Super Monk

Chapter 3387

Around Tongtian Shuifu, there are nearly a hundred schools of real immortals within three thousand li. Almost all of them have come. Those who didn't come had already fled. The whole sect had fled, leaving three thousand or even five thousand miles away from Tongtian water mansion.

Those not coming sects and real masters dare not even stay within five thousand miles around Tongtian Shuifu. Zhao Fugui has completely scared them out of their wits.

However, only a few of them have escaped. Most of the clans have already arrived. They are not willing to give up easily because they have managed to establish their foundation. If you don't give up the foundation of the sect, you can only come to meet Zhao Fugui. If you don't come, the Nine Star Palace, Tongtian Shuifu and qixuanmen will come to an end. After a while, there were hundreds of real fairies standing in the courtyard of Lingwu sect. These real fairies didn't dare to float in the air. They all stood in the courtyard honestly, waiting for the arrangement of Lingwu sect. There are hundreds of people in the courtyard of Lingwu camp, which is not crowded. Lingwu camp is not small, so the courtyard can easily accommodate so many people.

"Here it is At this time, Zhang Jiao, who had a keen sense of spirit, suddenly felt as if he was sinking. Then they saw Zhao Fugui come out of the hall of Lingwu sect. In fact, many of them are not very clear about Zhao Fugui, because they have been far away since Zhao Fugui appeared. As soon as Zhao Fugui and the water demon Wang Wujiang's ancestors start to fight, the aura of heaven and earth is suddenly disordered, which interferes with many magic powers. If their strength is weak, they can't see Zhao Fugui clearly.

However, Zhao Fugui is dignified, and he releases some strength. In the eyes of these real masters, he is as dazzling as the sun. That kind of pressure makes many real immortals dry and nervous. The strong and the golden immortal are two different things. If they face the golden immortal, if they are willing to work hard and push the magic weapon to attack, even the ordinary golden immortal can't resist. If hundreds of immortal weapons attack at the same time, unless it's the kind of golden immortal who can use the big array to elevate his strength to the level of Daluo golden immortal, otherwise, if hundreds of immortal weapons attack at the same time, the ordinary golden immortal will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die.

But big Luo Jinxian's level is different. Their real immortal's strength is far from big Luo Jinxian's. even if they are willing to work hard, it's just a little trouble for big Luo Jinxian, and it can't cause too much threat to big Luo Jinxian. After all, they only had nearly 100 real immortals. At that time, there were 100000 earth immortals and 1000 celestial immortals in the demon clan. Luo Jinxian had to be defeated and escaped in the face of great strength. However, even if most of them were celestial immortals, they could not deal with a strong one at the level of great Luo Jinxian. Not to mention that there are countless immortal tools in this Da Luo Jinxian level strong hand

, so they can't deal with it.

These real immortals dare not fight against the water demon king, let alone Zhao Fugui. In the face of the water demon king, they have to bow their heads. In the face of Zhao Fugui, they have to bow their heads even more.

"See Zhao xianzun!" As soon as Zhao Fugui appeared, there was no discussion at all. At the same time, hundreds of Zhangjiao real people in the Lingwu school bent down to give Zhao Fugui a salute and said in a loud voice, even the golden immortal.

Standing in the distance, all the Lingwu disciples looked very excited. This is nearly a hundred real immortals. They all bowed their heads at this moment. Most of the Lingwu disciples didn't even dare to imagine this scene before.

"I have an announcement to announce when I call you together this time." Zhao Fugui raised his hand and motioned to those real people who were in charge of the sect to be free. Then he said directly, "in half a month, with Tianhe Shuifu as the center, I want you to build at least 100 River temples!" "Sure enough, after the Tianhe stele, the God of the river will be sealed. This time, the Lingwu sect came for the incense!" As soon as Zhao Fugui said this, the faces of many real people of Zhang Jiao suddenly showed a clear look. They thought that Zhao Fugui had called them together for the sake of incense. Now Zhao Fugui's words confirm their conjecture. However, it's not too difficult to build a hundred River temples within half a month. Even the number of hundred River temples is less than expected by these real masters. Taking Tongtian Shuifu, or now called heshendi, as the center, it radiates 3000 Li to the surrounding area. There are more than 100 cities and towns in this area. If you add 12000 Li to the 50 Li area on both sides of the river, there are at least 200 towns and cities.

For gods, there are also some established rules. Generally speaking, a river within ten li of the river area is regarded as the God area of the river god. Medium sized rivers are generally within five li. Small rivers are either the river itself, or at most a little embankment. This is the scope that river gods can cover with the realm of God. These are some common rules established in the second generation of heaven, so that other gods of river gods and mountain gods will not have disputes about the scope of the realm of God. After all, the Tongtian River is too long and too wide, so the river god of Tongtian River can extend his divine realm to 50 Li on both sides of the river bank. Within 50 Li on both sides of the Tongtian River, it can be said that it is the God domain of the Tongtian River God. Now, Lingwu school has two Tongtian steles, which can control the river domain of 12000 Li. There are many towns on both sides of such a long river domain.The cities and towns in the three thousand li territory, plus the cities and towns in the twelve thousand li River territory, all of these cities and towns add up to about two hundred. Naturally, these cities and towns can and will be built River temples. Zhao Fugui said that only 100 River temples will be built, which is quite small. When Zhao Fugui said this, the minds of some real people in charge of teaching suddenly became active. The conditions proposed by Zhao Fugui are not so harsh. Is it true that Zhao Fugui is also afraid of their fierce opposition? Or did Zhao Fugui not dare to force them too much for fear that they would be caught dead?

If so, it's not impossible to talk about this condition, and it's not just them who have to give in. Lingwu sect and Zhao Fugui also have to give in. But at this time, Zhao Fugui's voice continued to ring, saying, "in half a month, hundreds of river temples will be built. In a month, no matter big or small, all towns must build river temples, and the specifications of river temples must be the largest in that town. Half a month later, all the river god statues will be attentive, I will arrange Temple wishes, convergence of the City incense. After that, all the incense in all the towns within three thousand li will be gathered and distributed by the river god. Do you understand? "

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