Super Monk

Chapter 3600

"The real identities of Zhou Bin and Qian Shaolong are Fuqing and Wang Yan of Yunfeng club. Fuqing and Wang Yan are two of the four heavenly kings of Yunfeng club. The purpose of their poisoning is to kill us, but their poisoning didn't work for me!" Zhao Fugui said, "but their poison didn't affect me

. Zhang Dao was killed by me when he started, and Fuqing and Wang Yan have gone!"

"They are from Yunfeng club?" Nangong Ling's eyes widened with lingering fear and asked strangely. She did not expect that the people in this mission would join the Yunfeng meeting, and they were the four heavenly kings of the Yunfeng meeting. Nangong Ling, the four heavenly kings of Yunfeng club, has also heard about it. She knows that the four heavenly kings of Yunfeng club are all experts. If they fight alone, Nangong Ling doesn't think she is the opponent of any of the four heavenly kings. I didn't expect that there were two people from Wangli, who came to Yunfeng meeting for four days. They didn't feel like they were here to carry out the mission. These people clearly came to kill them.

If Zhao Fugui hadn't been poisoned and stopped them when they started, I'm afraid they would be dead now. "They are members of Yunfeng club. They should have colluded with XuanZhen and their heavenly officials. After we took the task of Jiaolong hall, those days the officials knew about it, and then leaked the information to Yunfeng meeting. Yunfeng meeting arranged the so-called four heavenly kings to take the same task with us, and wanted to

take the opportunity to kill us Zhao Fugui speculated. It's not hard to speculate that there are thousands of missions in Jiaolong hall. If not, the characters in the four heavenly kings of the two Yunfeng societies could not have happened to take on the same mission with Zhao Fugui. Only when Zhao Fugui's information about the mission was leaked out

, and then yunfenghui took the mission.

The only one who can know what tasks Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling took is the Tianguan in Jiaolong hall. Those heavenly officials may be able to see what tasks Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling have taken. The most likely one among them is XuanZhen, who is in conflict with Zhao Fugui.

"It's just a little bit of conflict, and those heavenly officials deliberately want to kill people. Do they deserve to be Taoist heavenly officials?" Nangong Ling said angrily.

"Before the great change of heaven and earth, it was possible to kill people if they looked at each other in a bad way, let alone now. Those officials will not pay any price or take any responsibility for doing so. It's not unusual for them to do so! " Zhao Fugui said with a sneer.

Not to mention that daomen now encourage monks to fight inside and plunder other monks' luck. Those who can live to the end are lucky. As long as the Tianguan didn't violate the rules of Sanqing, no one would punish them.

"Younger martial brother Zhao, what shall we do? Those people of Yunfeng club didn't kill us. They will continue to think of ways to kill us! " Nangong Ling asked anxiously.

"They don't have the courage to fight near the demon city of Heilongtan, otherwise once they do, they won't live. Don't worry about them until the task is finished and you leave the black dragon pond demon city! " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "let's finish the task first!" "There are so many monsters in the demon city of Heilongtan. They really don't dare to fight. Let's finish the task first. Zhang Bo, they are not from Yunfeng club, are they? Should Yunfeng send so many people to deal with us? " Nangong Ling nodded and calmed down, thinking and asking. The effect of Qianji poison is very small on him now. Nangong Spirit works for a while, and soon dispels all the last poison of Qianji poison. The biggest characteristic of Qianji poison is that it is not easy to be found. It can make monks get poisoned unconsciously, but if the poison is detected,

it is not too difficult to get rid of it. "Zhang Bo, they should not be from Yunfeng club, otherwise they would not have left last night. But Zhang Bo, they should have met some trouble. Otherwise, they should have returned to the demon town now. Just a few of them may not enter the demon city directly! " Zhao Fugui looked at jigongyu and said in a deep voice. There is still no news of Zhang Bo on the record of merit jade plate. It is very likely that something happened to them. A demon city is not so easy to create. Even when Zhao Fugui was at his peak, he would have some troubles, let alone now. And now the situation is different. The demon clan is no longer scattered. The power of the demon clan has begun to gather. No one knows who will be in a demon city and what kind of strong people will be.

Let the monks of Jiaolong hall explore a demon city, which is a kind of exploration. It's not unusual for the friars of Jiaolong hall to make stepping stones for the friars of Zhenlong hall. The weak are used to make use of them.

"What shall we do? I don't know if they are in danger! " Nangong Ling said anxiously.

"Let's start from the demon Town, and enter the demon city from the demon town!" Zhao Fugui looked at the center of the demon Town, and suddenly had an idea. He thought a little, and directly used a cover up for himself and Nangong Ling. Zhao Fugui used to see this kind of thing before the great change of heaven and earth. The first time he saw this kind of thing was because Xia Mu painted Li Zi. To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is a kind of mental power illusion, but it's only the simplest use of this kind of thing. In the hands of the friars, camouflage is a kind of magic power. I don't know how many times better than Xia Muhua at that time.Thinking of Xia Mu's drawing pears, Zhao Fugui suddenly thought that after the great change of heaven and earth, many old friends had lost their news, and he did not know how many people were dead now, and how many people were still working hard to continue to live.

Now in this world, the living people are working hard to continue to live, no one is an exception. These thoughts are just in Zhao Fugui's mind, and then he throws them out of his mind. With the cover up, Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling look like slaves in the demon town. With Zhao Fugui's current strength, he can at most cheat the demons below the real fairyland. If he meets the demons in the real fairyland, even the human immortals and demons are likely to see the flaws. However, there are no fairyland demons in this demon Town, so Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling don't need to worry about demons to see the problem.

"Come on, get in those slaves in the center of town!" Zhao Fugui points to the center of the demon Town, takes Nangong spirit downstairs, bypasses the sight of some monsters, and follows several numb looking slaves to the ore washing factory in the center of the demon town. A monster came out from the corner of the demon town. For these monsters, the slaves of the Terran were just walking food. If it wasn't for the strong suppression in the demon Town, I'm afraid they couldn't resist the impulse to eat these Terrans.

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