Super Monk

Chapter 3905

"Master, did that big man succeed?" The little geomancy master asked stupidly. "Maybe it hasn't been successful yet. How long has immortals lived? There are few immortals. Maybe there are no immortals!" The old Feng Shui Master said, "it is said that this place has finally become the mausoleum of the great man, but even so, there is a great chance in this mausoleum!"

"Organic fate?" Small geomancy teacher murmurs to say.

"It's true that there is a great chance. There are nine strong men in our world who have established Jiudu. Now they have passed on for more than ten generations, but the first generation of Jiudu strong men got the chance from this mausoleum!" Said the old Feng Shui master.

"Master, it's great to say that we can find here. If we can enter the mausoleum, maybe we can also get a chance!" Small geomancy division excitedly says. "It's not necessarily a good thing to be able to enter the mausoleum. If there are only advantages but no disadvantages, master, I have already entered the mausoleum!" The old Feng Shui Master sighed, "although the nine capital strongmen got a great chance from this mausoleum, they all went crazy in their later years. After they went crazy, they rushed into the mausoleum and never appeared again!"

"Although I know the secret of this mausoleum for so many years, I have never had the courage to enter it!" At this time, a spiritual light suddenly appeared from the sky. There were four spiritual lights in total. Four miraculous lights appeared from the sky, then tore up the clouds, instantly fell into the mausoleum and disappeared. A huge light and shadow like a mirage appeared, then fluctuated slightly and disappeared quickly.

"Master, what is that?" Little Feng Shui teacher said stupidly.

"Mausoleum, Mausoleum opened!" The old Feng Shui Master murmured.

On the other hand, when Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu recover in front of their eyes, Zhao Fugui, Jiang Caiwei, Ruan Lingyu and Luo Dingkun find that they seem to appear in a huge mountain or under the ground. Above the heads of the people is a thick rock layer. Even with the power of Zhao Fugui's divine eye, we can't see how thick the rock layer is. In front of the people's eyes, there is a deep and huge river bed, which has dried up, leaving only the dark red bottom

, just like the river was once full of blood, but now the blood has dried up completely.

There is an iron bridge on this river. The iron bridge is rusty. On the iron bridge, there are several words written in ancient Chinese characters, the boundary of life and death, the bridge of how, the impermanence of life and death.

"Naihe bridge, is this the Naihe bridge in hell?" Jiang Caiwei said in shock.

"Naihe bridge is an artifact of the underworld. How could it be here? Even if it is the mausoleum of emperor Zhenwu, it should not be able to move Naihe bridge here!" Ruan Lingyu said. Naihe bridge is one of the foundations of the underworld. All souls have to go to Naihe bridge after they die. It is impossible for the underworld to be robbed by the outside world and the emperor Zhenwu. Therefore, it is unlikely that this bridge is Naihe bridge, but since it is written in this way, there should be a reason.

"Life and death are changeable. When I said about this bridge, life and death are uncertain. It depends on luck?" Zhao Fugui didn't care about the words of Naihe bridge. Instead, he cared about the following words.

Don't say that this bridge is not a real Naihe bridge. Even if it is a real Naihe bridge, Zhao Fugui dares to break it. But the so-called impermanence of life and death is more interesting.

"No matter what it means, since we've come here, there's no possibility of shrinking back. We're always going to rush in!" Jiang Caiwei said.

After all, they are all in the realm of Jinxian now. If they were in the era of daomen heaven, Jinxian would be able to take on the medium-sized priesthood in Tianzheng God of 36 weeks.

That is to say, here are equivalent to four gods with medium clergy. Are they afraid to cross a bridge here? That's a joke.

"Let's talk about it later!" Luo Dingkun didn't object either. Several people immediately went to the iron bridge. As soon as they stepped on the iron bridge, Zhao Fugui immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Did you find that our vitality seems to have changed?" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Life seems to be dissipating, but I don't feel any attack!" Jiang Caiwei said in surprise.

"I also feel that the vitality seems to have changed!" Ruan Lingyu puzzled said, she also did not feel any attack.

Without being attacked, life began to dissipate, which was like some strange curse.

"It's not that the vitality begins to dissipate, but that the vitality is being compressed. The vitality is being stripped from our bodies and compressed into the depths of our bodies a little bit!" Zhao Fugui continued to walk inside two steps along the iron bridge and said in surprise.

"It's true. I feel my life is being compressed into seeds. What does emperor Zhenwu want to do?" Ruan Lingyu said in surprise.

"Is it true that emperor Zhenwu has met the five failures of heaven and man, and wants to use this method to deceive heaven and sea?" Luo Dingkun murmured.

Three calamities and six calamities and five declines of heaven and man are the Dharma array of the great way. Although we have reached the level of Sanqing Buddha, we can resist the law of the great way to a certain extent and delay the appearance of the five declines of heaven and man for an extremely long time.However, it is not so easy for the strong below Sanqing Buddha. The stronger the strength, the more time it can delay the appearance of the five decline of heaven and man. The four emperors can also prolong the appearance of the five failures of heaven and man for a long time, but emperor Zhenwu is not the four emperors after all. Maybe because he became a Taoist earlier and lived for a long time, there are signs of the appearance of the five failures of heaven and man, and he is not willing to use flat peaches to prolong his life, so he wants to find other ways to achieve the goal of eternal life. In heaven, a peach assembly is held every five hundred years. The purpose of holding the peach assembly is to prolong the life of celestial immortals. The immortals who can eat flat peaches can delay the five failures of heaven and man. Those who can't eat flat peaches will either be demoted to the lower world to avoid the five failures of heaven and man, or they will have to find other ways or wait for the five failures to appear. Ordinary immortals are satisfied to eat a flat peach every 500 years, but after all, Emperor Zhenwu is the Four Saints of the Arctic and the first person in Tianting kendo. Maybe he has a higher wild hope. If he wants to change from immortality to immortality, it is possible to find some other means.

The five failures of heaven and man are the law of the great way. The law of the great way is the foundation of the world. Even Sanqing and the Tathagata can't completely resist its power. It's not so easy to avoid the law of the great way, but it's better to try than to do nothing. Maybe that's what emperor Zhenwu thought. Is its fall the result of trying to live forever?

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