Super Monk

Chapter 3911

"The previous layout of the mausoleum of emperor Zhenwu is to avoid the five failures of heaven and man, and infinitely reduce his sense of existence in the world. It even wants to make the Boulevard think that it has completely fallen. The previous layout is to serve this, but what is the significance of a magic platform here?" Said Zhao Fugui puzzled.

"The Zhenmo platform is generally used to suppress evil spirits. If Zhenwu emperor set up the Zhenmo platform himself, then it must be extremely powerful evil spirits to suppress here!" Luo Dingkun said solemnly.

"Suppressing powerful evil spirits or suppressing something, except this, I can't figure out the reason why there is a magic platform here!" Ruan Lingyu also said.

"Isn't this the real Mausoleum of emperor Zhenwu? What is it suppressing here?" Jiang Caiwei guessed.

"I think it may be the mausoleum of emperor Zhenwu, but at the same time, it also suppressed something in its own mausoleum!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

As soon as Zhao Fugui said this, the faces of several people suddenly changed. What is it that deserves Zhenwu's suppression in his own mausoleum?

"Is it possible that emperor Zhenwu was already doing things against heaven, and he was afraid that he would not succeed in hiding things from heaven and from the sea, but the Dharma body left behind gave birth to demons, so he set up a magic platform here?" Ruan Lingyu guessed.

"It's possible, after all, there are those weird living dead people here. Maybe these living dead people are controlled by the things under the magic platform!" Jiang Caiwei guessed.

"If it is true, it means that there is something wrong with the golden body of the Dharma Prime Minister of emperor Zhenwu. The golden body of a Hunyuan Daluo golden immortal has the ability to destroy heaven and earth. At least it should be OK to destroy this world!" Luo Dingkun said.

"Even so, it has nothing to do with our task. Just don't let the Dharma body out!" Zhao Fugui said after a little thought.

After checking the magic platform for a while, they didn't find any useful clues. Then they continued to walk down the stairs behind the magic platform.

It's dark under the steps of the magic platform. After passing the magic platform, there is even a mist rising under the ground. The mist fluctuates in the dark and turns into various shapes. It looks strange and terrible.

"You see, there seems to be words in the fog!" At this time, Ruan Lingyu suddenly pointed to the fog in front and said.

It seems that there is something in the fog, and the writing is faint. Zhao Fugui carefully identified it, and it seems that the words in the fog are condensed by ancient divine patterns.

"The road is difficult and difficult. Since Yu became a Taoist, he has gone through many difficulties and dangers, but at last, the road ahead is gone. It's hard to go any further. I'm so sorry at the boundless distance!"

"At this time, we will know that the immortals are just like this. If they don't enter the holy way, they are just ants. However, it's so hard for me to become a Taoist. I'm not willing to give up my hand to catch him

"Are these left by Emperor Zhenwu or by the strong men who entered the mausoleum?" Jiang Caiwei murmured.

It seems that the anger of the person who left the handwriting can be seen in these handwriting, and he seems to want to go further, but he has a hard way to find his anger and even despair.

"Maybe this is what emperor Zhenwu left behind. Otherwise, as a general monk, how could he leave behind immortals?" Ruan Lingyu said.

"Emperor Zhenwu is strong and resolute. He doesn't want to be subject to the peach of the queen mother of the West. He wants to find his own way. But when he comes to the fairyland of Hunyuan, the peach's five hundred years of life is just a matter of fingers to them." Jiang Caiwei said.

"It's better to fight for your own life than to use flat peaches. Maybe that's what emperor Zhenwu thought." Zhao Fugui also said.

Since it may be the mausoleum of emperor Zhenwu, it is very likely that the one who left these ancient divine lines is emperor Zhenwu. After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to know any ancient divine lines.

"I always feel that something is wrong in this fog!" Ruan Lingyu murmured.

"You see, there are some more handwriting in the fog!" At this time, Jiang Caiwei said.

In fact, among all the people, only Zhao Fugui knows the ancient divine lines, while Ruan Lingyu knows a few of them. Jiang Caiwei knows only a few representative words, and Luo Dingkun doesn't even know an ancient divine line.

"It's about the life and past of emperor Zhenwu!" Zhao Fugui looked at the words carefully and said that the number of these words was quite large, far more than before.

"Yu Chengdao has overcome a lot of difficulties since he became a Taoist, and he has finally become a party that attaches great importance to God. However, although he is a God, there are many things that are difficult to achieve. One is that it is hard to defeat a strong enemy. When Yu Chengdao comes to war, there are more than a hundred battles to win and less to lose. However, the number of defeats is all in the hands of the Taoist and the devil. The great enemy is hard to defeat. This is what I hate all my life! " Zhao Fugui read.

"Who is the Taoist of mietian?" Luo Dingkun asked curiously.

"Taoist mietian is one of the great demons of Jiuyou. There are countless great demons of Jiuyou. Taoist mietian is among the demons, and his strength is not inferior to that of the ancestors of Styx. How many times did the devil kill the real immortals? It was due to the defeat of several heavy troops in heaven. Although emperor Zhenwu is a Taoist who attaches great importance to God, he is still much worse than the Taoist who destroys heaven. No wonder he will be defeated by the Taoist who destroys heaven! ""As for the demon lord, let alone the strong one at this level, it is difficult to suppress even the strong one at the fourth imperial level, let alone the Zhenwu emperor whose strength is a little lower than that of the five elders!" Jiang Caiwei said.

"It is said that mietian Taoist existed in ancient times, and had a war with the demon Saint Xihe. The demon Saint Xihe was born with fire spirit, and restrained the jiuyouming spirit of mietian Taoist. At that time, it was said that mietian Taoist failed to kill Jiuyou from the demon Saint Xihe after the first war, and finally he didn't realize that he was the opponent of Donghuang Taiyi, so he retreated into the depth of Jiuyou It's hard to find a trace in the future! " Ruan Lingyu also said.

"It is said that Xihe, the demon saint, is the weakest among the three demon emperors. Even Xihe, the Taoist of exterminating heaven, can't beat him, let alone fight emperor jundonghuang one by one. Dijun's ability to fight against the top ten ancestral witches is definitely superior to that of a single ancestral witches, but I'm afraid there is still a gap between him and Dijun with the strength of one against five or one against three at most! " Zhao Fugui said.

The strongest of the ten ancestral witches is the strength of the Immortal Emperor, and the weakest is the later period of the Immortal King. The Immortal King is full and round, and can be one against five or one against three, which is enough to see the strength of the people who destroy heaven.

However, for these great figures, strength is relative. The Taoist mietian is very strong, but it depends on who they are compared with. Compared with the first-class great figure, Taiyi Dijun of the Eastern Emperor, it's a little worse.

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