Super Monk

Chapter 3767

"Yes Xia Hongyan's voice didn't know what she thought. With a faint sigh, even if Xia Hongyan was the holy daughter of the Dalai cult, it was not her turn to decide the whirling world, unless one day the leader of the whirling world was suppressed or died again.

Zhao Fugui is about to let Xia Hongyan appear to see if the speaker is Xia Hongyan. But at this time, a sword lights up and flies over from a distance.

As soon as the sword light appeared, the scene in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes immediately dispersed like a bubble. Xia Hongyan's voice didn't ring again, and Zhao Fugui couldn't be sure whether what just appeared was Xia Hongyan.

And even if the person just appeared is Xia Hongyan, Zhao Fugui can't be sure whether Xia Hongyan is an enemy or a friend. After all, the great change of heaven and earth has changed too many things, and Zhao Fugui doesn't know what Xia Hongyan is doing.

"Brother Zhao, are you ok? I found something strange here just now, but it seems that I didn't cut anything with one sword! " Jiang Caiwei's voice rang from the wind and sand, and soon the sword light fell in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes.

"Brother Zhao, it's good that you're OK. I thought you disappeared!" Luo Cheng this time also saw Zhao Fugui, he immediately ran over, incoherent said.

In the few minutes since Zhao Fugui's disappearance, Luo Cheng has been scared as if he had no head to fly. He is afraid that the people who attack Zhao Fugui will attack him. He wants to go but dare not. Unexpectedly, after a while, Zhao Fugui finally appears again.

"Younger martial brother Luo, younger martial sister Ren, what about them?" Zhang Xing chases Jianguang and comes in a hurry. He sees Luo Cheng and asks.

"Elder martial sister Ren, they all died in the war. We are the only scouts left with elder martial brother Zhao and me!" Luo Cheng said with a sad face.

"What? The rest of the scouting team, sister Jiang and I, are dead, too Zhang Xing said angrily.

"The remaining evils of the demon sect are vicious. They attack us secretly in the sandstorm. Damn it!" Luo Cheng said excitedly.

They were the elite inner disciples of the God of heaven. They wanted wind and rain in the mountain gate, but who could have imagined that once they entered the territory of Shura demon sect, they were in such danger that the scouts were immediately hit hard.

"These remaining evils of the evil cult can know our position accurately. Maybe there are evil cult spies in the scouting team or the brigade!" Zhang Xing's face was ugly, and he obviously thought of it.

Discerning people can see that the scouts are so accurately ambushed, and they are still in such a sandstorm. If no one divulges any information, I'm afraid the remaining evildoers of the evil cult can't easily grasp the position of the scouts.

Moreover, the spy of the demon sect may still be at the top of the heaven God Road. Otherwise, there would be so many scouts. If the spy's status was very low, it would be impossible to grasp the information of so many scouts.

"Are you hurt?" Zhao Fugui didn't take part in the discussion because one of his suspected spies, the inner disciples of heaven and God, would never believe it. On the contrary, it would bring more trouble. It's better for them to guess for themselves.

Zhao Fugui is sure that Jiang Caiwei is not disguised. He looks at Jiang Caiwei and asks.

"I used to use Mingyu sword to mobilize Yuehua's power, which was beyond the limit I could bear. Now the Dharma body is damaged and the spirit shakes, but the injury is not too serious! " Jiang Caiwei did not hide, said quickly. "Let's see if we can find other people nearby. If we can't find them, we'll find another place to heal first and wait for the sandstorm to stop!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "this strange wind and sand should be driven by someone behind their back. The first purpose is to facilitate their sneak attack, and the second is to prevent people from supporting us in the team of Tianshen daoda."

"This sandstorm has a very wide range. Even if it is urged by the strong, it won't last long. It should stop soon!"

"What elder martial brother Zhao said is reasonable. I agree with what elder martial brother Zhao said!" Luo Cheng hastily said that he had monitored Zhao Fugui's strength, and naturally would not have the slightest objection to what Zhao Fugui said.

"Younger martial sister Jiang has been injured. It's really dangerous for us to walk around in such a big sandstorm. If we encounter other demons, we will be in trouble. Elder martial brother Zhao is right. We should find a place to heal our wounds first and wait for the sandstorm to stop!" Zhang Xing also nodded and said.

Jiang Caiwei naturally has no objection to Zhao Fugui's decision. Zhao Fugui takes all the people forward, and soon finds a trace of battle in the sandstorm.

"It seems that World War I has just passed here. Look there, there are corpses!" Luo Cheng saw that a corpse under the sandstorm had been submerged in half, so he ran to the corpse.

"Watch out for the ambush!" Zhang Xing immediately gave a loud warning. Luo Cheng's face changed, and he thought of the remaining evils of the evil cult who had controlled the corpse before. He quickly shook his hand, which shook the corpse directly out of the dust.

"It's the people of the past, like sun Xiao's scouting team!" Jiang Caiwei recognized the appearance of the man in the Jianghu and said, "it seems that sun Xiao's team has also been attacked!"

Now four of the monks who took part in the mission have died. All the monks who took part in the mission have been scattered in the scouts, which means that at least four scouts have been attacked.In addition, Zhao Fugui and Jiang Caiwei's scouts were also attacked, but they had nothing to do with it, which means that at least six scouts were attacked.

"Look at that!" Zhang Xing's face sank and he pointed to the distance. Not far away from the sand dune, a strong broken arm appeared. A trace of blood flowed from the broken arm. Not far from the broken arm, there was a tall figure sitting there. "It's Wu Song!" Zhao Fugui looks at the tall figure, which is Wu Song. One of Wu Song's arms has been torn off, and the wound on his arm looks cruel, but wu song is not dead. When Zhao Fugui and Zhao Fugui walk by, wu song slowly raises his head.

"Those devil sect kids are nearby. If you are afraid, you can go!" Wu Song said coldly that he could still see magic lines on his face and body. These magic lines represented that the witch clan had not yet lifted the fighting state.

Before the bloody devil attacked sun Xiao, wu song just came. The strength of the bloody devil is much stronger than Wu Song. But if Wu Song and sun Xiao join hands, they still have hope to kill the bloody devil. But he didn't expect that sun Xiao was afraid that there were other evil spirits lurking around him. He ran away when Wusong was fighting with xuesha. If it wasn't for this, Wusong wouldn't have been torn off one arm.

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