Super Monk

Chapter 354

Zhao Fugui saw that the village head of song Yougen was cursing. He waited for a while, ready to wait for the village head of song to scold when he was tired. However, the village head of song scolded him for spitting and sweating, but the more he scolded, the more excited he was. From the village branch secretary's wife stealing to the village branch secretary's own father-in-law, he scolded the three generations of the village branch secretary.

Zhao Fugui feels that song Yougen village head is worse than a shrew. However, even if he is cursed, and the door of the village branch secretary is closed, he does not dare to be heard. Zhao Fugui waited for a while. Seeing that the Song village head's swearing vocabulary is really amazing, he can't wait any longer.

"Village head song!" Zhao Fugui called out and walked to the village head of Song Dynasty.

"Why? Where did you come from? No one in Qianwan village dares to interfere with my swearing. Do you want to meddle Song Yougen squinted at Zhao Fugui and said.

"Ha ha, Mr. Song, you misunderstood me. I'm Zhao Fugui from Xiaowan village. I want to buy a piece of land from Mr. Song!" Zhao Fugui asked for something and said with a smile.

"It turned out to be boss Zhao of Xiaowan village. Do you want to buy land?" Song Yougen's eyes suddenly brightened. He took Zhao Fugui and said, "boss Zhao is looking for the right person to buy land for me. Let's go back to talk!"

It's a good thing to buy land. Song Yougen has long wanted to sell all the land in Qianwan village to make a fortune after seeing the demolition of so many villages. Unfortunately, Rongcheng is not an industrial city. There are not so many factories to buy land to build factories. It's far away from the urban area, and there is no construction company to buy land and build buildings, so song Yougen's wish has not been realized.

However, in recent years, there are many people in the village who go out to work and earn money. Most of these people will go back to the village to build new houses. If you want to build a house in the village, you have to pay song Yougen, at least one or two thousand, at most three or five thousand. If you don't have money, you can't build a house. Song Yougen made a lot of money on this. That's how he got his big villa and Audi.

As soon as Zhao Fugui wants to buy land, it's a big business. Song Yougen calculates how much money he can earn and enthusiastically takes Zhao Fugui to his villa.

"Come on, pour tea for boss Zhao. Turn on the air conditioner and blow for boss Zhao! " As soon as song Yougen came back to the room, he yelled in a loud voice. Hearing his voice, a young woman quickly brought tea and water to turn on the air conditioner.

This young woman is song Yougen's daughter-in-law. She is a college girl in the village. When she was in college, she talked about a boyfriend. Later, as soon as she graduated, she kicked off her boyfriend and married song Yougen's son.

As soon as the air conditioner in the living room was turned on and the tea was ready, song Yougen asked Zhao Fugui to sit down. He rubbed his hands excitedly and asked, "which piece of land does boss Zhao like in our village? How many acres? "

"Urban and rural roads are all right near Xiaowan village. I want to buy 30 mu of land to build a parking lot. I wonder if village head song can sell me the land? " Zhao Fugui said.

Thirty mu of land is a little more than 10000 square meters. Such a large place is enough to park hundreds of cars. If the planning is better, it will be enough for Xiaowan village.

"Thirty acres?" Song Yougen's eyes are as bright as a small light bulb, but his eyes turn. Song Yougen looks embarrassed and says, "boss Zhao, you also know that in recent years, the country has drawn a red line for arable land, and it's going to destroy the arable land and build a parking lot. Even if I agree, I'm afraid the villagers won't agree!"

Zhao Fugui's heart says that you're acting like a dog. The village branch secretary has been scolded by you. Who else dares to fight against you in this village? If you nod your head and say sell, I'm afraid no one in the village dares to object.

"Mr. Song, I really want to buy it. I know you must have a way. If you have any conditions, you can tell me straight away." Zhao Fugui said directly.

"Boss Zhao looks up to me too much. We are the first in a legal society and democracy. I don't want to say anything. I don't dare to be arbitrary!" Song Yougen secretly calculated for a while. Xiaowan village has been developing rapidly. Everyone knows that Xiaowan village is rich now, and Zhao Fugui, the boss of Xiaowan village, is even richer. Song Yougen thought about it and said, "if you want to do this, you have to compensate the villagers who have been occupied, and let them also agree!"

Zhao Fugui thought that if the compensation is in place, the money will be in place. However, the market of Chengdu in the past two years is that the transfer price of one mu of land is 30000 to 40000. Not everyone can meet such a good village head as Zhao Fugui in Xiaowan village, who is willing to give a big price to lead the villagers to get rich. Moreover, Zhao Fugui's money is not windy. It's impossible for anyone to make money from Zhao Fugui.

It's song Yougen's business to lead the villagers of Qianwan village to get rich, which has nothing to do with Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui is here to talk business, not to let anyone become a upstart and take a bite from him.

According to the highest price of 40000 yuan per mu of land in the market, 30 mu of land is 1.2 million yuan, and Zhao Fugui's psychological price is 1.5 million yuan. After all, they are all from the same village, and the villagers of Qianwan village have to earn a little.

"How much money can the villagers willingly sell the land to me?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Well, I heard that boss Zhao rents land in Xiaowan village. One mu of land is about 100000 a year. Boss Zhao wants to buy land in Qianwan village. Once the land is bought, it belongs to boss Zhao for life. It's not a rental land. We are all from Qingtian Township, and I don't want to talk about it. Boss Zhao paid 500000 yuan per mu, which is equivalent to renting the land of Xiaowan village for five years. Although the price is not high, I can certainly help boss Zhao persuade the villagers to agree to sell the land! "Song Yougen looks like everyone is his own. I'm helping you, brother Zhao. As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, song Yougen was greedy. He dared to ask for 50 thousand mu of land.

Even the village head's daughter-in-law, who stood by and peeped at Zhao Fugui, was secretly surprised by the price of his official communique. His father-in-law really dared to speak. One mu is 500000, and 30 mu is 15 million.

My father-in-law will give the villagers 30000 or 40000 yuan for one mu of land at most. If this business is really negotiated, he will make more than 10 million yuan. Song Yougen's daughter-in-law was stunned by the number, and then showed a greedy look in her eyes. If she really got the money, she could live like a female star.

"Mr. Song, I'm really here to talk business. Is it too much for you to talk so much?" Zhao Fugui said with a frown.

"Brother, brother, why did the lion open his mouth? You can even afford to drive Rolls Royce. Who doesn't know the name of your boss Zhao? You can't even afford this money, can you? " Song Yougen said with a trace of irony in his tone.

To build a parking lot in Xiaowan village, apart from the land in Dawan village, we can only buy the land in Qianwan village. All the other land is too far away. Even if we build a parking lot, no one wants to park there. The land of Dawan village is the best choice.

Since Zhao Fugui came to him, he couldn't buy land in Dawan village. Song Yougen knew that Zhao Fugui could only buy land from him, so he was not afraid of Zhao Fugui's turn. Zhao Fugui has to buy this land. He has to buy it if he doesn't buy it.

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