Super Monk

Chapter 3759

"Watch out for ambush!" The wind and sand are getting closer and closer, and the temple is right in front of you. However, Ren Yuting and the other two disciples of Tianshen Taoism didn't easily enter the temple. Instead, they carefully tied the fire horse and leaned to the temple on guard.

"Go slowly and take care of each other!" Several people in the river and lake also looked at each other and took out their weapons one after another. If you happen to meet the demons of the demon sect and avoid the sandstorm in this small temple, that battle will be inevitable.

"Squeak With a light sound, Zhao Fugui slowly pushed the door of the temple open, and a piece of hot dust followed. There was no one in the small temple, only a dilapidated statue fell on the altar.

"No one, come in!" Zhao Fugui turned around and said, and then stepped into the temple. Ren Yuting carefully checked in the woods. She didn't enter the temple until the sand had blown over and sealed the doors and windows.

"It's the temple of the Demon Lord. In those years, the Demon Lord was the main god of Shura cult. In those years, the Demon Lord was fierce and powerful, and the six roads of the town were almost directly suppressed by Shura cult. Later, the devil wanted to break out of the world, but he was knocked down when he broke out of the world

"It's said that the gods did it, but no one knows. After that, the devil's body fell into the burning desert. Since then, the burning desert has been hot. Only the disciples of the demon sect and the Hu people can survive here! " "After the death of the demon lord, the situation of the demon sect could not be maintained. He was besieged by the six roads of the town, and had to retreat into the depths of the burning desert to survive! Although the Demon Lord was fierce and powerful, there were temples dedicated to him almost everywhere in the hot desert in those years, but later when the demon lord died, the situation of the demon cult was very bad, and the people of the demon cult were very dissatisfied with the Demon Lord. If he didn't try to fight the world, the demon cult would be able to completely rule the world! " "So since then, most of the temples of the demon lord have been abandoned. Only a few Hu people still believe in the Demon Lord. This small temple should have been believed for a long time after the fall of the Demon Lord. It seems that it has been abandoned for only a few decades. Perhaps the Hu people who worship this small temple have died. In the desert, there are many kinds of Hu people, and fighting with each other is very common! " Ren Yuting looked at the fallen statue on the altar and said.

Zhao Fugui has never heard of the myths and legends in this world, and even those people in the Jianghu don't know them in detail, so they are very serious at this time.

"What's the matter with the coming of the demon kingdom?" Zhao Fugui asked curiously, this is a good opportunity to continue to inquire about the news. "It is said that when the demon lord rushed out of this world, he felt the call of the demon kingdom. The demon sect had been trapped in the hot sand bar for so many years. They would not be reconciled and wanted to summon the demon kingdom to come to the world again. We will not make them succeed. As for the Shura cult, there are still people who want to find the devil's soldiers and skeleton, and inherit the position of the devil. These are what we want to stop! " Ren Yuting said. "Have something to eat. I'm afraid those demons have to find a place to avoid the wind and sand. Since the fall of the devil's remains, the fiery sandbank has become extremely strange. The sandstorm can eat people. I'm afraid those demons dare not be presumptuous! " Chen Jun, another disciple of Tianshen Dao, said


Chen Jun broke the shabby table in the temple and lit a small fire with the wood left by the table. He took out the dry food and roasted it on the small fire.

Chen Jun distributed the dry food to the people, and then put out the fire. If he kept lighting the fire, it would be too hot in the temple. But when the fire went out, most people sat around the ashes.

"Elder martial brother Zhao, I heard that you came from the flame mountain. I don't know where the flame mountain is? How come I've never heard of it? " Ren Yuting puts her eyes on Zhao Fugui and asks curiously.

"The flame mountain is in the extreme West, where the land is vast and the people are sparse, the roads are difficult to walk, there is little communication with this side, and it's normal to have never heard of it!" Zhao Fugui said casually.

This is what everyone has already thought of. If someone asks, everyone's opinion is the same, so as not to show any flaws.

"I see. I don't know who elder martial brother Zhao inherited? I think the elder martial brother always carries a knife. What the elder martial brother is good at is the skill of the knife? " Ren Yuting is not satisfied with Zhao Fugui's answer and continues to ask. "My master is a Taoist of heaven and stars, but he's a ghost. How many times a year can he see? Sometimes he may not be able to see people for a few years. Now I don't know where he has gone. As for Dao, I'm really good at Dao technique! " Zhao Fugui's eyes suddenly coagulated when he spoke,

a bright light of the sword cut out in an instant.

"Like now!"

Just as Zhao Fugui spoke, a shadow fell from the roof of the temple. The shadow was extremely strange and silent. People sitting in the temple didn't realize the existence of the shadow.

The shadow appeared too suddenly, and people were very confident about their perception. They didn't expect that the enemy was close at hand. The shadow suddenly fell down, and even Ren Yuting didn't respond, let alone other people.

Ren Yuting and Chen Jun's faces turn pale instantly. They want to react, but their hands are already full. They watch the shadow fall instantly.At this moment, Ren Yuting saw a bright light in front of her eyes, which seemed to stay in the atmosphere of destroying everything. The shadow's body was slightly twisted at the moment of falling, as if he wanted to avoid the knife light, but the knife light was too fast for the shadow to escape.

"Ah The shadow uttered a shrill scream in an instant, and then fell heavily on the ashes of the fire. He struggled twice on the ashes of the fire, and then vomited a breath of black air from his mouth, and never moved again.

Zhao Fugui's knife almost cut the shadow into two parts. There was a terrible huge wound on his waist and abdomen, and black gas was pouring out from the wound.

"It's a corpse puppet. We've been watched by Shura demon sect!" Ren Yuting and Chen Jun, they just react, looking at the corpse on the ground, said with an ugly face.

"You mean someone can manipulate a corpse, which is a corpse?" Zhao Fugui looked at the body on the ground and asked.

"It's true that the Shura cult has a vein of corpse control. All the people in it can borrow corpses to kill people, but I don't take risks. The black air from the mouth of the corpse is used by the disciples of Shura demon sect to control the corpse. There must be some corpse control disciples staring at us! " Ren Yuting looks dignified said. "What shall we do?" One of the people in the Jianghu asked nervously.

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