Super Monk

Chapter 3945

Zhao Fugui and Jiang Caiwei quickly plunder to the corpse devil mountain. The devil flame in the corpse devil mountain is boiling, and the monstrous devil flame rises up, which almost turns the whole corpse devil mountain into a huge torch. The devil flame does not have the slightest temperature, but it spreads a throbbing force.

Countless corpses are burning in the magic mountain, and many of them even come back to life under the action of some unknown force. They are constantly struggling and wailing in the corpse magic mountain. Under the raging magic flame, the Buddha light over the corpse magic mountain is getting dimmer and almost completely suppressed by the power of the magic flame.

The supreme demon must be taking the opportunity to break the seal, but I don't know if Ruan Lingyu, Luo Dingkun and Huo Donglai have played any role in it.

"What's the matter? What happened to magic mountain At the same time, on the other side of the corpse magic mountain, Guanzi watched the change of the magic mountain in horror, and his face turned back.

It is true that Buddha trace has mastered the secrets of other fragments of the demon world. Guan Zizi is trying to use these secrets to find the general outline of the fourth form of the Tathagata palm. For her, the magic crystal is not very important.

If the demon trace and the friars of the five dragon hall have entered the debris of the demon world, she will directly blow up the channel of the demon world outside and trap everyone in the debris of the demon world, it will be the best.

But even if it can't, even if it can't blow up the channel of the demon world, it's not unacceptable. As long as the supreme demon doesn't break out of the debris of the demon world, it's OK.

Even the failure of the mission of Buddha's trace in this small universe is not unacceptable. As long as we can find the general outline of the fourth form of Buddha's palm, then everything will be acceptable.

The general outline of the fourth form of the Tathagata palm, even if it is not specific, is precious enough. The fourth form of the Tathagata palm is much more important than those who occupy the small world or destroy the demon trace.

"No, there has been a change at the entrance of the devil's world passage. What's the matter? Did those people in the five dragon hall do it?" View comfortable facial expression a change, to the direction of demon world passage saw one eye to say.

Guanzi looks at the burning magic mountain, and then looks back at the direction of the passage of the demon world. She looks wavering, and finally quietly retreats to the back of the magic mountain.

"Listen, elder martial brother Zhao, there's a piano sound!" Zhao Fugui and Jiang Caiwei approach to the direction of the magic mountain. Not long after that, Jiang Caiwei suddenly listens. In the roar of chaos, there is a faint sound coming.

"Over there!" Zhao Fugui carefully distinguished the direction of the piano sound in the air, and immediately swept over there.

Ruan Lingyu is sitting not far from the foot of the corpse demon mountain. Her hands are constantly caressing on the Baoqin, and the strong sound of the Qin is constantly coming out. All the demons who want to get close to her fall into the Qin, and they can't get close to her at all.

"Sister Ruan's Qin sound is indiscriminate attack. If we get close, we will also be attacked!" Jiang Caiwei said.

Ruan Lingyu seems to have a secret treasure on her body. She is using the secret treasure to resist the attack of the supreme demon. She soon has the spirit of immortality gushing out of her body. The spirit of immortality is pressing, and the spirit of evil is curling around her. Her eyes are red. A pretty face is holy for a while, and demonic for a while. It's like a tempting witch.

"No matter, I'll help him, and the music won't hurt me!" Zhao Fugui took out the wick made by Jinchanzi, stepped on it and rushed to Ruan Lingyu.

Ruan Lingyu's consciousness is confused and she is still trying to resist the idea of the supreme demon, but she seems to feel the attack around her. As soon as Zhao Fugui gets close to her, Ruan Lingyu's piano voice becomes intense.

Bursts of fierce music crazy sounded, the sound of a road of sword, all the music turned into weapons, crazy to Zhao Fugui stabbed.

Zhao Fugui in the hands of the supreme crazy knife on the Tuo, a broken voice followed by ring, those weapons in the supreme Sabre chopping down one by one broken.

But the weapons made of the zither sound were broken, and the broken weapons immediately condensed into a big ghost, who rushed to Zhao Fugui fiercely.

After the achievement of Jinxian, Ruan Lingyu's big ghost summoned by Qin sound is really very powerful. Although it can't summon the four big ghost kings, the big ghost already has some of the power of the four big ghost kings.

At this moment, the light of the wick in Zhao Fugui's hand suddenly soared, and the dazzling golden light appeared. The light turned into bursts of Buddha's power and directly suppressed the big ghost. The big ghost roared and was smashed by the golden light of the wick.

Then Zhao Fugui raised his hand, and the wick flew out and fell directly into Ruan Lingyu's sea of knowledge. As soon as the wick enters Ruan Lingyu's sea of consciousness, Zhao Fugui sees that Ruan Lingyu's divine consciousness is fighting against a dark shadow.

Ruan Lingyu's divine consciousness is full of rosy clouds, and a small crown is suspended above her head. It is from this small crown that the rays appear. It seems that the rays have a great restraining effect on the divine thoughts of the supreme devil. As long as the shadow is covered by the rays, the shadow will roar with pain.

But the shadow was very persistent and rushed to Ruan Lingyu's divine consciousness again and again, trying to control Ruan Lingyu's divine consciousness.

At this time, the wick made by Jinchanzi flew into Ruan Lingyu's sea of knowledge. As soon as the wick flew into Ruan Lingyu's sea of knowledge, it would shine everywhere. At the same time, Ruan Lingyu's crown red haze transpiration, directly to the supreme devil's shadow shrouded in the past."Ah In an instant, the shadow of the supreme demon screamed bitterly. The golden light and the glow wrapped it at the same time. The shadow of the supreme demon wanted to escape, but it was blocked by the golden light and the glow of the wick, and it was completely destroyed before it escaped far away.

Ruan Lingyu is worthy of being an outstanding disciple of Kunlun. She really has a treasure on her body. The crown like things can even resist the divine sense of the supreme demon.

When the supernatural consciousness of the supreme demon disappears, Zhao Fugui uses a wick to make sure that there is no more evil spirit left in Ruan Lingyu's sea of knowledge. Then he immediately retreats from Ruan Lingyu's sea of knowledge.

"How about elder martial brother Zhao?" Jiang Caiwei saw Zhao Fugui open her eyes and asked immediately.

"It's all right!" Zhao Fugui shook his head slightly, and then Ruan Lingyu opened her eyes.

"Thank you for your help, elder martial brother Zhao!" Ruan Lingyu said with a sigh of relief.

"Now the fragments of the demon world begin to change. This may be a sign that the separation of the supreme demon will appear. We have to find martial brother Luo and martial brother Huo as soon as possible!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, find them both as soon as possible. Good bye Jiang Caiwei and Ruan Lingyu nodded and immediately followed Zhao Fugui to the ghost mountain.

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