Super Monk

Chapter 3780

Xia Hongyan's blissful finger is directly on the palm of the Golden Buddha. The Buddha light on the Golden Buddha is dim, and then the whole body of the Golden Buddha withers immediately.

The Dharma king in red snorted, and there was a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth. But a Buddha character appeared at his feet, and then his whole body disappeared. Xia Hongyan failed to leave the king in red, whose strength is also unfathomable.

At least for most of the monks in this operation, the red clothes Dharma king is absolutely powerful. If he is determined to kill other monks, those monks may not have a chance to live.

However, the monk in red did not even show up in front of the monk. Obviously, it was not the purpose of the monk in red to come here to kill other monks. I'm afraid that only this ghost of the Demon Lord is the purpose of the red robed Dharma King's coming to this little heaven world.

However, the king in red was unable to open the copper door, so he didn't appear until Zhao Fugui and them opened it. What Xia Hongyan wants is the boundary stele behind the copper gate, while what the red clothes Dharma king wants is the inheritance of the ghost of the Demon Lord.

"Why don't you do it?" Xia Hongyan didn't leave the king in red. She turned her head and looked at Zhao Fugui.

"Because I want to see what he wants to do when he takes away the demon ghost!" Zhao Fugui said noncommittally. Zhao Fugui thinks that there may be some relationship between the ghost of the demon lord and Ananda. In this case, the king in red may not take the ghost of the Demon Lord for his own use.

If the Dharma king in red takes away the ghost of the Demon Lord for another purpose, it's good to add a little interference to Sanqing and Buddha.

"Well, you even have the congenital spirit treasure. It's normal not to see the ghost of the demon lord!" Xia Hongyan said with a smile.

At this time, the ghost of the demon master was lost, and the whole Shura Kingdom finally began to collapse. The red blood moon in the sky is like falling, and the demons howl in Shura's demon Kingdom, and the whole demon Temple begins to collapse.

"Elder martial brother Zhao!" Jiang Caiwei's voice came from a distance. Luo Dingkun and Huodong came to sun xiaowusong. They gathered together, staring around on guard and moving slowly.

"That little beauty is here, brother Zhao. When I find the location of the ruins of the thirty-three days, you can help me!" Xia Hongyan smiles, and lotus flowers appear from her body. Then her figure begins to fade quickly, and the whole figure disappears completely in the twinkling of an eye.

"Boom!" Shura's demon Kingdom completely disintegrated, and the artifact of Zhenshi liudao flew back one by one and fell back into his master's hands again.

"These bloody traitors!" The blood god son roared, and did not dare to continue to suppress Xiao Yue Huan. He let Xiao Yue Huan fly out. He gathered his body and quickly fled to the deepest part of the hot sand bar.

Now the Shura demon kingdom is completely destroyed, and the disciples of Shura demon sect are not interested in fighting at all, and the momentum of Zhenshi liudao is flourishing. If you don't leave now, you can't leave later.

"The main task one is finished, but the main task two is judged to be failed. We're going back to the five dragon hall!" Jiang Caiwei saw Zhao Fugui appear, relieved and said quickly.

"If there is no record of killing monks, 5000 Qi luck points will be deducted. Those damned monks don't show up at all. How can we kill them?" Luo Dingkun said with an ugly face.

"Something has changed in this mission, maybe it won't be deducted from Qi Yun point!" Jiang Caiwei said hesitantly.

Zhao Fugui also had such doubts, because the fight with the monks of the Taoist sect was too fierce. The monks of the Taoist sect planned to kill the monks of the Taoist sect.

Zhao Fugui met a few monks, except that a Xiu wanted to kill people, but all the others were by the way. He even didn't fight a monk at all.

For example, the Dharma king in red, whose purpose is to kill the devil, has no time to kill any monks. Xia Hongyan is also the same. Her purpose is the boundary pillar. If it wasn't for her that she couldn't open the copper door, I'm afraid she wouldn't appear at all.

Taoist monks must complete the task of the five dragon hall, but not necessarily the monks of the outside world. I'm afraid those with poor strength and weak background can't help but complete the task. But if their strength is strong enough and their background is strong enough, it doesn't matter if they don't complete the task.

I'm afraid that's the reason for the fierce fighting between the camps. Now there is a confrontation between the camps. The Taoist disciples are a camp, and the demons and WaiDao are a camp. This WaiDao includes not only the demons, but also the forces controlled by many other powerful people.

For example, Luojiao, which is controlled by the Lord of the whirling world, such as the power behind the Dharma king in red, and many other powers controlled by other powerful people.

Even the Buddha spirit mountain is the same. This time, Buddha spirit mountain will not be willing to live under Taoism. Since it will not live under Taoism, it will not live under other forces.

Daomen, Buddhists and Demons represent different camps. From the beginning of the demons' exorcism, they put monks into the heaven world and hindered the Taoist monks from sweeping the heaven. The confrontation between camps has also begun.

Zhao Fugui and their feet lit up. Before a few people spoke, the light flashed and they disappeared.

The disciples of zhenshiliudao entered the general arena of Shura demon sect. Ge Hong, who betrayed tianshendao, disappeared without trace. The blood God and several demons also disappeared. Most of the disciples of Shura demon sect died one after another, and Shura demon sect was no longer able to compete with zhenshiliudao."Exterminate Shura cult and prevent the coming of Shura demon kingdom. Once the main task is completed, reward five thousand Qi luck points!"

"After killing the monk a Xiu, you will be rewarded 1000 points of Qi Yun. Kill the highest record, reward Qi Yun point 5000! "

As soon as Zhao Fugui returned to the real dragon hall, he found that these messages were revealed on the jade plate of merit recording. It seems that although the camp's confrontation task is fierce, the task of the five dragon hall is not at all flexible.

If you kill a monk, you will get a reward. If you don't kill a monk, you will get a punishment. In the future, no matter what the purpose of the monk is, it seems that the monk of daomen will kill them, otherwise he will be punished.

"Sanqing's attitude to eliminate these heretics is very firm!" Zhao Fugui said to himself.

In addition to Zhao Fugui's killing a nun, Xia Hongyan's maid a Xiu, no one else was able to kill the nun.

As soon as their main task was completed, They rewarded 5000 Qi Yun points, but their main task 2 was not completed, so they directly deducted 5000 Qi Yun points. Unless they killed the strong one of Shura demon sect, this mission would be in vain. Nearly half of the monks who performed the mission died, and it was like Wusong lost his hand. But he risked so much to do it for nothing. I'm afraid most of the monks would not be satisfied.

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