Super Monk

Chapter 3592

"Tian Feng?" The other friars were shocked.

Tian Feng was the friar who said that Zhao Fugui was as timid as a mouse and that he was driving Shenbao to leave first. Tian Feng also had the cultivation of Yuanying's middle period, and the fan like flying God treasure also had a five element demon defense array on it, which had quite strong defense ability.

But unexpectedly, he ran into these demon locusts and was trapped in them. Tian Feng may not have been trapped for a long time. Besides, his flying magic weapon has a defensive array on it, and he also has a real thunder magic bead to protect his body. Therefore, he persisted for a period of time.

"Help him Nangong spirit subconsciously shouts that they are all monks in Jiaolong hall, and they are all performing the same task. Seeing that Tian Feng is in danger, Nangong Ling's first thought is to save him. "He's dead. If we want to save him, we have to die, and we have no reason to save him. He didn't listen to dissuasion and used the flying magic treasure to go on his way. He acted alone. He was unlucky to meet the present situation Several monks looked at Nangong Ling strangely,

Zhang Bo said in a voice.

A guy like this who wants to die by himself deserves to die in danger, not to mention that there is no friendship at all. Even if there is friendship, it is impossible to risk himself to save him at this time.

Nangong spirit's face darkened, and she couldn't bear it. But she didn't say much. Now she can understand the cruelty of the world, and she won't waste her kindness blindly. "Help me!" In mid air, Tian Feng, who wants to rush out of the demon emperor group, seems to see Zhao Fugui and them, and he gives an earth shaking howl. Zhao Fugui shakes his head. This guy takes himself seriously and thinks he's not good enough. Fortunately, he died early. Otherwise, when everyone enters the demon city, he doesn't know how many people will be killed by him. Zhao Fugui faintly feels that the situation of being monitored has not disappeared. Even if he is in danger in the demon city, Zhao Fugui can't show his strength. It's true that the sky covering map can cover the breath and the eyes and ears, but it's not in the case of being monitored. If it's watched all the time, it's impossible to use the sky covering map

, otherwise it will definitely be seen the problem.

If you can't use your real strength, once you meet a powerful demon clan in the demon city, I'm afraid even Zhao Fugui may be trapped in it. "No, he wants to bring the locust here!" At this time, Zhou Bin suddenly changed his face and cried in horror. In mid air, Tian Feng saw that no one on Zhao Fugui's side wanted to save him. Tian Feng's face showed a crazy and cruel look, and he rushed to Zhao Fugui's side regardless of his madness. "Run away!" Qian Shaolong and Zhang Bo, with panic on their faces, turn around and try to control the flying Shenbao to escape. If there was a sword repair, maybe flying sword would really escape, but the speed of flying Shenbao could not be compared with flying sword. If flying Shenbao could escape, Tian Feng would not be trapped. Although these demon locusts have not been refined into a real demon tribe, they should have some flying magic powers. Ordinary flying magic weapons can't fly faster than them. Now those demon locusts haven't found Zhao Fugui. If several people run away in panic, they will not be able to escape, but will directly expose them.

"Don't move, two or three hundred thousand demon locusts. If they find them, no one can escape today!" Zhao Fugui's face sank and he said in a deep voice. "Don't move. Listen to younger martial brother Zhao, the flying speed of those demon locusts must be faster than our flying Shenbao. And there are too many demon locusts, even if we run separately, we can't escape! " Zhou Bin said quickly that although he was pale, he could at least keep calm and not panic. The other friars' faces changed. They felt that what Zhou Bin said was very reasonable. If the flying Shenbao was fast enough, Tian Feng would not be surrounded by those demon locusts. Those demon locusts fly in mid air, choose the sky to block out the sun, and are full of demons. They must be found far away. Even if Tian Feng didn't care at first, he could surely find something wrong when he got close.

It's impossible that Tian Feng didn't know how to escape, but since he didn't escape, it means that Tian Feng's flying speed is definitely not as fast as these demon locusts. Tian Feng's strength is not weak, and the flying God treasure is not bad, even better than most of them. Tian Feng can't escape, neither can they.

"Go there, Tian Feng may not be able to get close to us!" Zhao Fugui didn't panic at all. He glanced around and said, pointing not far away.

The trees that Zhao Fugui pointed to are tall and luxuriant. Although the trees that are several feet high are not enough to block out the sun, they are also enough to cover many things. Moreover, there is a valley over there, which is more secret.

"Let's go, let's go, the son of a bitch Tian Feng is leading those demon locusts here!" Qian Shaolong and Zhang Bo cried eagerly. Then they moved the paper horse and rushed to the dense forest. Nine paper horses rushed into the dense forest and then into the valley. The paper horse's foot does not fall in the valley at all, nor is it wet by the water in the valley. It directly treads on the stream in the air. The dense trees on the stream directly cover the sky. Even if you look carefully in the sky, you may not be able to see clearly the situation in the valley.

But in the valley, except for Zhao Fugui, all the friars were nervous and even frightened. Nangong Ling's pretty face had turned into white paper. She was shaking all over. She grasped Zhao Fugui's skirt tightly with one hand and looked at the sky in horror."They're coming!" Zhou Bin said in a trembling voice. In the sky, the sound of flapping wings and hoarse and shrill shrieking had already sounded. The sound was getting closer and closer, and it seemed that it was about to fly nearby. In mid air, Tian Feng watched them enter the dense forest. Although he could not see where they had gone, he knew that they must be nearby. Tian Feng's face is full of resentment. If Zhou Bin doesn't help him, he wants to drag everyone to death. Tian Feng rushes to the direction of the dense forest crazily. His speed is faster and faster, but his flying God treasure has been destroyed for a long time, and the protective thunder bead has been smashed before. Tian Feng rushed over with his breath and aura, but the aura of protecting his body in the middle stage of Yuanying couldn't protect Tian Feng at all. Soon Tian Feng's aura of protecting his body was torn up by the demon locusts, and the shrill scream began to ring from the demon locusts. "Ah, help me, help me, you are all going to die, you have to die, you are all going to die, I am waiting for you in hell!" Shrill to the extreme scream constantly sounded in mid air, passed down.

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