Super Monk

Chapter 346

Zhao Fugui and the villagers dig on the earth bank of the pond to cultivate Wuchang fish in the abandoned pond. At the same time, Zheng Yue also receives a phone call from her family in the office of the farm stove.

"Yueyue, when are you going home today?" Mother Zheng asked on the phone. Zheng Yue's voice is strange. Her mother seems very excited and happy. Since Zheng Yue's father was ill, her mother hasn't been like this for a long time.

"I'll go home after work. I'm not too busy today. I should be able to go home on time! I bought some wine and vegetables for Dad. I'll take them back in the evening! " Zheng Yue said.

Zheng Yue's father is now basically back to health, occasionally drinking two glasses. Two days ago, everyone in the swimsuit show had a busy day. Today, Zhao Fugui sent a red envelope to all the staff, and the villagers also had a red envelope, only half less than the staff.

Zheng Yue usually thrifty, issued a red envelope, she gritted her teeth in the snack street to buy a halogen rich goose, ready to take home at night to her father to do food and wine.

"You'll be back early. You've got a distinguished guest. Tell your boss, take a few days off! You say it's not good where you go to work. You have to go so far to work in a village, and you don't get much pay. You still run around every day. That's true! " Zheng mother said unhappily.

"Mom, you can't ask for leave without any reason. Besides, if you have guests, you can serve them. What can I do when I go back? " Zheng Yue didn't tell her family about Xiaowan village and borrowing Zhao Fugui's money. Zheng's mother didn't like her job very much.

"There's no reason. Your father doesn't feel well today. Come back and have a look!" Zheng mother said.

"What? Is Dad sick? I'll be right back! " As soon as Zheng Yue heard that her father was not feeling well, she hung up the phone and asked Chen Yihan for half a day's leave. Then she packed up and hurried out of the village. After a while, she took an urban-rural bus to go home.

Xiaowan village now has a large passenger flow. The bus company specially increases the urban and rural bus service from two times a day to eight, four in the morning and four in the afternoon. Now it's much more convenient to take a ride in Xiaowan village.

Zheng Yue asked for half a day's leave, and Chen Yihan didn't care. It's normal for everyone to have some urgent affairs. It's not this that worries Chen Yihan. Today, she also received a call from her family. The summer vacation is coming. As soon as the primary school is off, it's OK to support teaching. Chen Yihan's family asked her to go home early in the summer vacation.

Chen Yihan is now worried about this matter. She knows that once she returns to Beijing, it will be difficult to come back. Even if she can, I'm afraid it won't be able to come back in a short time. But Chen Yihan doesn't want to leave Xiaowan village now.

Zhao Fugui doesn't know what's going on here. He is still working hard to transform the pond in Houcun. If the real Hanshui fish culture is successful, Xiaowan village will definitely have one more famous dish. There are many delicious things in Xiaowan village now, but there is no treasure of the town. Zhao Fugui thinks that the real Hanshui fish may become the treasure of the town.

Zhao Fugui is sweating in the hot sun, but he doesn't feel tired, or even too hot. Now this kind of high-intensity work in the hot sun has no great influence on Zhao Fugui.

"All right!"

the last shovel was dug down, and the water from the stream poured into the pond. The water in the pond was coming out of the back outlet. Soon the water in the pond became more and more clear.

"Get off the net and seal it up!" Seeing that the water quality is getting better and better, Zhao Fugui said after waiting for a while. The villagers guarding the two gaps of the earth dike quickly put down the net, which was nailed to the wooden fence to prevent it from being washed away by water.

"Well, to the end!" Two villagers pressed the wooden fence to the end, hammered it a few times and fixed it to both sides of the embankment. So the water in the pond becomes live water.

"I let the fish go!" Zhao Fugui checked it and found that there was no problem, so he moved the fish tank from Jiang Caiyuan and poured all the water and fish into the pond.

With a flick of their tails, the five Hanshui fish soon disappeared under the lotus and disappeared. They had been raised in Lingquan water for a while. Although it is hot now, it is not stuffy. There is no lack of oxygen in the pond. These Hanshui fish should be able to adapt to the environment and live well.

Zhao Fugui opened his eyes, looked through the lotus leaves, and saw the Hanshui fish swimming leisurely at the bottom of the pond without any abnormality. It seems that they are very satisfied with the current environment.

"There should be no problem, sister Ling said that the requirements of Han Shui fish for water quality are very high. Now it is more and more difficult to catch Han River fish because the water quality of Han River is getting worse and worse. The production and reproduction of Hanshui fish are very difficult. Therefore, the number of Hanshui fish has decreased year by year in the past 20 years, and it is almost extinct! " Jiang Caiyuan looks into the pond, but she can't see the shadow of the fish.

"It should be no problem. We can't compete with the provincial capital, but the environment is good, and the water quality is absolutely no problem!" Zhao Fugui said confidently.

"That's good. By the way, next month, Zhu Yan, our senior one's study committee member, will you go? She has a good relationship with me. I don't know your contact information. Ask me to ask you! " Jiang Caiyuan asked again.

Zhu Yan was a member of the learning committee of Zhao Fugui when he was a freshman in high school. At that time, Zhao Fugui was the monitor and Jiang Caiyuan was a member of the literature and Art Committee. Zhao Fugui remembers that Zhu Yan was fat for nothing at that time, and the two had been table mates for some time, and their relationship was not good or bad.

"Let's talk about it then. Please let me know in advance and I'll go when I'm free." Zhao Fugui thought about it and said."Well, Zhu Yan is very nice. Go when you have time. My father's company has a lot of things these days. He asked me to deal with some things of Chengdu Branch. Recently, I've been very busy. I'll be relieved if I give you the Hanshui fish. I'll go back to the city first! " Jiang Caiyuan nodded and said.

"Let's go after lunch. It's time for dinner too!" Zhao Fugui said quickly. Jiang Caiyuan sent fish to him as soon as she came back to Chengdu. Zhao Fugui didn't care how much rice she had.

"I'm not busy in a few days. I don't dare to come to you every day, otherwise I'll have to double my health for a few days. It's too hard!" Jiang Caiyuan smiles and waves her hand. Zhao Fugui sends her to Lexus. Jiang Caiyuan gets on the bus, waves to Zhao Fugui and leaves.

Jiang Caiyuan is the daughter of the Jiang family. She handles the affairs of Chengdu. It seems that the Jiang family is preparing to train Jiang Caiyuan to take over the affairs of the family.

This is Zhao Fugui's idea, but Jiang Caiyuan's father doesn't think so. In Jiang Caiyuan's father's opinion, if her daughter stays in Chengdu, she can have more contact with Zhao Fugui. As long as she maintains a good relationship, it may be of great use at any time.

For example, this time when the provincial public security bureau chief was replaced, Xiao Changlin took advantage of the collapse of the Li family and really sat on the throne of the bureau chief. In the final analysis, it's all because of Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui didn't think so much, but here in Xiaowan village, Zheng Yue asked for half a day's leave, but she didn't come to work the next day. She couldn't get through the phone and didn't know what happened.

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