Super Monk

Chapter 3596

"Don't worry, we'll do it quietly. After all, it's a demon town. It's not so easy to leave if you make it quiet! " Zhou Bin said cautiously. "Then wait. Zhao Luo's strength is not weak. If we can't solve him quickly, if we disturb the demons in the demon Town, things will be in trouble. It's not a small risk for us to do it here, but I'm afraid that boy didn't expect us to do it here! " Zhang Dao nodded and said. "Of course, Zhao Luo didn't expect us to do anything to him, especially now the task hasn't been completed. We are so enthusiastic towards him. Even if he is on guard against us, he will only suspect that we will attack him after the task is finished. He will not think that we will attack them before the task is finished Qian Shaolong also sneered and said, "my Qianji Yin is one of the strange poisons. Even a real immortal may not be able to detect it!" "It's a pity that the last three drops of your thousand machine poison are all used on Zhao Luo. It's a bit wasteful! The thousand machine poison can even make the real immortal drowsy. The circulation of spiritual power is difficult, and there is no power to fight back. After being poisoned, Zhao Luo is dead! " Zhang Dao said that "Tao". Qianji poison is colorless and tasteless, and it is not a violent poison. After being taken, it can't directly damage the Dharma body, so it's hard to detect the toxin. Even if the real immortal takes something mixed with Qianji poison, it's hard to detect the existence of Qianji poison, even until Qianji poison

FA can't think of poisoning himself. This thousand machine poison is very precious, but the more powerful monks eat less, some days or even months do not eat, so the chance of poisoning is not very much. This time, in order to deal with Zhao Fugui, Zhou Bin asked Qian Shaolong to take out Qianji poison

. According to Qian Shaolong's idea, the three of them killed Zhao fuguiqiang directly. However, Zhou Bin thinks it's not safe to do so. One is that Zhao Fugui has Nangong Ling, a friar in the middle of Yuan Dynasty. She may get in the way when she does it. The other is Zhao Fugui's strength. He can deal with the nine tigers, but he also resists the punishment of thunder. Especially since Zhao Fugui is still in physical training, he may not be killed so easily.

If they only kill Nangong Ling and let Zhao Fugui rush out with his body method, they will be in trouble if they want to kill Zhao Fugui again. Zhou Bin thinks that the safest way is to poison Zhao Fugui, so that he can not escape, can only wait to die, with a thousand machine poison is the best way. Qian Shaolong gives Qianji poison to Zhang Dao. Zhang Dao puts three drops of Qianji poison into the barbecue, one drop of Qianji poison to nangongling, and two drops of Qianji poison to Zhao Fugui.

They saw with their own eyes that Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling had eaten the barbecue. Now they just need to wait for Qianji poison to fully play its role, and then they can easily kill Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling when they have no fighting back.

"After killing Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling, we'll change places and go to Heilongtan demon city overnight to explore the situation in the demon city, and then return to Jiaolong hall!" Zhou Bin and several of them said after discussing for a while. As the night grew deeper and deeper, a group of slaves had been replaced in the central place where the slaves washed the mine. The second group of skinny slaves worked hard there and had no rest for a moment. The slaves who have been replaced are like a group of numb corpses. They follow others to rest with no expression. At dawn tomorrow, they will start to work again until they can no longer hold on to the ground and die, and then they will become the food of those demon soldiers.

Gusts of wind howled through the windows of the room, and the glass windows kept clattering in the wind. The whole Huangshui town was like a ghost town in the night. In the ghost town, there was a disturbing howl of monsters, which sounded from time to time in the wind and came from a distance.

Towards the early morning, the doors on both sides of Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling were suddenly opened. Zhou Bin, Zhang Dao and Qian Shaolong came out of the room with a grim look. Zhou Bin carries his hands, with a sneer on his face. Qian Shaolong and Zhang Dao are holding a dagger with a twinkling cold light. The Dharma array burned on the dagger releases a lot of light. The material of the whole dagger is not ordinary. These two daggers are also divine treasures. They are prepared by Qian Shaolong and Zhang Dao, and are specially used to kill Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui is a physical practitioner, and his Dharma body is far more powerful than that of ordinary monks, so Qian and Zhang Dao prepared Shenbao daggers in advance to destroy Zhao Fugui's Dharma body, otherwise it's not so easy to kill a physical monk quietly. Even if Zhao Fugui was poisoned by a thousand machines and lost his resistance ability, his Dharma system was strong and imperious. If ordinary monks wanted to kill him, they had to use Shenbao. But if Shenbao is used, there will be some noise. This is demon town. Once there is noise, things may become very troublesome. Zhou and bin don't want to make any noise at all.

"Open the door!" Zhou Binyang raised his chin and said to Zhang Dao and Qian Shaolong.

Zhang Dao and Qian Shaolong listen to the room carefully for a while, and make sure there is no abnormal sound in the room. Then Qian Shaolong reaches out his hand and pushes the door of Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling's room. Zhang Dao and Qian Shaolong are not on guard at all, because Qian Shaolong has absolute confidence in his Qianji drugs. He is not worried that his Qianji drugs will not poison Zhao Fugui. But Qian Shaolong and Zhang Daogang just pushed the door open. Behind the door, a steel arm suddenly stretched out and grabbed it directlyLive Zhang Dao's neck, instantly pull Zhang Dao into the room.

Zhou Bin and Qian Shaolong's face changed greatly. They suddenly showed a look of horror. They never thought that they would be attacked. Didn't Qianji poison work? "How could it be, how could you not be poisoned?" Qian Shaolong looks at the room inconceivably. In the room, Zhao Fugui grabs Zhang Dao's neck with one hand. Zhang Dao struggles desperately in Zhao Fugui's hands, but he can't get rid of Zhao Fugui's hands. Zhao Fugui controlled Zhang Dao with one hand, but

he didn't look at Zhang Dao at all.

"Surprised? I'm not letting you down! " Zhao Fugui looks at Qian Shaolong and Zhou Bin coldly and says with a sneer. "Didn't you eat that barbecue? No way. I saw you eat up the barbecue with my own eyes. You can't have eaten that barbecue! " Qian Shaolong said inconceivably, "can you resist the toxicity of Qianji poison? Is your Dharma body so powerful that it can resist thousand machine poison? No way, I will never believe it

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