Super Monk

Chapter 374

The vegetables used in Xiaowan village's small stoves and water restaurants are basically purchased from several nearby villages or Qingtian township. Xiaowan village does not have much vegetable land, so it is not enough to use.

Zhao Fugui didn't use Lingquan water to irrigate vegetable fields before, and he didn't think about it in that way. He didn't expect that the vegetables planted by Lingquan water would be so delicious. Now, after tasting the vegetables grown by Lingquan water, Zhao Fugui decided to use Lingquan water to grow vegetables and happy vegetables, so as to thoroughly upgrade the food of Xiaowan village.

In the past, all kinds of meat in Xiaowan village were top-notch, but vegetables were much inferior. If vegetables were as delicious as meat, the food in Xiaowan village would definitely go up to a higher level.

"Tomatoes are also delicious, with fragrance in the mouth, which makes you feel like a happy fruit!" Chen Yihan happily picked another tomato, wiped it with his hand, tasted it, and immediately said happily. After that, she responded to Zhao Fugui's question: "it's good for us to grow our own vegetables, but where is the land in Xiaowan village? Do you want to take part of the land from the orchard? "

Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan pick vegetables to eat. Of course, no one stops them. If ordinary tourists always pick vegetables to eat, villagers will stop them.

"No, the orchard land can't move, we can't reduce the production of happy fruit! I'm going to open up wasteland in Xiaowan village! " Zhao Fugui said, "there are at least dozens of acres of wasteland in Xiaowan village along the river at the foot of Daqingshan. In the past, there were many wolves on the mountain. In addition, there were many lands in the village. No one used to open up wasteland for farming. Now it's different. In addition, I'm going to turn the threshing ground in the village into arable land again, so it's estimated that 100 mu of land will be released! "

The threshing ground is about 20 mu, covered with a thin layer of cement. In the past, when the farmers were busy, the villagers would dry the rice in the threshing field, and they would come to cool down in summer. Now the threshing field has become a parking lot, and there is no food to air. Zhao Fugui only needs to smash the thin layer of cement and turn the land back into farmland.

"If we open up wasteland, we can certainly, but we can't digest hundreds of mu of vegetable land and vegetable picking garden." Chen Yihan thought about it and said.

"It doesn't matter. If Xiaowan village can't digest it, it will sell it. There are signs of happy fruits. Happy vegetables must be very easy to sell!" Zhao Fugui said confidently.

"Yes, our brand of happy fruit is also very popular now!" Chen Yihan said with a smile.

"Just do what you say. We will start to open up wasteland today. When all the wasteland is dug up, we will arrange the threshing ground. At that time, it is estimated that the new parking lot will be built almost, and foreign vehicles will not let them into the village! " Zhao Fugui thought of it and began to do it.

When he came out of the vegetable picking garden, Zhao Fugui went to the village. He didn't need strong labor to open up wasteland, just the middle-aged women in the village. Zhao Fugui yelled a few times in the village, and a group of middle-aged women who were hiding from the sun at home ran out.

"Fugui, what's the matter? You came here in person early in the morning?" An old lady with dark skin shook the palm fan in her hand and called to Zhao Fugui at the top of her voice.

The voice of the peasant women in the village is loud, otherwise it is not easy to quarrel with the people in the same village, and they have no momentum to speak. So most middle-aged women with no culture in the village speak very loudly.

"Auntie, you call people and call all the people in the village who have nothing to do. Take a shovel and a hoe and go to the wasteland with me, five hundred yuan a day, and then open up all the time. I'll send a big watermelon to one family. Zhao Fugui said.

"Five hundred? How wonderful it is The old lady's eyes suddenly brightened up. In the summer, they planted rice seedlings for people. It was only 100 yuan a day. Zhao Fugui directly gave them 500 yuan, and they also gave them happy watermelons when they finished their work. This was a very good treatment. The old lady said quickly, "I'm going to call someone now!"

The old lady shakes the fan and goes in a hurry. In a short time, she shouts a large group of people. Carrying a hoe shovel, a large group of middle-aged women came running.

"Come with me and start to reclaim the wasteland by the riverside at the foot of the big green mountain from today on." With a cry, Zhao Fugui took the old sisters and aunts back to the village.

The foot of Daqingshan is only a mile away from Xiaowan village. At the foot of the mountain is a river about four or five meters wide. There is a stone bridge and two wooden bridges on the river. The stone bridge was left before the founding of the people's Republic of China, and the wooden bridge was newly built by Zhao Fugui. One wooden bridge is convenient for tourists to go up the mountain, and the other is convenient for the staff of the farm to get in and out.

From the riverbank to the house in Xiaowan village, most of the land is barren, except for the threshing ground, ponds and sanatoriums under construction. Most of the land is barren, full of all kinds of weeds and miscellaneous trees. Zhao Fugui's estimate is still a little bit small. If we open up wasteland all the way to Heilongtan, I'm afraid it's not a problem to open up two or three hundred mu of land.

"Rich and noble, let's all open up wasteland here?" Zhao Fugui took a large group of middle-aged women to the wasteland. A middle-aged woman asked.

"Well, I'll drive it first, then I'll drive it on this side of the village, and I'll talk about it later. Just shovel away the weeds and other things. The ground doesn't need to be turned over. I'll ask the plowing machine to come over in two days! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Good!" The middle-aged woman nodded, turned around and yelled. Everyone began to shovel the land from the small river, ready to clean up all the weeds and miscellaneous trees.The wasteland in Houcun is very large, but there are many people called by Zhao Fugui. There are hundreds of them. If they just shovel grass, it is estimated that they will be able to shovel the tens of acres of land in Houcun in two or three days.

"Auntie, don't throw that grass into the river. It's still piled up on the ground. I'll pull it out later!" Zhao Fugui stood there to supervise the work, and soon saw an old lady pick up the weeds and throw them into the river. The grass was floating on the water, and the soil on the grass roots made the river dirty. Zhao Fugui quickly cried.

"Oh Hearing Zhao Fugui's voice, she nodded and left the weeds at her feet. They have no awareness of protecting the environment. If Zhao Fugui doesn't shout, they can throw weeds into the river.

The middle-aged women are doing a lot of work. Everyone works hard, but no one is lazy. Everyone takes the reclamation of wasteland as their own business, so the efficiency is very high.

Looking at the situation, Zhao Fugui thought that he could invite people to come and plow the land with machines tomorrow. It is estimated that these tens of mu of land will be reclaimed in a few days. It seems that he can continue to reclaim the land in the direction of Heilongtan by the way.

"Fugui, what Meiman from snack street came to you and said that there was no caviar. He asked you to think of a way!" At this time, Xiaolian goes to the entrance of Houcun village and shouts to Zhao Fugui from a distance.

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