Super Monk

Chapter 37

Osmanthus fragrans and Niu Dafu fell in love freely. They came to Xiaowan village so far away from home. If they had listened to their family's arrangement and married here, it would not have been the result.

"Well, I'll go tomorrow morning!" Liu Erjie's face of hope, Zhao Fugui is not good to let her down, had to nod.

There are enough chicks in the chicken farm. Just find someone to look at them. There are many Cordyceps stems in the mountains. Zhao Fugui doesn't plan to feed them artificially. Instead, it's good for the quality of chicken. Tomorrow, Xu Wei will send the seedlings of Yuanyang duck and Fugui goose, and Zhao Fugui's four farms will be finished.

Early the next morning, Zhao Fugui went to the city to send the prawns from Heilongtan. Today is the last time to send shrimp. Wang pangzi has found a new shrimp dealer. Although those shrimp are not as good as those sent by Zhao Fugui, they are better in quantity. Zhao Fugui doesn't send shrimp, and Wang pangzi can only find someone else to send shrimp. After all, it's shrimp season, and Zhenwei restaurant has to sell shrimp.

After Zhao Fugui came back, he simply cleaned up and went to Dawan village with two bottles of wine and a cigarette. This is the rule of the village. Two bottles of wine are for the woman's family. Whether it's successful or not, this wine must be given. Now there are few girls who are willing to stay in the village. The market of girls is rising. If you want to meet, you have to prepare gifts, or you won't see them.

That cigarette is given to the matchmaker. In the countryside, the matchmaker should not offend. They can not only make up a marriage, but also break up a marriage. Offended them, a good big guy can tell the neighborhood of seven miles eight townships all think the guy can't.

"Ouch, you're here to be rich!" As soon as matchmaker Zhang saw Zhao Fugui appear, she began to laugh. She took the cigarette from Zhao Fugui's hand. At first sight, the cigarette was not bad. It was more than 100 yuan. Matchmaker Zhang's smile was more. "Lao Zhao's son is a strong man with a good appearance. Although he is a little dark, it's nothing. Let's go. I'll take you to Cuicui's house! "

"Auntie Zhang, I'm going to trouble you today!" Zhao Fugui said helplessly that he didn't have much interest in today's blind date, but second sister Liu wanted him to come and have a look, and Zhao Fugui couldn't help coming.

"We are all from the countryside. What's the trouble. Rich and noble, Cui Cui is a girl who has seen the world. She has a high vision. Although you have good conditions, you have to be able to speak. Do you know what she says? " Zhang told the matchmaker specially.

To work in a big city is to see the world? Zhao Fugui's heart, that feeling is good, just I am also a high vision.

After a while, they went to the woman's home. There was a guy waiting for her to meet. Zhao Fugui felt a little embarrassed when he saw him. He felt like he was waiting for the goods to be selected.

Zhao Fugui thinks that his market is not bad. He has contracted mountain forests, planted fruit and wood gardens, and run four farms. He has a lot of businesses. He can only wait to be selected when dating a girl in a village. It's really strange.

"You want to see my sister with two bottles of 40 or 50 yuan wine? Get out of here! Get out of here The wine carried by a young man behind the woman's house was suddenly thrown out. A young man in his twenties with yellow hair stood at the door and scolded impatiently.

"You?" The boy who was driven out was red in the face and wanted to talk. He was quickly held by the matchmaker who was with him and advised him to leave.

"You came to see my sister, too? My sister looks like a bear. Can she see it Huang Mao's eyes turned and saw Zhao Fugui. He glanced at him and said.

"Oh, saner, you're at home, too!" Matchmaker Zhang quickly went up, put the wine in Zhao Fugui's hand into Huang Mao's hand, and said with a smile, "when you are strong, you can help your family do farm work. Tell your sister about it and let them see each other!"

"The wine is OK. Wait. I'll talk to my sister!" Huang Mao took a look at the wine in his hand, a hundred yuan bottle, nodded and said.

Zhao Fugui was a little upset immediately. What is it? Do you really think of yourself as the golden phoenix flying out of the chicken nest? Seeing that Zhao Fugui's face was not right, matchmaker Zhang quickly pulled him and winked at him.

After less than two minutes, the door of the yard opened, and matchmaker Zhang took Zhao Fugui and quickly walked over. In the yard, a young woman was making up in front of the mirror, without looking at Zhao Fugui. In the middle of the yard, beside Huang Mao, a middle-aged woman was looking around at Zhao Fugui.

"I said, matchmaker Zhang, why are you getting worse and worse. My family Cuicui condition is so good, you introduce such The middle-aged woman said bitterly as soon as she opened her mouth.

Young women are not only average in stature but also average in length. At most, they can wear a little more than the girls in the village. Zhao Fugui thought that this is also called such a good condition? Chen Yihan, they are not all top stars.

"Sister Li, look what you said. The conditions of the rich family are very good. Do you know Xiaowan village's small kitchen is run by his family. It's a good business! " Matchmaker Zhang said quickly.

"How much money can a smelly cook make a year? Our family, Cuicui, can earn 10000 or 20000 yuan a month in Xiguan. You look at the boy. He's poorly dressed. He doesn't look good. He's so dark. It's impolite that you can't even shout when you come. " The middle-aged woman shook the fan in her hand and said."My mother is right. People who want to marry my sister can go outside the village. How can they get this boy. You see, he looks like a bear and has no money at home. Why should he marry my sister. Matchmaker Zhang, take him away quickly Huang Mao also said impatiently.

"Sister Liu wants her son to marry my daughter. She's a toad trying to eat swan meat!" The middle-aged woman said bitterly. This immediately angered Zhao Fugui, saying that he could, but not his mother.

"Aunt Li, your daughter comes back from Xiguan. She can earn ten or twenty thousand a month, right? Some time ago, I read the news that many women who have lost their jobs have lost their jobs. Your daughter lost her job, right Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"Ah, wealth, you can't talk nonsense!" Matchmaker Zhang quickly stopped.

"Who do you think is the woman who has fallen?" As soon as Zhao Fugui said this, the woman who was making up in the yard suddenly blew up her hair. She turned around and looked at Zhao Fugui in a sharp voice.

"You are a junior college student. You graduated less than two years. Your monthly salary is 10000 or 20000 yuan. I saw that watch in my hand when I was working in the city. The mistress of our little boss on the construction site brought this kind of watch. A watch is 20000 or 30000 yuan. Can you afford it when you do serious work?" Zhao Fugui said with disdain.

As soon as Li Cuihua's face changed, she quickly blocked the watch in her hand and screamed, "Sanzi, this son of a bitch scolds your sister, you still don't beat him!"

She was found to have come back as a woman who had made a mistake in Xiguan. Her reputation was ruined in the village, and no matchmaker would tell her any more.

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