Super Monk

Chapter 3941

Ruan Lingyu hands a sound, that sound buzzed, the sound fell on the demon body, the demon body's flesh and blood moment how, a piece of dark flesh and blood flying all over the sky.

The demon roared in pain, and its evil spirit suddenly rose. With the evil spirit rising, its body also expanded. In the blink of an eye, the body of the demon expanded more than ten feet, and the flesh and blood destroyed by Ruan Lingyu's Qinyin immediately recovered.

The demon's body suddenly enlarged. It grabbed a huge animal bone from the ground and rushed to Ruan Lingyu fiercely. But before it rushed to Ruan Lingyu's eyes, a flying sword appeared from the back of the demon's brain and penetrated the back of the demon's brain in an instant.

The demon's body suddenly froze, stretched out his hand and pulled out the flying sword which was inserted into the back of his head. Then his huge figure fell down, and most of his evil spirit disappeared in an instant.

The strength of this demon is not worth mentioning. It is about the same as that of human immortals to the fairyland. There is not much chance to struggle in the face of several golden immortals.

"It's really a magic crystal!" Jiang Caiwei reaches for a move, and the magic crystal in the eyes of the demon falls into her hands. Jiang Caiwei takes a close look and confirms that it is really the magic crystal left after the killing of the Seven Magic envoys.

"Those two demon gods are big and good abacus. I don't know how big these fragments are. They killed the rest of the seven demon envoys and scattered their magic crystals among the fragments. If you want to blow up the channel of the demon world, you have to go into the fragments first to look for them!"

"Needless to say, the danger in the fragments of the demon world is not easy to find. In addition, the demons bring the demons to all parts of the fragments of the demon world Huo Donglai said.

"Yes, in this way, even if Bi Fang and qiongqi are surrounded and killed, the magic crystal will not be taken away!" Ruan Lingyu said, "but now we have four magic crystals. We only need to find two more to blow up the channel of the demon world!"

"Go on and find the magic crystal as soon as possible. As for the fourth move of the Tathagata palm, it may not be so easy to find it!" Jiang Caiwei said.

The channel of the demon world is just behind the hall of six desires. The hall of six desires has mastered the channel of the demon world for a long time. If the fourth form of the Buddha's palm is so easy to get, I'm afraid the hall of six desires has already got the fourth form of the Buddha's palm.

Ruan Lingyu Jiang Caiwei and they are still discussing the search for magic crystal, but no one notices the abnormality around them except Zhao Fugui.

"Brother Zhao, what's the matter?" Soon Ruan Lingyu noticed Zhao Fugui's abnormality and asked strangely.

"I think we are getting closer and closer to that Buddha character!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Why? We have been moving in the direction far away from that Buddha word Luo Dingkun's face changed and he said with fear.

"Look over there, the characters are getting bigger!" Zhao Fugui pointed to the direction of the Buddha's character that faintly emitted the golden light, and said that the character that faintly released the dark golden light really seemed to be bigger.

Ruan Lingyu, Jiang Caiwei, and they all looked at the Buddha's words, which seemed to be bigger.

"Let's go far away from that Buddha character and see the situation again!" Ruan Lingyu said.

Put away the magic crystal, Zhao Fugui and they continue to move forward, but they have just walked along the dark brown river. After passing through a strange twisted tree, the huge word of Buddha appears in front of them again, and it is getting closer and closer.

"We have been deliberately far away from that word. How can we get closer and closer to that word?" Huo Donglai said incredulously.

"Either there are several seals of Buddhist characters here, or no matter where we go, we will eventually go to the seal of Buddhist characters. This may be caused by Zen master Pudu. No matter how the demons in the fragments of the demon world go, they will linger near the seal of the Buddha word and can't go too far. Otherwise, we can come in the passage of the demon world and those demons can naturally go out, but we haven't heard that those demons in the fragments of the demon world will leave here before! " Jiang Caiwei analyzed.

"Yes, it should be!" Zhao Fugui thinks about it and thinks that this is the only possibility. It seems that the Pudu Zen master was very powerful.

At this moment, a piece of dark hair suddenly appeared from the dark brown river. The dark hair was silent and appeared very suddenly. There were mouth after mouth on the dark hair, which was full of sharp teeth.

These dark hair appeared from the dark brown River in the blink of an eye and rolled directly to Ruan Lingyu.

The hair was just close to Ruan Lingyu, and a warm Buddha light suddenly appeared in Ruan Lingyu's hands. There was even a Zen sound in the sky. As soon as the hair touched Ruan Lingyu's warm Buddha light, it immediately sent out a very sad cry, and even a piece of black fog was rising in the hair.

Before entering the world, Ruan Lingyu exchanged some treasures to restrain demons in the five dragon hall. What she is using now is the dingmo card.

At the same time, the light in Luo Dingkun's hand flashed. He threw the treasure in his hand into the air, and then the baby rose into the air, turned into a golden umbrella, and suppressed it in the dark brown river."Ah There was a shrill scream in the dark brown River, and the whole river seemed to be boiling up. Pieces of hair rushed out of the dark brown River and wound directly around the magic umbrella.

But those hairs were burning before they touched the magic umbrella. Although the magic object was not weak, it was obviously not the opponent of the magic umbrella. After all, Luo Dingkun consumed a lot of Qi points in exchange for the Buddha treasure, which was prepared for the separation of the supreme heaven devil or the six desires heaven devil.

A small magic object couldn't resist the magic umbrella. The magic umbrella fell directly on the dark brown river. The river water in the dark brown river was half evaporated in a flash, revealing the dark creeping things inside.

The essence of this thing doesn't know what it is. The magic umbrella falls down directly, and in a twinkling of an eye it falls on the demon. A dense and incomparable Buddha light completely covers it, and then it struggles and squirms madly and slowly burns.

The Buddha light of the magic umbrella covers the magic object. In the end, the magic object turns into a huge beating flame under the cover of the magic umbrella and is completely burned.

"See if there is magic crystal!" Jiang Caiwei said.

Zhao Fugui reaches out his hand and grabs the burning ashes in his hand. But although there is a hard thing in the ashes, it is not magic crystal.

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