Super Monk

Chapter 3923

"The mission begins!"

With Zhao Fugui and their exchange of various items, soon a column of light fell from the top of the Taoist temple hall. Those columns of light fell on Zhao Fugui and their bodies, and they soon disappeared.

When the light and shadow in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes stopped changing, they opened their eyes and found that they had appeared in the ruins. The ruins were scorched black, as if there was a fire, which burned everything around them.

"There are others!" Just as Zhao Fugui and his family were about to explore their surroundings, three light beams suddenly fell, and a faint figure appeared in them.

"It seems that there are new people on this mission!" Luo Dingkun said that in a short time, the three pillars of light disappeared in the dark, and three figures appeared from the pillars of light.

As soon as the three figures appeared, they looked warily at Zhao Fugui and their faces were full of vigilance.

"Are you all Taoist friends of the five dragon hall?" After the three men appeared, they took a close look at Zhao Fugui and some of them, and then they raised their hands and asked.

"Yes, we are all from the five dragon hall. This is the second official mission we have been on!" Luo Dingkun came forward to negotiate.

"I'm situ Xuanqi. I'm a disciple of Shushan. I've also experienced a formal mission!" Among the three, the monk, who looked like he was only in his twenties, stepped forward and said.

The friar had a light pride on his face. He was obviously quite confident in his origin and strength. After all, Shushan was one of the three major schools in the past. He was on a par with Kunlun. Situ Xuanqi also had some capital to be proud of.

Shushan disciple again? Zhao Fugui and several of them looked at each other. The last disciple of Shushan was too often dead. Unexpectedly, another one was sent to this mission.

The other two put down their guard and introduced themselves. The other two were Wu Feng and Lei Wei. They didn't introduce themselves in too much detail. They just introduced their names to each other.

Zhao Fugui and they didn't introduce each other in too much detail. Most of these people can't be regarded as their formal companions. It's hard to say whether they can survive this mission. There's no need to say too much.

Situ Xuanqi originally thought that he was not weak, and he was also a disciple of Shushan. He wanted to lead the mission and let other people listen to him. However, when he saw Zhao Fugui, they didn't take him seriously, and he was wise and didn't talk nonsense.

"Now what are we going to do?" Jiang Caiwei asked.

"Let's see where this is first, and check around!" Zhao Fugui said.

Jiang Caiwei, Ruan Lingyu and Luo Dingkun nodded and walked around, but they didn't go too far. They kept a distance that they could support each other at any time.

"Two younger martial brothers, let's look around too!" Seeing that Zhao Fugui was ignored by them, situ Xuanqi began to attract Wu Feng and Lei Wei. He raised his hand and said to them.

Wu Feng and Lei Wei nodded, followed situ Xuanqi to start the operation, this time the team formed two small groups.

"It's like the wreckage of a burned Taoist temple. You see, the layout here is very similar to that of a Taoist temple!" Jiang Caiwei said after carefully examining the surroundings.

"Well, it looks like a Taoist temple. Someone should have set fire to this place!" Zhao Fugui stood in the Taoist temple and looked into the distance. Suddenly, he saw a light of fire in the dark. "There seems to be someone there. Let's go and have a look!"

Although their team has just arrived here, its strength is at its peak now. No one in the team is scattered and no one is injured. Even if they meet Liuyu Tianmo, it's enough to fight. This is the situation that Zhao Fugui doesn't work hard.

If you can meet a magic general, it would be better. You can get a magic crystal by killing a magic general. As long as you kill all these magic generals, the task is basically completed.

As soon as Zhao Fugui and his family left, situ Xuanqi and his family followed. After a while, Zhao Fugui and his family rushed to the place where the light came out.

The place where the light came out was a half collapsed ruins. The appearance of the ruins was a main hall. The remaining half of the main hall was still solid. A torch was lit in the ruins of the main hall.

A large number of people gathered in the hall. Most of them were dressed in strong clothes and carried swords and guns. These people were surrounded in the middle. In the middle of the hall stood a man wearing a Taoist robe. Zhao Fugui was talking when they arrived.

"The seven demon envoys don't know where they got the news. They think that we can't kill all the people of the right way now, because there is still a treasure in heaven and earth to suppress the qi movement of the right way, and there is one such treasure in the ruins of SONGFENG temple. Now, the three demons have come all the way to destroy the treasure

"But heaven has an eye. This news is passed on by righteous men who are in the demon sect but have a good heart. Only in a hurry can Lao Dao get there before the demon envoys. He only has time to contact Yuan Zhen, the fire god sword, and duanfeng, the God of Luo. There is still a long way to go compared with the three demon envoys!"

"The treasure of the right way is in the ruins of the Taoist temple, but I don't know the exact location. It will take time to find it, but the three demons can arrive at any time. If you guys want to leave, you can still leave before the demons arrive. When the demons arrive, you can't leave even if you want to leave!""Heaven asked, we don't have to say much. Since we have come here, we are determined to die. Those demons will slaughter the world. We will never die with them. Although Yuan Zhen's sword is not good enough, we are willing to fight with those demons!" Said a thin old man in a deep voice.

"Yes, if we can stop those demons, we will fight to the death!" Most of the people who dress up at the age of ten show an expression of generosity, and only a few are complicated and indecisive.

"We are on the verge of death. Even if we can survive for a few years, we'd better fight with the devil while we still have a sword. But there are still young people among you. They are the seeds of our struggle against the demon sect. Many years later, we may have a chance to kill the six desires and demons. Let's go if you are less than 20 years old! " Luo Tianshen Zhang duanfeng said in a voice.

"Although we are young, we don't want to muddle along. If we retreat today, we will retreat again in the future. Now that we are here, we have no reason to retreat!" On the contrary, those young people in the crowd are still hot blooded and unwilling to retreat.

"In that case, let's look for it as soon as possible. If the devil comes, we'll give up our lives for a fight." Heaven asked the Taoist in a deep voice.

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