Super Monk

Chapter 377

"Mahman, sturgeon is here. You're going to get sturgeon seeds!" Zhao Fugui drags the sturgeon ashore, pulls the sturgeon to his family's Farmhouse Inn with a cart, and calls a villager to find meiherman.

Mehman rushed over and said something in English. Zhao Fugui didn't understand it very well, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand it.

Mehmann cut the sturgeon's stomach and took the seeds from it. Zhao Fugui immediately took over and began to sew the sturgeon's wound. Soon the big incision on the sturgeon's stomach was sewn by Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui sewed up the incision and put the sturgeon into the vat of the Farmhouse Inn.

The outline has already prepared the diluted Lingquan water. When Zhao Fugui put the sturgeon into the fish tank, a faint bloodstain floated in the tank. The sturgeon sank in the tank and didn't move, but at least it didn't turn over. It should be able to live.

Mehman excitedly found a big bucket to put all the fish seeds in. With these fish seeds, he went back to the caviar restaurant in the snack street. Now that's his kitchen, where the air drying of caviar is.

"Fugui, next time that foreigner makes fish seeds, don't let him do it at home. Such a big fish cuts its stomach and looks at the strange seeping people! " Liu Erjie came down from upstairs with a mop and said.

People of the older generation are more taboo about killing big things. If the fish grow too big, some people will not kill them. They feel that killing them will be taboo. Every time Liu Er Jie saw meiherman doing these things at home, she felt a little uncomfortable with fish blood everywhere.

"Well, next time I'll go to the snack street and find an empty room for mehmann to get fish there!" Zhao Fugui said casually. It's really not suitable for Chen Yihan to get fish sauce at the inn.

"Yes, it's best to find a place in the snack street. Richness, go ahead and I'll clean this up! " Liu Er Jie nodded and said.

"Mom, I'll get you something to eat!" Zhao Fugui nodded and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of longevity ghost. Turning to see that there was no one else in the Farmhouse Inn, Zhao Fugui closed the door of the Farmhouse Inn, turned and quietly released a longevity ghost from the pagoda and took it in his hand.

"What is this?" Liu Er Jie looked at Zhao Fugui's big peach like thing and said strangely. The difference between longevity ghost and big peach is that it feels alive.

"It's a good thing. Eating it can prolong your life and rejuvenate you!" Zhao Fugui looks serious said. He is still young, and he doesn't need this. So is Chen Yihan. But Liu Erjie and Zhao Hongqi are different. They are middle-aged, and their bodies begin to weaken. It's just right to eat a longevity ghost.

"Richness, you can't be cheated. What can you do to prolong your life? I don't know all about culture. You are big boss now. How can you be cheated? " Liu Erjie said with disbelief on her face.

"Mom, who can cheat me? I'm not lying to you. You can eat one. When you've finished eating, call dad back and let him have one too! " Zhao Fugui put the longevity ghost into Liu Erjie's hand and said.

"OK, you can put it there. I'll eat it later." Liu Er Jie couldn't bear Zhao Fugui's words, so she had to say.

"No, eat now!"

"Good, good!" Liu Erjie had no choice but to take the longevity ghost, hesitated for a moment and took a careful bite. She wanted to taste what it was, but she didn't expect to take a bite. The longevity ghost immediately turned into a fresh air and flowed into Liu Erjie's mouth. "Well, what's going on?"

Liu Er Jie looked at the empty hands, even if she ate a peach, she always left a core. How can you eat such a big peach without leaving anything in your hand, and how can you finish such a big peach in one bite?

"Richness, what did you give me to eat?" Liu Er Jie stayed for a while and asked Zhao Fugui nervously. She was afraid of eating something bad.

"Mom, don't care what you eat, you look in the mirror!" Zhao Fugui looks at Liu Erjie in shock. Unexpectedly, the effect of longevity ghost is so obvious. He pushes Liu Erjie back to the room to look in the mirror.

"This, this is really me? Why are you so young! " Liu Erjie looked at herself in the mirror and said in shock.

In the mirror, second sister Liu's gray hair turned black again, her wrinkles on her face also reduced a lot, and her spirit looked much better. Intuitively speaking, Liu Erjie is like ten years younger. Zhao Fugui also thought that the effect of longevity ghost was so obvious. In this way, it would be easier to sell to the rich in the future.

"I said it's Yanyan Yishou. You're ten years younger, mom!" Zhao Fugui was very happy to see that the hardworking second sister Liu was so young.

"I'll get your father, and you'll give him a big peach!" Liu Erjie saw that she was much younger in the mirror. She looked like she was just 40 years old. Her face was full of laughter. She went out to find Zhao Hongqi.

After a while, Zhao Hongqi was pulled back by second sister Liu. Zhao Fugui also gave Zhao Hongqi a longevity ghost. Zhao Hongqi has been doing heavy physical work these years. His hair is gray, his back is bent, and he has gout problems. People in his fifties look like they are in their sixties.After eating longevity ghost, Zhao Hongqi's hair turns black. His change is not as obvious as that of Liu Erjie, but his back is much straighter, and he is really much younger. It seems that longevity ghost is really effective.

"Richness, what are you giving us to eat?" Liu Erjie and Zhao Hongqi look at each other, some can't believe each other pinched each other's face, surprised to ask Zhao Fugui.

"Mom, you don't care what you eat, as long as it works!" This matter is not easy to explain, also explain not clear, Zhao Fugui do not want to say too much, perfunctory said.

"Rich and noble, we won't ask if you don't say it, but don't do anything devious!" Liu Erjie knew that Zhao Fugui's mouth was tight. If he didn't want to say anything, other people couldn't ask him anything. Liu Erjie had no choice but to worry.

"Don't worry, mom, I won't do those things!" Zhao Fugui said, "it's getting late. I'll go to the town later. I'll invite some farming trucks to come here. Tomorrow, I'll plough the reclaimed wasteland and prepare to grow vegetables."

"Well, go and return early, it's almost dark!" Liu Erjie nodded and was still immersed in the change of being younger suddenly. She and Zhao Hongqi looked at each other in the mirror for a long time and wondered what was going on.

Zhao Fugui greets Chen Yihan, goes to the village to pick up Rolls Royce, and comes out of the village to drive in the direction of Qingtian township.

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