Super Monk

Chapter 3769

The scouts suffered heavy losses this time, and almost half of the dozen scouts were attacked. The elite disciples of the demon sect led their servants to attack the scouts. Most of the scouts were unprepared for the attack in such a big sandstorm.

Many scouts were killed and injured badly, and even some scouts were completely destroyed. It was only one night, and more than a dozen scouts were directly reduced by more than half.

There are still a few scouts missing. I don't know whether they haven't been attacked or whether they have all died. It's more likely that they haven't been attacked and are still avoiding the sandstorm, because even if the demon sect disciples have insiders, they are not likely to find all the positions of the scouts.

After all, even the headquarters of tianshendao only know the departure time and general direction of the scouting team. If the scouting team temporarily adjusts its direction, the traitors can't provide accurate information, so it's not impossible for the demon sect disciples to find a place for them to escape the sandstorm.

"I didn't expect Shura cult to surprise us this time. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have been killed!" Luo Dingkun said with lingering fear.

Luo Dingkun got a sword on his back. He didn't know whether he was attacked or hurt when he was running away.

"We didn't accurately estimate our strength in this sneak attack by the disciples of the demon sect. The way of heaven lost a lot, but the demon sect also lost a lot. They won't attack us so blindly next time!" Jiang Caiwei said.

"Those alien clans should have joined hands with Shura demon sect by now. If they take action against us next time, it will be a thunderbolt. We should be careful next time!" Zhao Fugui also said.

"Yes, we don't have much advantage in this game. Our only advantage lies in the six ways of Zhenshi. Each one of them is not the opponent of Shura cult. But if they attack together, Shura cult can't stop them! " Huo Donglai said. "The way of gods, the way of immortals, the way of humanity, the way of destroying heaven, the way of Fengshen, the way of reincarnation and the way of demons, all of these six ways echo each other and move forward slowly. They also know the current situation. Instead of giving the Shura cult a chance to break down one by one, we just have to follow the team and not give the Shura cult a chance to attack us separately. Even if the strength of the alien race is very strong, we still have a good chance to win! "

"Now the most important thing is not to give the Shura demon sect the chance to attack us. We can't get rid of the experts of zhenshiliudao. If these experts don't make use of it, they won't make use of it!" Sun Xiao felt ignored and couldn't help saying.

But now basically no one talks to sun Xiao. Sun Xiao runs away when the enemy doesn't fight, even if the enemy is too strong.

But Wusong can fight with xuesha. If sun Xiao doesn't run away, I'm afraid they will be enough to kill xuesha. Sun Xiaotang, the immortal, is so irresponsible. Who can trust him?

"What we can think of is that people who are afraid of the cult can also think of it. They are afraid that the Shura cult and the alien heretics will not only stare at us, but start from the overall situation!" Luo Dingkun said anxiously.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Today's attack is obviously due to the fact that there are demons in the way of heaven and God. I'm afraid that the people of Shura's demons don't aim at us, but at one of the six ways of the world. They directly attack and destroy one of the six ways of the world, and take away this magic weapon of the world. Once the people of Shura cult succeed, I'm afraid they will disrupt the plan of Zhenshi liudao immediately. If Zhenshi liudao doesn't move forward, we will be in great trouble! "

"At that time, it is impossible for us to have the strength to stop Shura from coming and complete the main task!" Luo Dingkun worried said. "The strength of Shura's evil way is very strong, stronger than any of the six ways in the world. Although the six roads of Zhenshi cover each other, the distance is not too far, but it is not impossible that one of them could not be killed by surprise! " Jiang Caiwei said with a dignified look, especially after seeing the strength of the elite

disciples of the demon sect this evening, Jiang Caiwei was more worried about the strength of the Shura demon sect. The strength of the elite disciples of the Shura demon sect is indeed stronger than that of the six disciples of Zhenshi.

This means that the overall strength of Shura demon sect must be higher than that of the sect like Tianshen Dao. Shura demon sect may not have no strength to destroy the sect like Tianshen Dao in a short time.

"We have to remind the high level of the heaven God way that the first is the affair of the traitor, and the second is to guard against the attack of Shura demon sect!" Jiang Caiwei said in a deep voice.

"What we can see directly is Ge Hong, the elder of the outer gate. Let's tell Ge Hong about this first. Please consult with the leader of the God way." Luo Dingkun said, "it's better for us to persuade Ge Changlao that the six roads of the town should be in one place!"

"The six ways of Zhenshi seem to be in harmony with each other. Although they all want to destroy the Shura cult, they are on guard against each other, and their relationship is not so harmonious. I'm afraid they may not be willing to join together!" Jiang Caiwei said anxiously.

Zhao Fugui frowned and looked at the wind and sand flying all over the sky. Whether the six roads of Zhenshi would join together is not what Zhao Fugui is most worried about. On the contrary, Zhao Fugui has doubts about Ge Hong's identity. This time, when the scouts are attacked, either Ge Hong has problems or the people around him have problems.

Because the most clear and detailed thing about the scouting team is elder Ge Hong, who arranged everything about the scouting team. If one or two scouts have problems, it's not to Ge Hong's head. A low-level disciple of Tianshen Taoism may also know the way of the scouts.But if almost all the scouts have problems, it's Gehong who is most likely to leak the news.

Ge Hong has a high position in the heaven God way and is in charge of the whole outer gate. It is very likely that the information will be leaked from him, but it may not be Ge Hong's. After all, there are still many close people around Ge Hong, who may get the information leaked.

So Zhao Fugui is not sure whether Ge Hong leaked the news. If Shura cult can develop Ge Hong into a traitor, then Shura cult will have a big plot.

"Elder Ge may not trust us. It's not very useful for us to talk about it. It's better for them to talk about it!" Jiang Caiwei points to Zhang Xing and Luo Cheng.

Zhang Xing and Luo Chengdu are the elite inner disciples of Tian Shen Dao. Naturally, they have more weight than Zhao Fugui and these outsiders.

"I'll go and talk to both of them!" After the discussion, Jiang Caiwei volunteered to find Zhang Xing and Luo Cheng. Zhang Xing and Luo Cheng also experienced the attack on the scouts. They also knew that there was something wrong with it. It was not difficult to persuade them.

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