Super Monk

Chapter 3788

"Emperor Zhenwu?" Zhao Fugui frowned and thought of the legend of Zhenwu Great emperor. Zhenwu Great emperor is the most famous emperor of Taoism. His strength is not inferior to the five elders.

Although Zhenwu emperor Su is one of the four saints in the Arctic, he belongs to the emperor crape myrtle. However, the strength of emperor Zhenwu is the first of the four saints in the Arctic. Even in the face of the four emperors who are second only to Daozu, it is not much worse.

However, Emperor Zhenwu did not fall under the sword of Beiluo. This emperor was very mysterious in daomen. In the middle ancient daomen Tianting era, before daomen fell, Emperor Zhenwu fell.

There are two opinions about the fall of emperor Zhenwu among the immortals. One is that emperor Zhenwu died in the demon world when he went deep into the demon world to wipe out the demons.

After all, Emperor Zhenwu is also known as the great marshal of demons. He went to the demon world to sweep the demons, but this is just one of the stories about its fall.

There is another saying about Emperor Zhenwu, that is, Emperor Zhenwu wanted to fight for the throne of sage, but he fell because of unknown reasons.

Generally speaking, it is generally acknowledged that emperor Zhenwu has fallen, but there are different opinions about the reasons for his fall.

If emperor Zhenwu fell down because of the first statement, then there is nothing to say. He died in the demon world.

But if the second view, it is not simple, after all, an era will only produce a real saint at most. In the era of mythology, because the God Luo became a saint, Beiluo, though strong, could not become a saint. In the end, Beiluo chose to be true to the Tao and become the spirit of the world, or the will of the road. Unless the world is in danger of destruction, or someone interferes with the operation of the road, Beiluo will not even appear easily.

However, Luoshen is a real saint, even beyond the world, rather than a pseudo Saint like Buddha worshipping Daozu. There can only be one true saint in an era, but there are many false saints.

However, those who can reach the realm of pseudo saints may be able to testify to the last sainthood. Therefore, Sanqing and Buddha, as well as other great powers who have already ascended the position of pseudo saints, will not allow a new pseudo sainthood to reappear.

If emperor Zhenwu died because of his impact on the realm of pseudo saints, there would be many problems with his death.

"Task one, uncover the mystery of the fall of emperor Zhenwu, and find Zhenwu avenue for inheritance!"

After thinking for a while, Zhao Fugui saw a detailed task on the record of merit jade plate. Zhao Fugui thought that the fall of emperor Zhenwu was not simple. Even Sanqing sent out a task to investigate.

This Zhenwu seal should be a key one. It's the Zhenwu seal that triggers this mission.

Moreover, with the strength of emperor Zhenwu, he was one of the Four Saints of the Arctic at that time. His strength was not inferior to that of the five elders. He was one of the great emperors of daomen. It can be said that he was a great figure in daomen.

If emperor Zhenwu died for the second reason, his death would surely involve other great figures. General strong Zhao Fugui is not afraid, but if he meets a real big man, it's hard to say whether he can escape with his current strength.

"It's better to find some helpers for this task. Xia Hongyan has many secrets. She is the saint of Luo Jiao, and I can't see through her strength. If she really can't, let's see if she can help me!" Zhao Fugui said to himself.

After entering the real dragon hall, it may not take long to enter the Golden Dragon hall or even the Canglong hall. Zhao Fugui also has to improve his strength as soon as possible, so that his strength can't keep up with the powerful speed of the enemy.

People like emperor Zhenwu, who are involved in it, may be able to get something to help Zhao Fugui improve his strength.

This is one of them. In addition, since the task has already appeared, it's impossible not to complete it. Maybe Sanqing is also paying attention to this task. Even if Sanqing did not pay attention, the Arctic crape myrtle emperor should also pay attention. After all, Zhenwu emperor used to be its great God.

Zhao Fugui thought for a while, then put Zhenwu seal away, and directly returned to his room.

The real dragon hall is now a bleak place. Most of the monks are cleaning the battlefield, taking the useful things as their own, and throwing the useless things out of the real dragon hall.

There are too many bodies of friars and demons in the real dragon hall. If you stay here all the time, maybe there will be some changes.

If the body of a real fairyland monk or a real fairyland monster changes, it may not be so easy to solve.

Therefore, the corpse in the real dragon hall must be cleaned. Since you have taken the things on the corpse, you have to throw the corpse out, and the heavenly officer outside the real dragon hall will call the heavenly fire to burn it.

However, these have nothing to do with Zhao Fugui. He went straight back to his room and began to meditate. Although today's war is short, it is very dangerous. The monsters below the fairyland and the monsters above the fairyland are totally two concepts.

There are tens of thousands of monsters below the real fairyland. The golden immortal can kill them several times, but if they are above the real fairyland, it will be different.

The monsters above the real fairyland have been reborn. If there are monsters of tens of thousands of people, earth, and heaven, even a few golden immortals can be submerged.Even with Zhao Fugui's strength and suppressed limited strength to deal with the attacks of these real fairies and demons, a little carelessness will lead to danger.

He can't use all his strength. When fighting, Zhao Fugui's spirit was very concentrated and consumed a lot. He also needed to go back to his room and meditate for a period of time.

"These monsters have launched two attacks in a month, but after this battle, they must be seriously injured. Maybe they won't attack again in a short time!" In the mid air of the real dragon hall, the Taoist was talking to the two heavenly officials.

"After all, the demon clan within ten thousand li of the real dragon palace is limited, and it can't be consumed for a long time. Today, most of the real immortal demons are lost, and the big tiger demon should not dare to come again easily!" A day will dress up day official said.

"I heard that six of the hundred dragon halls have been broken by the demon clan, and even one real dragon hall has been broken, and 100000 friars died in battle. I didn't expect that the situation is so critical now!" Another day will dress up Tianguan said.

"After all, the tiger head demon is not as powerful as the heavenly official. It's worse than the heavenly official. Besides, the heavenly official can't get out of the real dragon hall. It's not so easy to break our real dragon hall. Otherwise, our real dragon hall might be in danger too! " "Those demons and other monks are not only fighting back in the small world of heaven, but also in the three realms. It's hard for me."

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