Super Monk

Chapter 384

"Fugui, did you hit someone last night?" Seeing more and more tourists watching at the entrance of the village, Chen Yihan quickly asked. It's good to say that they deserve what they have done. Tourists will not feel bad, but will clap their hands. However, there is no justifiable reason to hurt people. It's very bad for the reputation of Xiaowan village to be publicized.

"Last night, a group of rich second generation gangsters hit my car and tried to bully others. They were beaten by me! It doesn't matter. I'll take care of it! " Zhao Fugui frowned and went straight over.

Zhao Fugui takes a look at these three people. Two of them are Liu Bin's followers, and the other is the rich second generation nicknamed rabbit. Liu Bin is not here. It seems that today's troublemakers are not willing to get him out of the hospital. The two attendants were seriously injured, but the rabbit was not hurt. He was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes spinning and pretending to groan.

"It's him. He's the one who beat people!" Zhao Mei pretended to be beaten by a dozen people, and she cried out, "I was beaten by three people for no reason. This Zhao Fugui is so cruel. He can beat my three younger brothers today and others tomorrow. Be careful, he will go crazy and beat you all

"No, boss Zhao is not so vicious. How can he beat people so hard?" A tourist whispered.

"That's not easy to say. If you know the face, you don't know the heart. Boss Zhao is rich now. Rich people have a big temper. Aren't there many people who depend on their money to do whatever they want? " Another tourist said.

"That's to say, the estimation of this beauty is true, otherwise people can't come here early in the morning with people to ask everyone to judge!" Another tourist poked his head and said.

"Ah, if boss Zhao really is such a person, then I won't come to Xiaowan village in the future. If I have relatives and friends who want to come, I will also advise them not to come!"

The surrounding discussion made Zhao Fugui immediately frown. It's his nature to sympathize with the weak. These three guys lying on the hospital bed and a beautiful woman immediately made the tourists sympathize with him. Instead, they set off Zhao Fugui as a villain. If this situation continues, it will be very harmful to the reputation of Xiaowan village and Zhao Fugui.

"It's no wonder that some women are good at reversing black and white. It's your group of rich second generation car racing that crashed into my car and bullied others. They don't want to pay for it. Now you call me a villain!" Zhao Fugui's face was slightly heavy. He waved his hand to the villagers around and said, "push out my car and that sports car for everyone to have a look!"

As soon as the villagers saw that Zhao Fugui was stigmatized by this woman, they had already held back their anger. At this time, everyone worked hard to push Rolls Royce and the PL super car over the village.

"Gee, it's true. Rolls Royce was hit so badly. It's estimated that what boss Zhao said is true. I'll say he won't hit people for no reason!" When tourists see two seriously injured cars, some tourists begin to feel that what Zhao Fugui said is true.

"That is, it's still a pl super run, a luxury sports car with more than 4 million yuan. If it's not the second generation of Sao Bao Fu, it can't afford to drive. It turns out that these guys are the second generation of rich people. They must have hit boss Zhao's car. They don't want to pay for it and they want to beat someone. Instead, they were beaten by boss Zhao. They really deserve it! "

"That's not necessarily true. The two cars were badly scratched. Who knows who hit them? Maybe Zhao Fugui hit someone else?"

"You are slandering, but your boss is so shameless. It's really shameless that my brother drove home at night and was hit by you, and you still slander my brother! Look, this Zhao Fugui not only hit my car, but also robbed my brother's car. It's disgusting! " Liu Mei turned her eyes and said immediately.

"Ha ha, do you know something called dash cam? Do you think you're just going to slander me with nothing? " Zhao Fugui sneered and went straight into Rolls Royce and took out the dash cam.

Liu Mei's face suddenly changed. She didn't expect that Rolls Royce had this thing in it. As soon as the tourists around see Zhao Fugui take out his dash cam, they immediately begin to believe what Zhao Fugui said. After all, Zhao Fugui has evidence in his hand, not just by mouth.

At this time, the harsh siren sounded, two police cars turned from the urban and rural roads to the rural roads and drove over.

"Hum, the police are here. You hurt people and rob cars. I'll see what the police do!" As soon as Liu Mei saw the police car coming, she was very happy and said happily.

"Well, what's the matter? Why are so many people gathered? They are all scattered! " The director of the township police station got out of the car with a helpless face. He drank a few times to drive the tourists away. Then he whispered to Zhao Fugui, "brother Zhao, I can't help it. This woman has been calling the police since six o'clock in the morning. She has made more than 50 calls to the police center. If the Municipal Bureau doesn't want to come, let me come. I have no way! "

Every policeman must go out. This is the rule. You have to go out when you receive a call. The city Bureau didn't want to send the police, so it was pushed to the township police station. The township police station had no choice but to come.

"It's OK. These guys are here to make trouble!" Zhao Fugui didn't care, he said casually.

"What's the matter? What about the victim? If you have something to say, our police are busy and we don't have time to delay here! " The director nodded and said impatiently."I am the victim, this Zhao Fugui injured and robbed a car, the nature is bad, I ask you Chengdu police to detain him immediately!" Liu Mei said aloud.

"You're bullshit. It's obviously you rich second generation who are racing, crashing and escaping, and then want to hurt people. We can testify!" At this time, Yan Beibei and Lin an came by bus in the morning, just arrived and said loudly.

"Uncle, aunt, police uncle, these rich second generation still want to rape us. If brother Zhao didn't show up in time to save us, they would have succeeded. When they see that things are exposed, they want to kill brother Zhao. It's inhuman. Brother Zhao hurt them just to protect us! " Lin An's hands rubbed his eyes and pretended to cry.

Yan Beibei's eyelids jumped, but she had no choice but to look at Lin An'an. This dead girl really dares to say anything.

"What is it? These rich second generation are really lawless! " Yan Beibei and Lin An'an are only teenagers. They are long and cute. They are more trustworthy than Liu Mei, a woman with a dusty face. When they say it, tourists immediately believe it.

"I'm a local in Chengdu. Two years ago, the second generation of the rich raced and killed a college student in Chengdu University. Later, the guy didn't get a sentence. It's disgusting. Maybe they are the rich second generation A local in Chengdu said indignantly.

"Police officers, we must punish them severely. We can't let these rich second generation go!" The tourists burst into flames and said angrily.

Liu Mei didn't expect that a good thing was stirred up by two little girls. She was in a panic, but she soon calmed down. Fortunately, tiger Qin had a back hand, otherwise she would not be able to deal with Zhao Fugui today.

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