the thousand mile water

eye, and it is also convenient to practice water system magical power after visiting the river god.

Not to mention that the water demon king was in charge of thousands of miles of river area before, and his demon soldiers and demon generals were 100000. I don't know how many treasures he collected. Zhao Fugui certainly can't let this Tianhe water mansion sink to the bottom of the river.

"Rich and noble, I heard that the water demon king used to be a kind of water heaven official, and it was also a kind of Jinxian of demon clan. Will it be any trouble if we just kill it like this?" Chen Yihan didn't completely react until this time. He looked at Zhao Fugui anxiously and asked. "Even I dare to rob the gold body of the pharmacist Wang fo, let alone kill a golden immortal. It may be a little trouble to kill the water demon king, but it shouldn't be a big trouble. The attention of the demon clan won't be on us for the time being! " Zhao Fugui pointed to the Tianhe stele in his hand and said, "we have Tianhe steles. As long as we seal the small river god and accumulate millions of incense, the throne will be stable. At that time, with your strength, in the divine realm of Tongtianhe, even if the golden fairy comes, you can't help it! " Chen Yihan is now an immortal's later cultivation, but if he ascends the throne of Tongtian River God, and then accumulates incense to stabilize the throne, even if there are golden immortals, Chen Yihan will be able to fight. If Jin Xian is not even Chen Yihan's opponent in the early and middle stages, even in the later stage of Jin Xian and even in Jin Xian's full circle, even if Chen Yihan is not, she will not fall.

Zhao Fugui has already considered that one of the two tablets will be given to Chen Yihan, who will refine and ascend the throne of Xiaohe God. Another stone to the sky to refine the body of glass gold, this body of glass gold Zhao Fugui will not give independent consciousness, it will always be a part of Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui is going to let this separation refine a tablet to heaven, and seal the throne of the God of Tongtian River. Zhao Fugui was not interested in the position of river god of Tongtian River, but since he got two steles of Tongtian River, he was ready to fight for the position of river god. The glass body is used to refine a Tianhe stele and ascend the throne of Xiaohe God. Zhao Fugui plans to use it as Chen Yihan's helper to sweep the whole Tongtian River and help Chen Yihan ascend the throne of Dahe God. Just as the water demon king and Wujiang ancestor thought, as long as they can ascend the throne of Dahe God, they will have a chance to avoid the massacre that will break out sooner or later. Once the massacre and robbery broke out, even the sage might fall. Although this Saint only refers to the false saint, it is not the real saint, but it is also the strong one at the level of Sanqing and Tathagata. With the outbreak of murder and robbery, even Sanqing and Tathagata's level of power may fall. Zhao Fugui doesn't think he has the strength to challenge Sanqing and Tathagata now. Once the robbery really breaks out, Zhao Fugui may not be able to keep Chen Yihan, so Zhao Fugui wants to make Chen Yihan more prepared

once he ascends the throne of the God of Tongtian River, and accumulates 120000 li of power to connect the water area of Tianhe River, Chen Yihan only needs to prove the throne of Jinxian, and be careful, even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not easy to kill her, and Daluo Jinxian will die Even less likely.If Chen Yihan can refine and make a great Luo Jinxian, then she will be more careful and low-key, and almost 80% or 90% of her life will be safe.

It's true that Sanqing and Tathagata may fall when looting breaks out, but the reason why they may fall is that they want to fight for their luck and control of the three realms. They want too much and have too much ambition, so the risk of natural fall is greatly increased. If Sanqing and Tathagata were not so ambitious, they would open up a cave for self-cultivation, and almost no one could touch them. Even if the new heaven will be built in the future, which will combine the great power of the three worlds, as long as they are careful not to show their whereabouts casually, there will be no

anything. The situation of Sanqing Tathagata is totally different from that of Chen Yihan. Chen Yihan is not so ambitious, so she is not so dangerous. If she ascends the throne of Dahe God, she will be much safer. Moreover, she will become the Dahe God connecting the Tianhe river for 120000 miles, and can protect the survivors and Lingwu Sect on both sides of the Tianhe river. Zhao Fugui himself is not prepared to fight for the throne of God of the great river of heaven. What he wants is something that Sanqing and Tathagata can't give, so he wants to fight for himself.

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