Super Monk

Chapter 3955

"You're right. That's the way things are. You, Cai LIFO, used to be a swordsman in the river and lake. Later, you were chased and killed by the six ghosts of Damen mountain. If it wasn't for Huang Fulei's passing by and saving you, you would be dead long ago! "

"And you, wenlanshan, you are the son of Shendu. In Shendu, you offended the powerful people, and those who were chased and killed were almost desperate. Later, you were saved by shenlei mountain villa. The emperor of Yuan hated the powerful people for their cruel means, and even avenged you. For many years, he let you be a deacon in the mountain villa, and let you marry and have children. What I said is not right?"

Lady Hongying pointed to the people who first entered the mountain temple and counted them one by one. Some of them bowed their heads in shame, some of them showed no expression, and some of them even showed angry expression.

"In the most dangerous time of shenlei villa, is that how you repay your kindness?" "Although I'm just a girl, I don't want to go along with the world. Today, even if I'm broken, I must seek justice for shenlei mountain villa to repay the kindness of master Huangfu!"

Hongying Niang's words were loud, and the mountain temple was silent. Mobei Shentuo also stood up.

"When the ten bandits of Mobei besieged Fengfeng stronghold, I almost died. If it wasn't for Huangfu's help, I'm afraid I can't find my bones now. Now I've lived for decades more and it's time to pay off my debts!" Mobei Shentuo said in a deep voice.

"Hum, if you don't know how to live or die, I'm afraid you won't know until you die!" The cold voice was silent for a moment, and continued.

"No one will die in the river and lake. People in our generation should be happy with their love and hatred. Although Hongying is a woman, she doesn't want to muddle along!" Hongying Niang said coldly.

The killing in the mountain temple was very clear, as if we were going to start at any time. But at this time, a clear voice suddenly rang.

"That's right. Who says women are inferior to men?" Next to the fire, Zhao Fugui opened his eyes, looked at the lady Hongying and said.

Lady Hongying and the people in the mountain temple all looked at Zhao Fugui and showed a look of astonishment. They thought that you, the Taoist priest, could not join in. What's the matter with you.

"But lady Hongying, some of your words are wrong. For example, Cai LIFO has lost most of his skills. Even if he wants to kill a thief, he can't go back to heaven. Besides, Wen Lanshan is a drag on his family. He's not alone. If he stays in the villa, I'm afraid it will drag down the whole family! " Zhao Fugui continued.

Zhao Fugui's words make the red lady's eyebrows stand up, and the face of Mobei Shentuo is gloomy. They don't know what Zhao Fugui's words mean.

"Or you have the vision. I'll let you run for your life later!" The cold voice continued.

"It's just that master Huangfu was kind to me. I had to go to shenlei mountain villa and my party." Zhao Fugui said.

Since these people in the mountain temple mistook Zhao Fugui for a Taoist, Zhao Fugui just pretended to be a Taoist and went to shenlei mountain villa.

The people in the mountain temple didn't expect that Zhao Fugui's words changed so quickly. For a moment, they didn't respond to the cold voice or the red lady.

"It turned out that he didn't shed tears when he didn't see the coffin!" After a while, the cold voice continued.

"I don't know how to live or die!" With a flash of cold light in Zhao Fugui's eyes, a ray of thunder suddenly appeared from his eyes and hit the shabby roof of the mountain temple.

"Ah In the sound of an explosion, the shrill scream suddenly rang up. On the roof of the mountain temple, a figure stumbled down. The guy was all black and convulsed a few times.

In the mountain temple, Cai LIFO and Wen Lanshan were stunned to see this scene. How could the man with such a big voice just now die in a flash.

"Magic power, this is magic power!" Mobei Shentuo murmured, and then looked at Zhao Fugui in shock and asked, "is Taoist priest the true cultivation of immortality?"

"I'm just a casual practitioner. I was only able to achieve today's success under the guidance of master Huangfu." Zhao Fugui said that it was convenient for him to enter shenlei villa.

Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo were about to talk, but just at this time, figures rushed in from the outside of the mountain temple.

One by one, these figures look very ghostly. They are not strangers at all. Some even have long nails, as if they had used their nails as weapons.

Yuedu is the most haunted place in the nine capitals, which is good at refining the dead. Some of them are human, but some are not even human.

As soon as these "people" appeared, they killed Zhao Fugui and Mobei Shentuo, lady Hongying. With a flash of sword light in her hand, she blocked the person in front.

A dark whip appeared in Mobei Shentuo's hand. As soon as the whip was pushed by the internal Qi, it was pricked up like steel needles. When he pulled out the whip, one of the shadows fell to the ground with a scream, as if some pieces of meat had been torn from his body.But hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo and these people have just been killed together. The next moment, hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo suddenly feel their hair standing up, and a terrible electric light suddenly appears from behind them.

They only saw a flash of the sword light in Zhao Fugui's hand, but they didn't see what was going on. Then they found that the light of the sword in Shenshan Temple flashed by, and they didn't see how Zhao Fugui made the sword. Then they heard a sound of "Putong Putong" falling to the ground.

Hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo stood in amazement. Then they saw those people in black who rushed into the mountain temple one by one fell to the ground. All these people in black were stabbed in the throat, and all of them were cut open by the knife.

A total of 18 people rushed into the mountain temple, but all of them died within a single knife. Not only hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo, but all the others in the mountain temple were stunned.

It's too strong to kill those who have been dead for 18 months in a flash. They have been in Leishen mountain villa for many years, and they have never heard of such a person.

Is this young man in front of him a disciple of huangfulie's family? But even so, looking at the young man's age, how many years could huangfulie teach him when he rushed into Zhenwu tomb?

Can huangfulie's teaching really make this young man have such strength?

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