Super Monk

Chapter 3564

"Three punches, three punches killed nine tigers. Nine tigers are powerful people with great witch blood. He was killed so vividly!" "It's inevitable that the general will die in battle. It's no surprise that Jiu Hu was killed, but he was killed by his best way, which is shocking. This Zhao Luo must have a powerful inheritance. The strength of the physical training monk can't be measured by the realm. Judging from the strength of Zhao Luo, even the strong man of Yuanying may not be his opponent! "

"Zuo Feng is dead, and nine tigers are dead. They are the powerful people in the middle of Yunfeng club. Ha ha, they were both killed. Li Dashao lost his face this time! " And the friar gloated.

"Zhao Luo can kill Zuo Feng and Jiu Hu. He has proved his strength. If he goes to apologize to Li Dashao now, he will be soft. In front of everyone's face, Li Da Shao may spare his life. In order to show that he has been invited to join the Yunfeng club "It's also true that a person who knows current affairs is a hero. If Zhao Luo stops now, maybe Li Da Shao will bring him to Yunfeng club!" Many other friars nodded and said, after all, although Zhao Fugui's strength is not weak, he can kill Jiuhu and zuofeng. But Jiuhu and zuofeng are not the strongest in Yunfeng club. They are just the middle-level strong in Yunfeng club. There are strong in Yunfeng club. No one thinks that Zhao Fugui can deal with Yunfeng Club alone.

Under the challenge arena, the other friars were just shocked by Zhao Fugui's strength. They didn't have any other feelings. However, Ren pan, who had been watching Zhao Fugui kill Zuo Feng and Jiu Hu, was in a panic. Seeing that Jiu Hu fell down, he quickly turned around and wanted to leave.

Although Ren pan didn't win the battle of life and death, he didn't think Zhao Fugui would dare to kill him, but if he was punished by Zhao Fugui, it would not be worth the loss, so Ren pan immediately wanted to run away.

"Ren pan, do you still want to go now? Zuo Feng and Jiu Hu are dead. Why don't you die? " Zhao Fugui's cold voice rang directly behind Ren pan and said.

Ren Pan's figure suddenly stopped. At this moment, he felt like he was watched by a huge beast. Once he moved around, he would be dead immediately.

"Zhao, elder martial brother Zhao, I was forced, too. There are so many strong people in Yunfeng, I dare not listen to them at all. If I don't listen to them, I will die. Please forgive me Ren pan trembled all over and turned around to plead with Zhao Fugui. "You can kill someone if you don't want to die?" Zhao Fugui, like a ghost, suddenly appeared in front of Ren Pan's eyes. He grabbed his neck with one hand and directly lifted Ren pan up. He said coldly, "in the end, the world is based on strength. If you have the strength to kill us, I naturally have no words to say, but you don't have the strength, so you can die!"

"Spare me, spare my life!" Ren Pan's neck was caught, his face turned red, and his breathing became very difficult.

"Younger martial brother Zhao, no, please don't kill him!" Nangong Ling struggled to sit up and tried his best to shout to Zhao Fugui, "give him a chance. I believe he won't do it again!"

Ren Pan's eyes showed a trace of ecstasy, desperately nodded, indicating that he would never do that again. But he was too early to be happy. Zhao Fugui made a sudden effort to crush Ren Pan's neck.

"Now in this world, you can't afford the second time he harms you. Every time he succeeds in killing you this time, he has made complete preparations before he harms you next time, which makes it difficult for you to have a chance to live again!" Zhao Fugui said faintly to Nangong Ling.

Nangong Ling looked at Ren Pan's corpse stupidly. For a long time, he didn't come back to himself. But what shocked Nangong Ling more was the monks around. Ren Panke has come down from the challenge of life and death. He is not in the challenge of life and death now. Killing him is a taboo of Jiaolong hall and will be punished by thunder. Monks who don't have the ability to survive the thunder disaster are not sure. Even if the thunder punishment in Jiaolong hall is only the last three gods of thunder disaster, it's not a complete thunder disaster, but it's not something ordinary monks can resist.

Zhao Luo is too brave to kill a monk who didn't go to the challenge of life and death within the scope of Jiaolong hall. It's really brave.

"Look, Lei Yun is beginning to gather. This boy is not afraid of death. He dares to kill people at will. Does he think that if he kills Jiuhu and zuofeng, he can kill people in Jiaolong hall and resist Tianlei? " Friars scattered around the ring of life and death for fear of being affected by the thunder.

Almost at the moment when Zhao Fugui killed Ren pan, a dark cloud in the sky began to brew. Silver snakes flickered in the dark thunder cloud, and a terrible power came out from the thunder cloud. "Boy, I didn't expect that you were so strong that you could kill Zuo Feng and Jiu Hu. But you are so proud that you dare to kill a monk who has not been on the challenge of life and death within the scope of Jiaolong hall. You are already a dead man. We don't need Yunfeng to kill you again. You are just a monk in the golden elixir period. Your strength is really strong, and monk Yuanying is not your opponent, but I'll see how you can carry the thunder! " Han Dong gives a grim smile and points to the thunder in the sky which is about to condense. He shouts to Zhao Fugui fiercely."I'm afraid you don't have a chance to know how I've carried this thunder!" Zhao Fugui said lightly. "What do you want to do?" As soon as Han Dong's face changes, he suddenly thinks of a possibility. Does Zhao Fugui know that he can't resist the thunder and want to pull him to the back before the thunder falls? Before, Han Dong didn't think Zhao Fugui had the strength to kill him, but now zuofeng has died, and Jiuhu has also died. Han Dong has no doubt that Zhao Fugui has the strength to kill him, and Han Dong's Dementor hook is now too dim to use by Zhao Fugui's previous terrible blow,

"I want to kill you!" Zhao Fugui stepped on the ground fiercely, and the ground of the martial arts arena suddenly trembled. Zhao Fugui's figure had been shot out like a shell, and rushed to Han Dong.

"You dare, if you dare to kill me, you will have a deadly feud with Yunfeng and trigger the second thunder. If you dare to do so, you will die!" Han Dong cried in panic. But what Han Dong said is nonsense. From the moment Zhao Fugui killed zuofeng and Jiuhu, Zhao Fugui and yunfenghui had already formed a death feud. As for the thunder robbery. If you can get through one day, thunder will have a chance to get through the second one. Sometimes there is not much difference between one and two.

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