Super Monk

Chapter 3920

"The Arctic crape myrtle emperor is worthy of being one of the four emperors. He really has an uncanny means to control the law of heaven!" Jiang Caiwei said with a sigh.

Zhao Fugui is very clear that the only thing that pays attention to this task is a wisp of ideas of the Arctic crape myrtle emperor. Jiang Caiwei and they are also very clear that a wisp of ideas of the Arctic crape myrtle emperor can discover the real martial spirit that they can't discover. This only shows that the strength of the Arctic crape myrtle emperor is too strong.

"I don't know whether Zhenwu emperor is immortal or immortal!" Ruan Lingyu said.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the Immortal King. Above the Immortal King is the immortal Zun. The one who is stronger than the immortal Zun is the Immortal Emperor. Zhenwu emperor is also the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. As the Arctic crape myrtle emperor who can command Zhenwu emperor, I'm afraid the weakest is the immortal Zun level.

Xianzun is too far away from Ruan Lingyu and Jiang Caiwei. Jinxian can be regarded as the backbone of daomen heaven, but xianzun already exists at the top of the pyramid in daomen heaven. The gap between them can't be calculated by reason.

"Now that the ghost of Zhenwu has disappeared, the rest of us don't have to think about it. Let's go back to the five dragon hall and get ready to repair it."

It's too far to think about xianzun. When they heard Zhao Fugui's words, they nodded. Then they inspired their own jade medals and soon disappeared from the main hall of the Taoist temple.

Zhao Fugui was in the realm of heaven before, and he was still in the real dragon hall, but now he is the cultivation of the golden immortal. This time, he was directly drawn into the Golden Dragon hall.

There are 100 Jiaolong hall, 50 Zhenlong hall, only 10 Jinlong hall, only three Canglong hall, and only one ZuLong hall.

There are ten golden dragon halls. Chen Yihan was in the Golden Dragon hall before. At that time, she used the Tianhe stele to condense the golden immortal Dharma body, but she doesn't know what strength Chen Yihan is now.

After all, if it has gathered 120000 li of power to connect the Tianhe River, the pure power can already fight against Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. If it has gathered 120000 li of power to connect the two sides of the Tianhe River, the strength is not easy to estimate.

After all, for gods, a million true believers are equivalent to Jinxian, five million true believers are the strength of Daluo Jinxian, and the power of tens of millions of true believers is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Although heaven and earth have changed greatly, there are no more than ten human races, but there are more than tens of millions of people on both sides of Tongtian River. With the suppression of all parties by the Wulong hall, more people are gathering on both sides of the Tongtian River.

However, before, Chen Yihan only controlled two Tianhe steles. After the gold body of Wang fo, the pharmacist of Zhao Fugui, was suppressed in that strange passage, another Tianhe stele automatically flew into Chen Yihan's hands.

In other words, if Chen Yihan didn't get new Tianhe steles during this period of time, now Chen Yihan has three Tianhe steles in his hands. The three Tianhe steles can control the river area of 25000 Li, and there may be tens of millions of people on both sides of the river area.

If the river God appeared to protect them, only half of the survivors believed in the river god, then Chen Yihan would have five million true believers, and five million true believers would be equivalent to the strength of Daluo Jinxian. In addition, with the water area of 25000 Li Tianhe River, Chen Yihan could not be suppressed unless the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in his heyday.

It's not to mention that the times of demons are different from those in the past. Now, as long as the river god can protect us, I'm afraid most people will believe in it.

If there are tens of millions of survivors on both sides of the 25000 Li River, I'm afraid most of them will believe in the goddess of the river. Of course, the premise is that the goddess of the river will show up to protect them.

If so, Chen Yihan may not have the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Even if he doesn't have it for a while, he may be approaching infinitely.

Zhao Fugui's figure appears in the Golden Dragon hall. The Golden Dragon hall is really made of gold, and the whole hall is resplendent in the sun.

At the top of the Golden Dragon hall, a huge and ferocious Golden Dragon lies on it. The huge golden dragon has five claws on its belly and ancient divine lines on its forehead. This is the king of the Golden Dragon. Its strength is probably similar to that of Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian.

The Golden Dragon hall was originally the place where Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian were united. If there were no strong people in the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I'm afraid they would not be able to suppress these monks.

However, Zhao Fugui just took a look, and then turned his eyes to see that there were many traces of fighting on the magnificent golden dragon hall.

Jinlong hall is the place where Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian gather. Unexpectedly, the demon clan really dares to attack Jinlong hall, and it seems that the attackers even entered the Jinlong hall.

The demon clan can establish the demon clan's heaven in ancient times, and still maintain its powerful power when the daomen heaven suppressed the Three Kingdoms. The strength of the demon clan can't be underestimated.

And it seems that there are many demon kings returning now, and I don't know if there are any demon kings really returning. After all, Taiyi and Dijun don't even know if they have a chance to reincarnate. It's the hands of Sanqing and the ten great witches. Maybe only Daozu of Sanqing knows about Taiyi and Dijun.

But the demon clan can resist up to now, and even maintain an offensive against the five dragon hall. Zhao Fugui doesn't believe that there is only the demon king but no demon emperor in the demon clan.Zhao Fugui looks at the Golden Dragon hall, and then goes to the Golden Dragon hall. When Zhao Fugui comes to the door of the Golden Dragon hall, the golden dragon lying on the doorframe of the Golden Dragon hall looks down at Zhao Fugui, and then languidly lies on the doorframe again and closes his eyes.

The golden dragon lying on the doorframe should be used to distinguish the identity of the friars in and out of the Golden Dragon hall. After all, the importance of the Golden Dragon hall is not comparable to that of Jiaolong hall and Zhenlong hall. Moreover, the strength of the things that dare to mix in the Golden Dragon Hall, whether they are demons or demons, or other things, must be extremely terrible. If you let them mix in, you don't know what they will do What's the trouble.

Zhao Fugui takes a look at the golden dragon lying on the doorframe, and then goes directly to the Golden Dragon hall.

The number of friars in the Golden Dragon hall is obviously much less than that in the real dragon hall and Jiaolong hall. There are tens of thousands of friars in Jiaolong hall. When they arrive at the real dragon hall, about one-third of them will be left, but when they arrive at the Golden Dragon hall, the number is directly less than the vast majority.

The number of friars in the Golden Dragon hall is less than one tenth of the number of friars in the real dragon hall. Before, there were more than 10000 friars in the real dragon hall where Zhao Fugui lived, but it would be nice to have thousands of friars in this golden dragon hall.

But the weakest of the former friars is Jinxian, and the strongest is Daluo Jinxian. However, the number of Daluo Jinxian is relatively small, I'm afraid there is not even one fifth of Jinxian.

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