Super Monk

Chapter 3578

"Qilin, qualified!" Seeing the beast shape of the God of fire on the huge jade pillar ten feet high, the immortal Tianguan next to the jade pillar was a little surprised, and then said. At the same time, the phantom of the unicorn also fell on the record of merit jade plate of Vulcan, leaving a vivid image of the unicorn on that record of merit jade plate.

"Is Qilin qualified? God of fire is qualified. His talent is so high! " This is the first time that all the friars in the martial arts arena have heard the word "qualified" from the mouth of the immortal heaven officer. The huge jade pillar ten feet high has been tested by nearly ten thousand friars, and the God of fire is the first qualified person.

"The God of fire ranks about 30 in the Jiaolong flag. It's normal for him to be qualified. It's impossible that our Jiaolong hall doesn't even have a few qualified monks?" A monk also said, but looking at the fire god's eyes were full of envy.

"Yes, there were no qualified people before, because those in the front row have not been tested. The weak friars may not have high talent, but now they haven't converted their talent into strength, which also shows that the talent is not so good! "

"Even the hieroglyphic tiger shape and lion shape are not qualified. It seems that the ordinary animal shape can not be qualified. Only those divine animal shapes can be qualified!" A friar guessed.

"Although the pictographic tiger and lion shapes are not qualified, they are good. Those wolf, dog and mouse shapes are the worst. You can see how poor their talent is by looking at their animal shapes. How far can they go even if they have chance but no talent! " And the friar gloated.

Some friars with low animal shape, especially those with dog shape and mouse shape, looked at the tall white jade pillar with bewilderment. Some of them seemed numb, but some of them were at a loss. They didn't think that their talent was so pathetic. "Hehe, Qilin, that's good!" When Huoshen heard that he was qualified, he nodded with satisfaction, and a smile of satisfaction appeared on his face. But he didn't notice that there was an imperceptible cold in the eyes of the immortal Tianguan next to the huge white jade pillar. The more talented he was, the more unusual the arrangement of the five dragon hall was. Those mediocre people may be able to muddle through the life, but those talents may be shining for a while, but maybe it is because they are too dazzling, the fall will be faster and more.

"I'll test it!" The sword king, who had been standing on one side, suddenly came over and said that the friars who had been around the white jade pillar seemed to be hurt by the invisible sword Qi. One by one, they hurried out of the way and let the sword King stride to the front of the huge white jade pillar. The sword king had no expression on his face, and he didn't look at the heavenly officials around the white jade pillar. He directly reached out and pressed on the tall white jade pillar. The sword King's hand fell on the tall white jade column. The tall white jade column gave a faint blue light, and the blue light turned into gold. Then the golden light turned into a phoenix flying around the tall jade column.

Phoenix flying, issued a clear sound, many monks are shocked to watch this scene. Phoenix, I didn't expect that the talent of the sword king showed a Phoenix.

"Phoenix, excellent!" The person immortal day official's eyes also tiny a Shan, sink a voice to say. Then the Phoenix disappeared into the sword King's record of merit jade plate, the sword King's cold expression also slightly loosened, involuntarily showed a smile.

"The Phoenix talent is higher than the spirit talent. The spirit talent is only qualified, but the Phoenix talent is excellent. Is there any other talent image above the excellence?"

"Vulcan's face is a little ugly. It's said that he hasn't dealt with the sword king all the time. Now his talent is lower than that of the sword king. Of course he's not happy!"

"The God of fire can only rank about 30 in the Jiaolong flag, but the king of sword can rank in the top 10. There is a gap between the two in their strength, and now even in their talent. I'm afraid the God of fire is very upset!" "The top 100 'big names' can't help it. They're going to test their talents!" As soon as the talent of the sword king and the God of fire was tested, other people who were equal to them, maybe a little higher or a little lower, couldn't help but walked to the huge jade pillar one by one.

As soon as these great figures approached, the former friars were not driven away at all. One by one, they immediately scattered and consciously went to the distance. They did not dare to approach at all.

"Qilin, qualified!"

"Qilin, qualified!" Those big people are tested one by one. Most of their talents are unicorns, but a few are hieroglyphs. According to these natural beast forms, hieroglyphics are second only to those divine beasts, but their strength is equal to that of other people, but their talent is inferior to that of others, and many "big people" look ugly.

Most of the talents of these "great men" are Kirin, and a few of them are hieroglyphs. But there are also a few monks who have the same talent as the sword king, Phoenix. The friars who are gifted with Phoenix show complacency on their faces, as if they are superior to other "big men".

In particular, the monks' men surrounded each other and congratulated each other, which made their faces more brilliant.

"It's my turn!" At this time, Li Dashao lined up the crowd and came over. The four heavenly kings, the deacons of Yunfeng meeting, surrounded Li Dashao like the stars, and escorted him directly to the side of the white jade pillar."It's possible for young people to affirm Phoenix's talent and even surpass excellence. In my opinion, excellence is definitely not the top of the beast form of talent!" Li Jian didn't do a good job in killing Zhao Fugui before. At this time, he wanted to curry favor with Li Dashao.

"Yes, yes, it must be a phoenix talent, or even a higher talent!" The horse bear also takes his group of younger brothers to say aloud. Ma Xiong doesn't dare to go out these days, for fear that Zhao Fugui will take the risk of triggering thunder punishment and kill him directly.

As soon as the horse bear said that, his group of younger brothers all began to shout noisily. Although the voice was messy, it also seemed to be extraordinary. Some monks looked on coldly, with a look of disdain on their faces.

"What talent is it? Just test it!" Li Dashao said calmly, but he thought that he should be a phoenix talent at least. After all, Li always felt that he was the son of heaven, just a qualified talent could not match him.

"Younger martial brother, that's Li Qilin. He wants to kill us!" Not far away, Nangong spirit also showed an angry look and whispered to Zhao Fugui. This is the first time Nangong Ling has seen Li Qilin, but seeing Ma Xiong and Li Jian fawning on each other, Nangong Ling knows that this mysterious Li must be the Li Qilin who wanted to kill them before.

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