Super Monk

Chapter 3908

Seeing that there were no other clues in the tomb, Zhao Fugui continued to walk deep into the tomb. The more you go to the depth of the tomb, the darker it is. Soon even the occasional fire disappears. If it wasn't for Zhao Fugui, they all had the cultivation of Jinxian, I'm afraid they couldn't see anything clearly in the tomb.

After entering the depth of the tomb, there are no other murals on the walls on both sides of the passage. The murals of emperor Zhenwu completely disappear, and the walls of the tomb are empty.

"There seems to be a huge cavity in front, which may be the main body of a tomb!" Ruan Lingyu stirred the string slightly. The string vibrated slightly. A sound wave came from the top of the string. Soon there was a faint echo. Ruan Lingyu distinguished the echo and said.

"Maybe we have reached the position of the main tomb. Be careful, everyone!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

Jiang Caiwei and her family were on the alert immediately. They looked around warily and were ready to fight at any time. There were so strange situations in a small tomb just now. If they arrived at the main tomb, I'm afraid there would be more strange situations.

Soon Jiang Caiwei and Zhao Fugui followed them to a huge tomb. The stone door of the tomb was closed. There were several big characters written on the top of the stone door, which were also ancient seal characters.

"Under the yellow spring, above the nine seclusions!" Ruan Lingyu carefully identified the words on the stone door and murmured.

"The yellow spring should refer to the 18th floor hell, and the Jiuyou should be the Jiuyou hell. Jiuyou is just below the 18th floor hell. There is no legend. What's the meaning of the words on the stone gate?" Jiang Caiwei said to herself.

"Just go in and have a look!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

This place is quite strange, but Jiang Caiwei and Ruan Lingyu, as girls, don't mean much to be afraid. They are Jinxian Xiuwei. Even if they encounter strange things, they will face difficulties and fight hard.

Zhao Fugui is holding a unique sword in one hand and slowly pushing the stone gate with the other hand. The stone gate is extremely heavy. With Zhao Fugui's strong push, the stone gate makes a sound of "click, click, click" and is slowly pushed away by Zhao Fugui.

When the tomb was completely pushed away, a faint darkness appeared from the tomb. Zhao Fugui took a look inside and saw a huge tomb in the dark. The tomb was very huge. Inside it was like many temples, and outside it stood many huge stone pillars.

There are many huge pearls on the stone pillars, and the light in the tomb is emitted by the pearls on the stone pillars.

Even the top of the tomb is not covered with stones, but seems to use all the jade. The jade reflects bursts of green light under the light of the Pearl, making the whole tomb present a strange beauty. Zhao Fugui even heard bursts of water sound on the top of the tomb, as if there were water flow above the tomb.

In the center of the tomb, there is a tall jade pillar, which emits bursts of light. It seems that after a long time, the aura still exists.

"That jade pillar contains a powerful Aura!" Luo Dingkun said.

"Those auras are not as good as the one in Lingshan mountain, but the most important thing of that jade pillar is not the aura inside, but the words carved on it. Look carefully at the words burned on that jade pillar!" Jiang Caiwei said.

"The small characters are too far apart to see clearly, but the biggest characters are Zhenwu Zhenmo Jue!" Zhao Fugui looked at the jade pillar carefully and said.

"Zhenwu's decision to subdue demons? Is it the decision of emperor Zhenwu Jiang Caiwei said in surprise.

"It's not recorded in the secret collection of Kunlun. Maybe it's the secret skill of emperor Zhenwu!" Ruan Lingyu thought carefully and said.

"No wonder I saw so many footprints at the stone gate before. With this decision, if people knew it, I'm afraid there would be countless people coming to this mausoleum one after another!" Luo Dingkun said.

"After all, Emperor Zhenwu may also be a strong man in the later period of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, or even a full man in Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This Taoist decision may be directed at Hunyuan Daluo. How many people can refuse such temptation?" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

Not to mention other people, even Luo Ding, Kun Jiang, Cai Wei and Ruan Lingyu can't resist such temptation. Zhao Fugui has his own decision of stars and Taoism, but he doesn't think it's great for Zhenwu to suppress demons, but he's different for Jiang Caiwei and Ruan Lingyu.

Ruan Lingyu, Jiang Caiwei and Luo Dingkun are three of them. Luo Dingkun's skill is the worst. At most, his skill can only be practiced until the middle stage of Jinxian, and even in the later stage of Jinxian, 80% of them may not be able to practice.

Jiang Caiwei's skill is a little better. Her skill can be directly practiced to the golden immortal's full circle, and there is a 30% chance to practice to the early stage of the golden immortal.

Only Ruan Lingyu's skill is the best among the three. Her skill can be directly practiced to the early stage of the great Luo Jinxian, and 50% of them can be practiced to the middle stage of the great Luo Jinxian, and 10% of them can be practiced to the later stage of the great Luo Jinxian.

But these skills can't be compared with the Zhenwu Zhenmo Jue. After all, it's very likely that it was the way of Zhenwu emperor. If that's the case, then this skill can be directly cultivated to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.Even if you can't cultivate to the full circle of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, as long as you can cultivate to the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it can be regarded as the No.1 among the three realms. Even if you don't become a God, you will be treated with courtesy in the new heaven in the future.

Although Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is only one level higher than Daluo Jinxian, it is just this level. For 99.9% of the monks in the three realms, it is also a natural chasm that can not be crossed in their life.

"Now that I have met you, I will burn a copy of this Zhenwu Zhenmo decision." Luo Dingkun said eagerly.

Ruan Lingyu and Jiang Caiwei both nodded their heads. When they got the Tao decision, they had to depend on their talent and chance. The higher the talent, the better the chance, the more likely they were to succeed in cultivation. If the same Tao decision was practiced by different people, the result of cultivation would not be the same in the end.

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to get this Dao, otherwise there will be more top strong people in the world!" Zhao Fugui said, "be careful, everyone!"

If this decision is so easy to take, I'm afraid it won't be seen here for a long time. It's estimated that this decision, together with Yuzhu, has been moved away, and it's impossible to stay here.

It doesn't look dangerous, but it's dangerous to step into it.

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