Super Monk

Chapter 3837

"Yes, general Lan Yu has his father's will in his hand, so he can act conveniently at the critical moment. If he goes to Beidaying, marshal Bai is not his opponent. It's better to lead him out of the city first!" The second prince thought a little, and without consulting with anyone, he immediately made a decision.

"What's the third thing?" The second prince nodded and asked.

"Kill the third prince, Prince!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

As soon as Zhao Fugui said this, the whole second prince's residence was frozen. Everyone was quiet and looked at Zhao Fugui.

In the past dynasties, not every ambitious Prince has the courage and ability to launch his own Xuanwumen change. Killing the prince and killing the second prince is undoubtedly the Xuanwumen change of the second prince. Now it depends on whether he has the courage. The second prince did not expect that Zhao Fugui should be so bold and dare to kill the prince and the third prince directly. According to the previous practice, other powerful princes will be imprisoned after they ascend the throne. They will only be killed unless the contradiction is irreconcilable. After all, no one wants to win the title of killing his brother and seizing the throne.

"Now time is urgent. If you have a little hesitation, maybe the throne will miss the second prince!" Zhao Fugui said indifferently.

"The crown prince is protected by the national master and the smiling face Buddha. I can stop the great national master. Are you sure you will assassinate the crown prince under the protection of the smiling face Buddha and layers of protection?" Ba Jian asked directly.

No matter what happened this evening, as long as the prince goes step by step until the chaos subsides, he will be 70% sure that he will still be on the throne after dawn.

After all, no matter what Zhao Fugui and his family yelled tonight, as long as the prince was protected by the great national division and supported by the blue jade general, even if the right Prime Minister hesitated, he could still sweep the capital and ascend the throne. Because now everyone knows that the old emperor has died, and the old emperor's death and the crown prince's accession to the throne are the original intention. No one has any evidence to prove that the old emperor was killed by the crown prince, and the crown prince can say that he was framed. Under the general situation, as long as he ascends the throne, who dares to say that the death of the old emperor is related to the crown prince?

The prince was orthodox, and he knew that the old emperor had died a few days earlier than the second prince. These days were enough for the prince to offer conditions to win over general Lan Yu. The right prime minister had planned to do the same. If you give the prince another two or three days, he may be ready. This is also the reason why the prince has been closed and has not seen Zhao Fugui these days, because he is quite sure that he does not disdain to attract another person from the Jianghu, but no one thought that such a thing would happen tonight, which completely disrupted the prince's plan.

The second and third princes have no courtiers or military support. Once the chaos subsides tonight, they will lose.

"If you can stop the great national master, the prince will die!" Zhao Fugui said lightly. If the sword can't stop the great master, then the great master will stop Zhao Fugui, and the prince may have a chance to escape. If the crown prince escapes into the South Camp, the South Camp will have a large number of soldiers. Unless Zhao Fugui tries his best, he will not be able to kill the crown prince without opening the seal.

At that time, there will be a prince in charge, and the second prince will kill his father and seize the throne. At that time, the southern camp will besiege the capital and wait for the soldiers from other places to arrive. At that time, the second prince will still have no choice but to die. "Your Highness, I used to be under the third prince, but the third prince colluded with the demons. I'm willing to go to the third prince's residence to assassinate the third prince and return peace to the world!" Luo Dingkun suddenly said that he added to the second prince's heart.

"Well, in this case, I'd like to ask you to come and kill the third prince. I'll go to Beidaying personally to persuade Marshal Bai and help him control the troops of Beidaying!" The second prince clenched his teeth and said.

It's absolutely not safe to stay in the prince's mansion tonight. They want to assassinate the third prince. Who knows if the third prince will come to assassinate him or stay in Beidaying is relatively safe.

After all, the third prince and the prince have the support of the devil queen and the great national master. Once one of them makes a move, he will be dead in the imperial palace.

"Go Seeing that the second prince had made up his mind, Zhao Fugui nodded a little and turned to the direction of the prince's mansion.

Luo Dingkun is also in a hurry to leave. He has to assassinate the third prince before the devil returns to the third prince's residence. I don't know that once the devil returns to the third prince's residence, with Luo Dingkun's strength, he won't have a chance to assassinate the third prince.

The experts in the second prince's residence are divided into two parts. One part disguises and escorts the second prince to Beidaying, the other part follows Zhao Fugui and bajian to the prince's residence.

Obviously, the prince's mansion also got the news from the palace. I'm afraid that he already knew that the fourteenth prince had left Beijing and was ready to find support for the Qing emperor.

Therefore, the prince's house is heavily guarded. Some black flag soldiers and palace guards have come to guard around the prince's house. The prince's house is the most trusted guard of the prince.

Only the middle door of the prince's mansion was opened, and people were constantly coming in and out. I'm afraid these people are the prince's messengers, which are used to contact people outside.

However, at this time, anyone who wants to enter the prince's residence must be strictly checked. The password and token must be matched one by one. Some people check their faces to ensure that no stranger can enter the prince's residence.There are at least hundreds of black cavalry and palace guards outside the prince's residence. Plus the experts in the prince's residence, there are at least thousands of guards above the standard.

The elite soldiers in this world are different from the elite soldiers in the three worlds. They are all trained. Thousands of guards can be worth tens of thousands of soldiers in the three worlds.

"The prince's residence is heavily guarded. I'm afraid it's hard to break in!" Ba Jian's air is a little dignified to say, now want to break into almost impossible, must attack to just go. "Now it's time for you to do your best. If the second prince can become emperor, you will have your glory and wealth at your fingertips. If the second prince is unable to ascend the throne, everyone will die. It's a matter of honor and wealth or death. Now it's between the thoughts of each

, please attack the east gate Zhao Fugui said coldly.

Zhao Fugui is also followed by hundreds of people, some of whom are the experts in the river and lake recruited by the second prince, some of whom are the entrance disciples of bajian, and some of whom are the bodyguards of the second prince.

"Attack the east gate!" Ba Jian took a deep look at Zhao Fugui and said in a concise voice that this time is not the time to love his disciples. "Kill The swordsman's disciple, an expert in the world, and his bodyguard looked at each other and kept silent for a short time. Then he rushed to the east gate of the prince's mansion with a roar.

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