Super Monk

Chapter 379

Zhao Fugui stepped on the accelerator to the end. Rolls Royce's engine roared strongly. The huge power of 6.7L displacement made the huge car body start to speed up instantly. The strong sense of pushing back made Zhao Fugui quickly open his eyes. Otherwise, he could not see further at such a fast speed. Zhao Fugui felt that he could not cope with it.

Rolls Royce's constant acceleration and eight speed automatic transmission almost gave Zhao Fugui the illusion that there was no limit to speed. The trees outside the window kept flashing. Zhao Fugui took a subconscious look at the dashboard. In the blink of an eye, the speed had reached about 150.

On the highway, this speed is nothing. A slightly better car can speed up to this speed, but it's an urban and rural road. With this kind of road condition, it's almost like the car is going to fly at a speed of 150.

Zhao Fugui's Rolls Royce is not a sports car, but it has a good foundation and strong power. In addition, Zhao Fugui has the eye of heaven to help him avoid dangerous obstacles ahead of time, and the car doesn't slow down at all. After a while, Zhao Fugui saw the taillights of the modified Sports cars in front of him.

Zhao Fugui doesn't know where these guys are going, but if they hit his rearview mirror, Zhao Fugui is sure to find out this guy. The son of a bitch ran into his car and dared to run. Zhao Fugui's Insurance didn't report it. He had to pay for his bleeding.

Zhao Fugui chased after him for a while, and then quickly caught up with two refitted cars. Zhao Fugui was upset. He pestered Rolls Royce directly in the middle of the road. On the two lane urban and rural roads, the cars behind could not pass.

"Where's the broken Rolls Royce? Get out of the way Behind the Lamborghini sounded a female voice, straight honking the horn, left and right suddenly want to pass Rolls Royce, but Zhao Fugui does not give way, she just can not pass.

"Want to go? No way Zhao Fugui glanced back from the only left rear-view mirror on his left. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth and said to himself.

Zhao Fugui didn't give way, but in order to block the Lamborghini behind him, Zhao Fugui's speed also kept increasing, and soon he was on the 180. It's a very dangerous speed on urban and rural roads. In case of any minor accident, it may cause rollover. However, Zhao Fugui is not afraid. He has the eye to avoid any danger ahead of time.

"I can't do it. If I lose today, it's over!" The female voice in Lamborghini continued to speak, with some panic in her voice.

"Beibei is not afraid. Liu Bin cheated and asked someone to race for him. Even if we lost, we won't admit it!" Said another girl, who seemed a little smaller.

Zhao Fugui blocked the Lamborghini in the back, showing a proud look. Soon he saw that more and more refitted cars were blocked behind him, which could not be exceeded, and even increased to seven or eight. However, the front two or three of these cars have the strength to surpass the past. Even if Zhao Fugui gets out of the way, they can at most have the same speed as Rolls Royce. It's not so easy to think about the past.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

In the dark, a fast-moving motorcade flashed across a small shop next to the country road. When the shopkeeper heard the voice, she came out to check. Rolls Royce suddenly rolled up a gust of wind, and the gust tore off the plaid shirt on the shopkeeper's body.

The landlady screamed in fright, but the laughter came from the motorcade behind. In a flash, a motorcade rushed past, only four or five seconds before and after.

"Diddiddidi!" When Lamborghini wanted to overtake Rolls Royce, the female driver in the car honked her horn wildly, but Zhao Fugui turned a deaf ear to it. Instead, she began to slow down, forcing the team behind to slow down.

"Let you drag racing, have the ability to fly past!" Zhao Fugui watched as the speed of the dashboard slowly decreased from 180 to 175, and then to 175, and said to himself.

"It's over. I'm sure I'll lose. How can I be so unlucky to meet this psychopath?" The female driver in Lamborghini slaps the steering wheel angrily. Lamborghini shakes violently, which makes the girl on the co pilot scream.

"Beibei, calm down. When we get to the place later, we are scolding him. You must calm down! " The girl on the co pilot said nervously.

Babe bit his lip and stared at the Rolls Royce in front of him, eager to see the fire coming out of his eyes. If babe's eyes could really fire, it would melt Rolls Royce.

The following teams couldn't surpass Rolls Royce and began to slow down one by one. The speed of the team soon dropped to about 100. They followed Rolls Royce. After a while, Zhao Fugui saw a fire beside the road in front of him, with expensive sports cars parked beside the fire.

Zhao Fugui estimated that these guys should be the people in front of the drag racing. He just saw the last car in front of him also parked in this place.

Zhao Fugui stops Rolls Royce in the open space, then pushes the door open and gets off the car. As soon as Zhao Fugui got out of the car, he immediately checked the situation he had just been rubbed. His face suddenly changed, showing a look of heartache.

On the right side of Rolls Royce, not only the rear-view mirror was knocked off, but also there were several deep scratches on the right side from the back door to the front of the car. If you look at this situation, you can't repair it without hundreds of thousands. As soon as Zhao Fugui was angry, he went to the group of people who were talking loudly."Damn, I met a fool on the road just now. When I saw my car coming, I didn't pull over quickly. I was about to overtake when another idiot on an electric bike came across. If it wasn't for the racing car, I would have hit it directly. Later, I didn't hit it. I rubbed with the stupid driver of Rolls Royce. Laozi's pl fagani, if you look back and find that fool, I have to let him pay for bankruptcy! " A tall and thin rich second generation, holding a bottle of champagne in his hand, poured a mouthful into his mouth, and cried out with spitting.

"Rabbit, you should have got out of the car and fucked him at that time. If Lao Tzu's car gets rubbed, he must be abandoned! " Another rich second generation said.

"Don't talk nonsense. The little girl's movie is coming. She lost today. I have to let her take off and play with the car shock!" At this time, a young man with two sexy women in his arms stood up with a sneer on his face.

"Asshole, why are you stuck in the middle of the road?" Lamborghini to the side of the road a swing tail fierce stop, a pretty little beauty angrily ran out of the car to Zhao Fugui rushed in the past roar.

"Boy, did you rub my car?" At the same time, Zhao Fugui's face is not good. He grabs the neck of the second generation rich in champagne and smashes him on the next super run. He asks coldly.

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