Super Monk

Chapter 344

"Meaning, I'm going to open a sanatorium in Xiaowan village, mainly for the treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and do some beauty work to receive high-end customers! Last time I went to the city, I found that there was a Tang's traditional Chinese medicine company in the city, with an annual profit of more than 100 million. Their medical skills can make so much money. If we open it, we can not only make more money, but also save people! " Zhao Fugui said.

Qiao Er ye and Dao Ge have lost sight. The Public Security Department of the Ministry of public security has nothing to do with them, and Zhao Fugui can't find them. This matter can only be put down for the time being, but Zhao Fugui has never forgotten them and will find them sooner or later.

This matter in mind, Xiaowan village only Zhao Fugui know this matter, now Zhao Fugui still have to do their own thing.

"Cosmetology always has a good relationship with cosmetology, but it's difficult for us to doubt whether cosmetology has a good relationship with cosmetology?" Chen Yihan said with some worries.

"There are some jobs Meiyan international can't do, but we can. Mr. Shu will not be unhappy, but will introduce business to us. Money can't be earned all over, but when business comes, it won't be allowed to go. Instead, it can accumulate public praise in the industry. We can work with Meiyan international Zhao Fugui had thought of this for a long time, and even discussed it with Shu Ya before.

It's Shuya that suggests Zhao Fugui to open a beauty salon in Xiaowan village. It's a one-stop process of beauty Resort and leisure. It's dedicated to receiving high-end customers. Meiyan international can also introduce some high-end customers. As long as Zhao Fugui can meet their requirements, it is also good for Meiyan International's reputation.

"If Mr. Shu doesn't mind, you are so good at medicine. It's a pity not to see a doctor. It's good to help more people!" Chen Yihan thought about it and said.

"Well, I think so too, but in terms of medical treatment, I'm only going to treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases. If others can't, I'll treat them. If others can't, I won't treat them." Zhao Fugui opened a sanatorium. On the one hand, he wanted to make money. On the other hand, he wanted to save people and accumulate good deeds. People who treat incurable diseases can be regarded as life-saving, so he is prepared to only treat serious diseases that cannot be treated in other places.

"That's OK, or we'll become a hospital, and people with some money will come here!" Chen Yihan nodded and said, "where are you going to build a sanatorium? The current buildings in Xiaowan village are not suitable for sanatorium. We have to build a new house!"

"After all, the sanatorium is relatively private, and the seriously ill also need quiet cultivation. It's not good to build the sanatorium in the front. I'm going to build a house in the back of the village!" Zhao Fugui has long thought about this. "It's quiet in the back of the village. You can see the big green hill when you look up. The scenery is good. In addition, there is a lot of space behind the village. I've already looked after the location! "

"Well, you can do it, but the sanatorium certainly needs professional nursing staff. How can you hire some people to come here?" Chen Yihan said.

"Well, I'll go to medical school or health school and choose the right person to come over!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said, "I'll go to Zhang Youhu and ask him to build the sanatorium as soon as possible."

After discussing with Chen Yihan, Zhao Fugui goes to find Zhang Youhu. Zhang Youhu's Farm Inn project in Xiaowan village is coming to an end. More than 300 farm inns have been built in the whole village, and the rest can be completed in a short time.

More than 300 farmhouse Inns can afford about 5000 tourists to spend the night in Xiaowan village. This number is already considerable. Usually, tourists are still dissatisfied, and only half of them can live there. However, when the swimsuit show's passenger flow surged, the Farmhouse Inn was not enough.

However, at present, these rural Inns can not only meet the needs of the tourists left in Xiaowan village, but also increase the income of the villagers, which is a win-win situation.

Zhao Fugui soon found Zhang Youhu in the village, and then took him to the back of the village to see the land. Zhao Fugui's favorite land is the wasteland by the river at the foot of Daqingshan, which is full of weeds. Xiaowan village is not short of cultivated land and vegetable garden. Ordinary villagers can't even plant their own land, so no one comes to reclaim the wasteland.

The land beside the river is very large, but Zhao Fugui doesn't need so much land. He only needs a building, not even a yard.

"If you want to build a sanatorium, I suggest you build a five story building on 500 to 1000 square meters of land." Zhang Youhu said.

"The fifth floor is too high. The patients here haven't lived for long, so they don't have so much demand. Five hundred square meters and three floors is enough. In addition, try not to damage the environment here. Construction waste can't be poured into the river. All the waste should be taken away. Money is not a problem! " Zhao Fugui said.

"The third floor is a little short, 500 Ping is not big!" Zhang Youhu thought about it and said, "let's use this land. It's close to the village and far away from the river. It doesn't damage the environment and the land is relatively flat!"

Zhang Youhu pointed to the land not too far away from the threshing ground, which is some distance away from the river, and said that there are even several tourist cars parked on the land.

"OK, just use that piece of land. You can start building it as soon as possible! In addition, Xiaowan village also needs a parking lot. In the future, vehicles will try not to let them Park in Xiaowan village! " Zhao Fugui said.

"If you want to build a parking lot, try to build it bigger. It's useless to build a smaller one. There are too many cars now. But there is no place in the village unless the land is destroyed Zhang Youhu said."The parking lot is not built in Xiaowan village. I'm going to buy a piece of land outside the village. Either buy it in Dawan village, or buy it on the other side of the urban-rural highway, where is Qianwan village. Buy at least ten acres of land to build a parking lot! " Zhao Fugui said.

The parking lot is definitely to be built. Zhao Fugui's most ideal place is Dawan village. There is a dirt road between Dawan village and Xiaowan village, which is closer to Xiaowan village. However, the contradiction between Zhao Fugui and Dawan village is not small, so Zhao Fugui did not consult the village head of Dawan village to buy land for the time being.

However, even if the land in Dawan village is not sold, Zhao Fugui is not helpless. He can buy land in Qianwan village, opposite the urban-rural highway. It's a little far from Xiaowan village, but it's only 15 minutes' walk from the urban-rural highway. And even if the tourists feel that it's far away, it's very convenient for Zhao Fugui to buy some sightseeing buses in the future to pick them up in the parking lot.

Zhao Fugui and Zhang Youhu discuss the building of the sanatorium. As soon as they get back to the village, Zhao Fugui receives a phone call. Jiang Caiyuan comes back and goes to Xiaowan village.

Jiang Caiyuan originally just went back to the provincial capital for a day or two. I don't know what delayed her for a few days. Until now, she has just returned to Chengdu.

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