Super Monk

Chapter 3517

"There are too many smug people!" Feitian red tiger directly tore up Li Hong's body, slapped Li Hong's Yuanying, and let Li Hong die completely. Zhao Fugui takes a look around. Li Hong and his group of subordinates are dead now. There is no one alive. After killing Li Hong, Feitian red tiger turns back into a kitten again and lazily shrinks on Zhao Fugui's shoulder. In Jiaolong hall, the existence of a Dixian level is like a bug. There may not be no strong men in Jiaolong hall. Those strong men should be arranged by Sanqing to take charge of affairs.

I'm afraid no one on the list can deal with the strong men in Dixian. Although Sanqing has vacated the position of Taoist Fuqing Zhengshen and 365 zhoutianzhengshen, it is obvious that there is no arrangement for those former Taoist Fuqing Zhengshen and 365 zhoutianzhengshen. Many of these former Taoist deities and heavenly officials were in charge of the five dragon hall. As long as they could live to the end, they would have a much greater chance to re ascend the throne than other monks. "The fire poison of that guy Li Hong is still in trouble!" After looking around, Zhao Fugui reaches out his hand and holds Nangong Ling up again. Nangong Ling's body is boiling hot, and her consciousness of burning is blurred. Zhao Fugui touched Nangong Ling's forehead and walked towards the Dragon hall with Nangong Ling in his arms. Not long after Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling left, two furtive figures appeared from a distance. They looked at Li Hong's corpses, and their faces suddenly changed. They quickly turned and fled to the distance. They didn't even dare to follow the direction of Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling, but they spared Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling, spared a long way, and then chased the direction of Jiaolong hall.

Zhao Fugui walked to Jiaolong hall with Nangong spirit in his arms. Soon after, a huge dark palace appeared in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes.

The hall is 100 feet high, more than 300 meters high, which is equivalent to the height of more than 100 stories. This huge palace is like a dark and cold fortress. A big black flag is planted on the palace. There are many names written on the flag, which are indistinct. Some monks come and go in and out of the hall, but most of them enter the hall

, and few of them leave the hall. Moreover, every monk goes in and out in a hurry and is on guard.

There was no one to greet at the gate of the Jiaolong hall. The gate of the black hole was like a huge mouth opened by a giant beast, which devoured the people who entered the Jiaolong hall one by one. Zhao Luo's name appears in the black flag above the Jiaolong hall. Zhao Fugui is in the right place. "Here comes another one!" There are monks in and out to see Zhao Fugui holding Nangong Ling appear, indifferent look at them, and then leave without any pause. Zhao Fugui can clearly feel the eyes of those friars. Some of them are full of indifference, some don't think much of it, and some of them are naked. Zhao Fugui didn't care about these eyes at all. He held Nangong spirit and went to Jiaolong hall. At the gate of Jiaolong hall, Zhao Fugui is holding Nangong spirit. As soon as he approaches, two lights from which black flag suddenly fall on Zhao Fugui and Nangong spirit. As soon as the two lights fall on Zhao Fugui and Nangong spirit, the names of Zhao Luo and Nangong spirit on the black flag suddenly become clear, and then the two lights directly turn into two waist tags to appear on Zhao Fugui and Nangong spirit On Nangong Ling.

Zhao Fugui's waist tag shows a big character, which is a vast Yellow character, while Nangong Ling's waist tag is a big black character. "Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow. They use this to divide their status. The basis for dividing their status should be strength. I'm a friar in Jindan period, so I'm the lowest yellow level. Nangongling is Yuanying, so she's Xuan level. The prefectural level above the Xuan level should be the Dujie friars. As for the Tian level, it might be those who manage the Jiaolong hall! " Zhao Fugui looked at himself and Nangong Ling's waist tag, and he had some speculation in his heart. However, these conjectures only flashed through Zhao Fugui's mind, and Zhao Fugui continued to walk towards the entrance of Jiaolong hall with Nangong spirit in his arms. When Zhao Fugui walks into Jiaolong hall with Nangong spirit in his arms, the waist tag between Zhao Fugui and Nangong spirit flashes, and there is no obstacle to enter Jiaolong hall

, so Zhao Fugui walks in directly with Nangong spirit in his arms. From the outside, Jiaolong hall is quite huge, but after entering Jiaolong hall, I found that Jiaolong hall is even bigger. The inside of Jiaolong hall is divided into three roads, left and right and forward. These three roads are like corridors, with rooms on both sides. As soon as you enter this room, the waist tag of Zhao's waist changes again. There is a group of numbers under the big yellow character on the front of the waist token. The number on Zhao Fugui's waist token is 32156, and the number on nangongling's waist token is 32155. This number should be the number of people who have entered the Jiaolong hall. Zhao Fugui originally estimated that there were about 80000 or 90000 monks in Jiaolong hall, but it has been ten or twenty days since the Sanqing festival began to set up ancient banners. Up to now, only 30000 people have entered Jiaolong hall, which is less than Zhao Fugui's estimation. Zhao Fugui originally estimated that there should be at least 40000 or 50000 people entering Jiaolong hall It's too late.In addition to the large yellow characters and numbers written on the front of the waist tag, the back of the waist tag is also written with dense words, which are mainly the rules in Jiaolong hall.

In Jiaolong hall, monks are not allowed to fight with each other. This is the most important rule in Jiaolong hall. In addition, there are some things about learning Tao and decisiveness, exchanging God's treasure, and obtaining Qi transportation points.

The daojue in Jiaolong hall is also divided into four levels: xuanhuang in heaven and earth, zhenzhuan in heaven, zhenzhuan in earth, zhenzhuan in the level of Siyu and Wulao. Xuanzhi is some daojue passed down by the God of heaven, and the lowest level of Huangzhi is Kunlun secret.

Moreover, Kunlun esoteric biography is divided into the entry level and zhenzhuan level. The entry level is free, that is, some ordinary Kunlun daojue, but even such daojue can be cultivated to the realm of human beings, immortals and earthly immortals, and zhenzhuan level Kunlun daojue can be cultivated to the realm of immortals. It's just that starting from the zhenzhuan daojue of Kunlun esoteric, if you want to get these daojue, you need to use Qiyun point. As for how to get Qiyun point, there are many ways. For example, to complete the tasks issued by Jiaolong hall, for example, to replace them with immortal tools.

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